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Lets Talk When I knew my parents split up Watch the video and complete the table on Page 68 with the information you hear.,Work in pairs and discuss the questions.,1) How did the girl feel about the breakup of her family? Reference 2) What are the ways for the girl to overcome her negative feelings? Reference 3) What might be the negative influence of a single-parent family on the child and what can be done to deal with the problems? Reference,It felt like a piece of her heart or something was gone. At first, she didnt know what it was, but she could already feel it and it was really weird. She cries and goes to her mum for comfort. She feels its very traumatizing, but in other ways its just a relief just to talk about it. She wishes that they would been more understanding about how she feels. She thinks they did not think about what it would be like for her. Back,She makes drawings when she feels sad. She feels that its like a wave of calmness just washes over her. It relieves a lot of stress. She talks to her friends or invites them for a sleepover. They do lots of silly and fun things together.Back,Problems with single-parent family child (1):,Cause psychological and emotional damage Have more communication with the child Increase the childs communication with others Emotional instability with the changed environment Try to avoid major changes in life such as moving houses, switching to another school, a hasty remarriage, etc. A smaller family income and a lower living standard Motivate the child to work harder Try to satisfy the childs important material needs Unbalanced love (with no love from one parent and indulgence from the other) Encourage the child to communicate with your ex.,Problems with single-parent family child (2):,Teased by classmates and develop a sense of inferiority Ask the teacher to pay special attention to the child Encourage the child to make friends With only one role model at home that lacks either male or female characteristics Find a new spouse to give the child a complete family After growing up, may have a negative opinion of men or women and mistrust marriage Be cautious about remarriage. Make sure the new spouse is kind-hearted and treats your child well.,Back,Work in groups and discuss the questions.,What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the four types of families?,
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