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安妮日记安妮日记英语读后感英语读后感导语:以下是小编为大家收集的几篇题为安妮日记英语读后感的作文。供大家参考阅读。希望喜欢。安妮日记英语读后感范文【一】Not long ago I just read the English version of “Diary of Anne Frank.“ In fact this is not the first time I read this book. When I first read it in elementary school and read the Chinese version. Then still small still can not read that means nothing. Now it seems there feeling very deeply.Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl living a happy life but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazis killing. She could not get close to nature can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her the diary as her friends her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint more of the outside world the natural yearning for thinking about life.From her diary I can imagine she was helpless fear but a more leisurely and calm. This is a great girl.After reading the “Diary of Anne Frank“ my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Annes children. War is always nasty it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.Thank you “Diary of Anne Frank“ and let people see the ugliness of war to get people to think about and condolences for the unfortunate people.Do not like history repeating itself pray for world peace forever.安妮日记英语读后感范文【二】Anne is a distinctive girl. She had her own mind. Maybe in the views of others she is a naughty girl. Especially she has a quiet sister. Comparing with Margot she was not favorable. At the beginning her general appearance her character her manners were discussed from A to Z. But with the time going by she were becoming sensible. One must apply ones reason to everything earning to obey to hold our tongue to help to be good to give in. Life has the great power to change us to adapt it. In addition Anne started afresh and tried to get to the bottom of it all. As she said we should examine the whole matter carefully ourselves and find out what is true and what is exaggerated. In our daily life we often meet arguments with parents. We can stick to the Annes principle. If parents are wrong we shall try first of all to make them alter their ideas and if we dont succeed we shall stick to our own opinions and judgement. Although she lived in a small room she still had a brightful heart. She believed that it was spiring within her she felt that spring was awaking she felt it in her whole body and soul. And in the book she wrote and thought much of the time about things which very sensitive. For example she described a lot about the affair with Peter. Its normal for a teenager. I think parents should read this book so they can regard this question correctly.Anne said “One certainly could not call us rich now but all my hopes are pinned on after the war.” Now we are in the peaceful world hope is full of our life. So there is no reason putting off achieving dreams we should treasure everyone everything every moment that we have.
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