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Faster than sound !,Lesson 56,Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost,Top seven in the world,全球唯一功率超过1000马力的汽车,W型16缸发动机能够输出1001匹马力。极速达到404公里/小时,987马力,4涡轮增压W16型引擎,售价75万美元。,Bugatti,它的极速达到了387公里/小时,3.5秒加速到100公里/小时,646马力,4.7V8引擎,价格为40万英镑。,Koenigsegg CC,Top seven in the world,意指“欢愉”,因为跑车对男人来说就是快乐的源泉。Edonis预计限量生产21部,每一部各自代表一个世纪,由静止起步加速到时速96km/小时只需 3.5秒,厂方公布极速为368km/小时。,Edonis BEX38,Top seven in the world,1993年问世,极速达到356公里/小时,3.1秒加速到100公里/小时,627马力,6.0升V12引擎,价格在当初达到100万美元。,McLaren F1,Top seven in the world,它的极速达到了330公里/小时,6.2升V12引擎,580马力,3.5秒内加速到100公里/小时,质量为1650KG,价格为28万美元。,兰博基尼 MURCIELAGO,世界顶级跑车系列前七名,以法拉利的创史人ENZO命名,极具冲击力的外形,极速达到了348公里/小时,3.6秒加速到100公里/小时,660马力,6.0V12引擎,价格为42万英镑。,Ferrari Enzo,世界顶级跑车系列前七名,它仅为1250千克,极速为352公里/小时,3.7秒能加速到100公里/小时,555马力,7.3升V12引擎,大量的碳纤维与铬钼合金材质组成,帕格尼 PAGANI ZONDA,世界顶级跑车系列前七名,sound n. 声音 sound voice noise v. 听起来 这听起来不错。 That sounds good. adj. 等于reasonable 合理的, 有道理的 我有一个合理的建议。 I have a piece of sound advice.,excitement n. 激动, 兴奋 to ones excitement 令某人激动的是 令大家激动的是,尽管很难,但是他仍然赢得了那个奖项。 To everyones excitement, though it was very difficult, he won the prize. excite vt. 使兴奋, 使激动 The most exciting thing is that 最令人激动的是 It excited me that 让我激动的是,excitement n. 激动, 兴奋 to ones excitement 令某人激动的是 令大家激动的是,尽管很难,但是他仍然赢得了那个奖项。 To everyones excitement, though it was very difficult, he won the prize. excite vt. 使兴奋, 使激动 The most exciting thing is that 最令人激动的是 It excited me that 让我激动的是,handsome 用于男性, 指“相貌英俊、温文尔雅”; 用于女性时, 指“身材匀称, 仪表端正”; 用于儿童时, 指“外貌俊秀”; 用于其他事物时, 指“悦目或大方”。 Your husband is handsome.,beautiful “漂亮的” 最普通用词, 可用于人、物、景色等。通过感官产生思想和灵魂的愉悦 。,wheelPut your shoulder to the wheel. 努力工作,explosion n. 爆炸, 轰响 explosive adj. 爆炸(性)的 n. 爆炸物,炸药 has/have an explosive temper 性情暴躁,explode V. 爆炸, 爆发 George caught the look and decided that he had better leave before she exploded. 乔治发现她脸色不好,决定最好在她爆发之前离开。,coursen. 跑道,行程 on the course 按照轨道运行 off course 偏离轨道 of course 当然 The ship is on the course. 那只船沿着航线航行。 The plane was many miles off course. 那架飞机偏离航线很多英里。 n. 课程 这学期我学了七门课。 This term, I took seven courses.,rival n. 对手 The book has no rival in its field. 那本书在同类书中鹤立鸡群。,speed(sped,sped) 1. v. 疾驶,急行 The police car sped past us. 警车急驰而过,超过了我们。 Slow down. Youre speeding. 放慢些,你超速了。 2. n. 速度 at the speed of 以的速度 The car goes at the speed of 40 miles an hour. 此车以车速40公里/小时的速度行驶。 speed up 加速 slow down 减速,downhill adv. 下坡上坡 uphill,1. The _(爆炸) sent us running in all directions. 2. John couldnt keep cool when he met his _(对手). 3. He tells a story which _(听起来) not true. 4. You have to put your shoulder to the w_ if you want to finish your article by tomorrow. 5. Wed better s_ up if we want to get there in time. 6. He is as _(潇洒的) as can be. 7. Business has been going _(下坡)recently. 8. Our _(行程)was straight to the north. 9. She was unable to hold back her _(激动).,downhill,rival,peed,course,heel,handsome,sounds,excitement,explosion,Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitementjust before it began.,Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitementjust before it began.,Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitementjust before it began.,be held for 为而举行 A meeting will be held for discussing the problem. 明天要召开一个会议来讨论这个问题。,Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitementjust before it began.,报名参加,She will enter for a beauty contest. 她将参加选美比赛。,Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitementjust before it began.,water,apples,a great many,a great deal of,a lot of,plenty of,a great number of,many a,a great many,plenty of,a lot of,a great number of,many a,plenty of,a lot of,a great deal of,1. 只加可数名词复数 a great many, many a, a great number of 2. 只加不可数名词 a great deal of 3. 既可数名词复数又可加不可数名词 a lot of, plenty of,One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part.,One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part.,Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost (1907-1925),Benz 1985,One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part.,One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part.,
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