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Points for attention Sentence Patterns on Ordering Specimen letter Letter-writing guide Exercises,Unit Nine Orders and their fulfilment,A order is a request to supply a specified quantity of goods. It may result from an offer or an enquiry with subsequent quotations. An order may be given by letter or mrmorandum, by telex or telegraphic message. Usually there is no correspondence at all .Instead, buyers use printed order forms and sells use printed acknowledgements.订单是为了要求供应具体数量的货物而提出的一种要求。它是对报盘或询盘后发出报价而促成的结果。订单可以用信或便函、电传或电报来发送,也可以在谈判时口头提出。通常不需要写信,买方用印制好的订单,卖方则用印制好的确认书来代替书信。,Points for attention,The essential qualities of an order are accuracy and clarity. An order or an order letter should: (订单的主要特点是正确和清楚。订单或订购信函应)a. include full detaild of description, quantities and prices and quote article numbers, if any (包含详细的说明、数量、价格以及货号等)b. state mode of packing, port of destination and time of shipment (说明包装方式、目的港以及装运期)c. confirm the terms of payment as agreed upon in preliminary negotiations (确认在初期洽谈时所同意的付款条件)Sometimes, buyers will seek to protect themselves by making their order subject to certain penalties should the contracted terms not be fulfilled. (有时,买主为了保护自己的利益,在订单上注明,倘若合约规定的条款未予履行,则将 处以某种罚款),“First”order, that is orders from new customers, should most certainly be acknowledged by letter. The letter should: (“第一次”订购,即从新客户收到的订单,一定要用信函确认。这种信函应):a. Express pleasure at receiving the order(对收到订单表示高兴)b. add a favorable comment on the goods ordered( 对所定货物加以有利的说明)c. Include an assurance of prompt and careful attention(保证迅速认真重视所收到的订单)d. Draw attention to other products likely to be of interest(使对方注意可能使他感兴趣的其他产品)e. Hope for further orders(希望再来订购),According to commercial law the buyers order is an offer to buy and the arrangement is not legally binding until the seller has accepted the offer. After that ,both partners are legally bound to honor their agreement.按照商法,买主的订单是对欲购货物的出价,在卖主接受以前,不受法律约束。在接受以后,双方就要履行协议,并受法律约束。,1. Placing Orders1)to place an order with sb.for sth.给予某人订单 We thank you for your quotation of May 20 and now place an order with you for the following items. 贵方5月20日报价函已收到,谢谢。现向贵方订购下列商品。We are pleased to place the following orders with you if you can guarantee shipment from Shanghai to Singapore by October 9. 若贵方能保证在10月9日之前将货物由上海运至新加坡,则我方乐于向贵方订购下列货物,Sentence Patterns on Ordering,2)to place (enclose) a trial order = to order as a trial下(附寄)试订单 In reply to your letter of May 10 quoting us the prices of soy beans, we are pleased to place a trial order as mentioned in the enclosed sheet. 兹回复贵方5月10日大豆报价函,现试订购如所附订单所示。We find both quality and prices of your products satisfactory and enclose our trial order for prompt supply. 我方对贵方产品的质量和价格均感满意,现寄去试订单,请供应现货。,3)to send (give)sb.ones order for sth. 向某人下订单 We are pleased to find that your material appear to be fine quality. As a trial, we are delighted to send you a small order for 2,500 dozen Rubber Shoes. 我方很高兴发现贵方原料品质优良,现寄去2500打胶鞋小额订单,作为试购。4)to confirm ones order 确认订单 We are glad to confirm our cable order dispatched this morning as follows. 兹乐意确认今早拍发的电报订单如下,5)to order sth.at a price按价格订购 We order 120 units of Italian furniture No, TS at $320 per unit FOB Geonoa. If this order is acceptable, please let us know by cable. 我方向贵公司订购120套TS号意大利家具,每套320美元,FOB价热那亚交货。We have received your catalogue and price list, and now we order the following goods at the prices named. 已收到贵方产品目录和价格表。现按所示价格订购下列货物。,6)to place ones order elsewhere 向别处订购 Thank you for your quotation for bicycle, but we regret that we have to place our order elsewhere as your prices are too high for this market. 谢谢贵方自行车报价,但遗憾的是,贵方价格对此市场来说过高,我们不得不向别处订购。,2. Reply to Orders1)to accept ones order接受某人订单 Thank you for your Order No.123. We accept it and will dispatch the goods early June. 贵方案123号订单已收到,谢谢。我们接受此订单并将于6月初交货。With reference to the goods you ordered, we have decided to accept your order at the same price as that of last year.关于贵方订购货物,我方决定按去年价格接受你方订单。,2)to confirm acceptance of ones order 确认接受某人订单 We are pleased to received your order and confirm acceptance of it. 很高兴接到你方订单,现确认予以接受。Thank you very much for your order of May 5 for 500 cases canned beef. We are pleased to confirm our acceptance as shown in the enclosed Sales Contract. 贵方5月5日订购500箱罐头牛肉的订单已收到,谢谢。对此订单我方乐意确认予以接受,如附寄的销售合约所示。,3)to sign and return a copy of for ones file签退一份供某人存档 We have pleasure in informing you that we have booked your order No.234. We are sending you our Sales Confirmation No.789 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return for our file. 我们很高兴地告知已接受你方第234号订单。现寄上第789号销售确认书一式两份,请签退一份供我方存档。,4)in stock (out of stock)有(无)存货 As the goods you ordered are now in stock, we will ship them without fail as early as possible. 因为贵方订货尚有存货,本公司将一定尽快发运。We are very pleased to receive your order and confirm that all the items required are in stock. 很高兴接到贵方订单,并确认所需的全部货物均以现货供应。,5)to be unable (not in a position) to accept ones order无法接受某人订单 As wages and prices of materials have risen considerably, we regret we are not in a position to book the order at the prices we quoted half a year ago. 由于工资和原料价格大幅上涨,很抱歉无法按我方半年前所报价格接受订单。The goods you ordered are momentarily out of stock. 贵方所订购的货物暂时缺货。,
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