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九年级 上册 配人教版,Section B (1a2d),Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,课前导学,核心单词 1. _ adj. 便利的;方便的 2. _ n. 拐角;角落 3. _ adv. 礼貌地;客气地 4. _ n. & v. 要求;请求 5. _ n. 方向;方位 6. _ adj. 正确的;恰当的,convenient,corner,politely,request,direction,correct,7. _ adj. 有礼貌的;客气的 8. _ adj. 直接的;直率的 9. _ n. 讲(某种语言)的人;发言者 10. _ pron. 谁;什么人 11. _ adj. 不礼貌的;粗鲁的 12. _ n. 住址;地址;通讯处 13. _ adj. 地下的 n. 地铁 14. _ n. 课程;学科,polite,direct,speaker,whom,impolite,address,underground,course,常考短语 _要求某人做某事 _在不同的情况下 _以为基础 _例如 _求助 _取决于;依靠 _引入,tell/ask sb.to do sth.,in different situations,be based on,for example,ask for help,depend on,lead into,8. _与交流 9. _停车场;停车区 10. _期待,communicate with,parking lot,look forward to,典型句子 1. Can you tell me where theres a good place to eat? _ 2. We also need to learn how to be polite when we ask for help. _ 3. The expressions they use might depend on whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other. _ _,你能告诉我哪里有吃饭的好地方吗?,当我们寻求帮助时,我们也需要学会如何有礼貌地措辞。,他们使用的表达方式可能取决于他们跟谁在讲话或者他们彼此有多了解。,4. However,it is important to learn how to use the right language in different situations. _,然而,学会在不同的情境下使用恰当的语言很重要。,要点梳理,重点词汇精析 【1】inexpensive 的用法 【用法】 (1)inexpensive是形容词,意为“不昂贵的;便宜的”,其近义词为 cheap,反义词为expensive和dear。(2)inexpensive是由expensive加上否定前缀in-构成的。 【举例】 The sweater is inexpensive. 这件毛衣不贵。 【拓展】 英语中常见的否定前缀: (1)dis-表示“不;非;相反”,如:,like 喜欢dislike 不喜欢 agree 同意disagree 不同意 (2)in-(im-,ir-)表示“不;非”,如: expensive 昂贵的inexpensive 便宜的 polite 礼貌的impolite 不礼貌的 regular 有规律的irregular 不合常规的 (3)un-表示“不;非”,如: able 有能力的unable 无能力的 like 像unlike 不像 crowded 拥挤的uncrowded 不拥挤的,【应用】 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. The beautiful skirt is _(expensive). Its only 40 yuan. 2. Its _(polite) not to say “goodbye” to your teacher when you leave the classroom. 3. To go away without telling your father is most _ (regular).,inexpensive,impolite,irregular,【2】convenient 的用法 【用法】 convenient是形容词,意为“便利的;方便的”。其常见搭配有: (1)Its convenient (for sb.) to do (对某人来说)做是方便的。 (2)sth. is convenient to sb. 对某人来说某事是便利的 【举例】 It is not convenient for me to ring him up. 我现在不方便给他打电话。 Online shopping is both cheap and convenient. 网上购物既便宜又方便。,( )The secretary arranged a(n) _ time and place for the applicants to have an interview. A. important B. spare C. fascinating D. convenient 【3】request的用法 【教材例句】 These are similar requests for directions. 这些都是类似的询问方位的请求。 (教材第22页) 【用法】 request在此句中用作可数名词,意为“要求;请求”,其后常接“for+名词”,意为“的要求/请求”。,D,【举例】 We must make a request for help. 我们必须请求帮助。 【拓展】 request还可以用作及物动词,意为“要求;请求”。 其常见用法如下: (1)request sth. (from/of sb.)意为“(向某人) 请求某物”。 如: He requested some hot water from me. 他向我要了些热水。 (2)request sb. to do sth. 意为“要求某人做某事”。如: They requested him to leave at once. 他们要求他立刻离幵。,(3)request+that从句(从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用should+动词原形,should可省略)意为“请求/要求”如: I requested that she (should) come an hour earlier. 我请求她早一小时来。 【应用】 ( )Just now they _ me to be present at the meeting to be held tomorrow. A. demanded B. demand C. request D. requested,D,【4】polite的用法 【教材例句】 Both are correct, but the first one sounds less polite. 两者都是正确的,但第一句听着却不那么礼貌。(教材第22页) 【要点思维导图】,【举例】I answered your first question politely. 我非常礼貌地回答了您的第一个问题。 She listened to him, but only out of politeness. 她只是出于礼貌听他讲话。 He is very polite to people. 他对人很客气。 Dont be impolite to the old. 不要对老人们不礼貌。 【应用】 ( )You need to learn table manners so you wont seem _. A. politely B. impolitely C. polite D. impolite,D,易混词(组)辨析 【1】for example与such as的区别 【教材例句】 For example, you may ask “Where are the restrooms?” or “Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?” 例如,你可能会问“卫生间在哪里?”和“您能告诉我卫生间在哪里吗?”(教材第22页)They include expressions such as “Could you please ?” or “May I ask ?” 它们包括“你能吗?”或者“我可以问吗?”诸如此类的表达。(教材第22页),【要点思维导图】【举例】 There are many kinds of pollution, for example, noise is a kind of pollution. 有许多种污染,例如噪音就是一种污染。,English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on. 许多国家说英语,如澳大利亚、加拿大等。 【应用】 ( )Vienna is famous for having many great musicians. _, Johann Strauss, the younger wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces music there. A. In fact B. For example C. As a result D. In my opinion,B,【2】spend, cost, take 与pay的区别 【教材例句】 Sometimes we even need to spend time leading into a request. 有时, 我们甚至需要花些时间来导入一个请求。(教材第22页) 【要点思维导图】,【举例】 She spends all her free time (in) painting. 她把所有的业余时间都用在绘画上。 She spent much money on her sons education. 她为儿子的教育花费了很多钱。 The new computer cost the boy lots of money. 这台新电脑花费了这个男孩很多钱。 It took her one year to write the novel. 她用了一年时间写这本小说。 I paid 60 yuan for this dictionary. 我花了60元买这本词典。,
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