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Unit 8 Whats this?,执教:何 灿,Period 1,I Can Sing My ABC.,A B C D E F G,H I J K L M N, O P Q R S T U, V W X Y Z. Now you know your A B C, everybody sings with me.,schoolbag,ruler,pen,pencil,pencil-box,book,Find and show. 听到“Show your”的口令时,快速反应并出示你的文具。,Whats missing?,眼力大考察,a pen,a pencil,a book,a pencil-box,a ruler,a schoolbag,this和 that 的区别,this(这个): 指较近 处的物品。 that(那个): 指较远处的物品。,Lets read and act.,A: Whats this? B: Its a Whats that? C: Its a Whats ? D: Its a A,B,C,D: Oh, how beautiful!,Lets chant.,Whats,Whats,Whats this? Its,Its,Its a book. Whats,Whats,Whats that? Its,Its,Its a pen.,Homework: Finish the paper with your classmates.,Thank you!,
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