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,My last summer holiday,the Great Wall,Hainan Island,Thailand,Disneyland,Where were you yesterday?,Where were you last month?,Where were you last summer holiday?,Ocean Park,play many exciting games,fishes,We were very happy!,Play a game,Rules:请几名学生到教室前面,教师任意挑选单词,让学生根据单词或词组造句。不 能正确造句的学生即被淘汰出局。然后教师出示另一单词,留在台上的学生继续比赛,能最后留在台上的学生成为擂主。,went to,weather,food,good,made,Class1 Grade5,Gogo,Dear boys and girls,Last summer holiday, I was in China. I went to Shanghai. The weather was good. It was sunny. I visited my friends. I saw the famous East Peal Tower. The food was tasty and spicy. I like Shanghai! I was happy! Best wishes! Gogo08-03-21,Gogos last summer holiday,where,What to do,weather,food,mood,My last summer holiday,I was in last summer. I went to .,flag of the country,I ate,What did you do? (picture),What did you eat? (picture),What was the weather like? picture,(Did you like this place?),I,Review the lessons(1-3),prepare for the test.,Homework:,
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