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英国自助旅游行程计划英国自助旅游行程计划出发日期:出发日期:2015 年年 8 月月 15 日日回国日期:回国日期:2015 年年 8 月月 28 日日第一天:广州第一天:广州伦敦伦敦 乘搭飞机,抵达伦敦,入住酒店,适应时差,在游览之前先休息好身体,为自 己预备一个良好的状态。第二天:伦敦第二天:伦敦 早饭后,在伦敦市内游览。参观大本钟、议会大厦、西敏寺大教堂、首相府、 白厅街、圣詹姆斯公园、白金汉宫外景。 下午继续参观鸽子广场,国家美术画廊,伦敦塔古城堡,泰晤士河畔伦敦塔桥, 晚上乘坐游船游览泰晤士河。第三天:伦敦第三天:伦敦 经过一晚的休整,继续伦敦游览。早饭后,参观摄政园,再到蜡像馆和大英图 书馆,再去圣保罗大教堂,格林威治皇家天文馆,看本初子午线,以及世界标 准时钟。第四天:伦敦第四天:伦敦牛津牛津斯特拉福德斯特拉福德考文垂考文垂 早饭后,直接赶赴牛津市,游览拥有 32 所大学的牛津大学城,之后赴斯特拉 斯福特镇参观莎士比亚故乡,晚上到考文垂市过夜。第五天:考文垂第五天:考文垂约克约克 上午参观考文垂市现代派大教堂,之后前往英格兰中世纪名城约克市游览,参 观全英国最大的教堂敏斯特教堂,然后到中世纪式小商品小礼品市场街巷 参观和购物。第六天:约克第六天:约克新堡新堡爱丁堡爱丁堡 从约克出发赶赴苏格兰首都爱丁堡,中途在英格兰北部小城新堡市停留,参观 市容。第七天:爱丁堡第七天:爱丁堡 参观爱丁堡古城堡,游览皇家古道市政厅、大教堂、皇家公园。然后到爱 丁堡王子大街消闲购物。第八天:爱丁堡第八天:爱丁堡因沃内斯因沃内斯 在爱丁堡休整一晚之后,再次回味这古老的城市,然后启程赶赴苏格兰北部城 市因沃内斯参观。第九天:因沃内斯第九天:因沃内斯格拉斯哥格拉斯哥 游览完因沃内斯后,下午赴苏格兰最大的城市格拉斯哥。第十天:格拉斯哥第十天:格拉斯哥黑池黑池曼彻斯特曼彻斯特 早饭后,继续在格拉斯哥短暂游览,下午前往海滨度假胜地黑池市,在海滩戏 水或海滨漫步,之后赴曼彻斯特过夜。第十一天:曼彻斯特第十一天:曼彻斯特 早晨在酒店享用英式早餐后,在曼城游览曼联队主场,顺便观看一场精彩的足 球比赛。第十二天:曼彻斯特第十二天:曼彻斯特伯明翰伯明翰伦敦伦敦 到曼彻斯特科学与工业博物馆,然后前往英格兰第二大城市伯明翰游览。 在伯明翰,乘着小船随运河顺流而下欣赏风景,然后返回伦敦。第十三天:伦敦第十三天:伦敦广州广州 在英国的最后一天,漫步伦敦街头,感受异国的文化、生活气息,在街心公园 中休息片刻,找当地人聊聊天。下午找个富有英国特色的小店,享受英式下午 茶,然后在傍晚踏上返程的飞机,返回国内。THE INDEPENDENT TRAVEL ITINERARY OF UKDeparture Date: August 15, 2016 Return date: August 28, 2016Day 1: Guangzhou LondonBy plane, arrived in London, stay at the hotel, adjust to the jet lag to take a good rest and conserve the energy before starting our travel.Day 2: London After breakfast, we will tour in downtown London, visit the Big Ben, the Parliament building, the Westminster Cathedral, the Prime Ministers Office, the Whitehall, the St James Park and the outdoor scene of the Buckingham Palace. Afternoon, we will continue to visit the Trafalgar Square, the National Art Gallery, the Old Castle of London Tower, the River Thames and the Tower Bridge. Then we cruise tour the Thames at night.Day3: London After a night of rest, we will continue to tour London. After breakfast, we will visit the Regency Park first, then go to the Wax Museum and the British Library. We will also go to the St. Pauls Cathedral and the Royal Greenwich Planetarium, to see the prime meridian, as well as the world standard clock.Day4: London Oxford Strafford CoventryAfter breakfast, we will visit the city of Oxford directly which has 32 universities. Then we will go to the Strasser Ford Town to visit Shakespeares hometown and overnight in Coventry City.Day 5: Coventry YorkIn the morning, we will visit the modernist cathedral of Coventry, and then going to York, which is the famous city of medieval England. We will also visit the largest church of the UK - Westminster Abbey, then go to the medieval small gift commodity markets streets to have a look and shopping.Day 6: York New Castle EdinburghWe will starting from York, go to the Scottish capitalEdinburgh on the way to Edinburgh., we will stay in Newcastle, which is the town of northern England, for a while, to visit the cityscape.Day 7: EdinburghWe will visit the ancient Edinburgh Castle, take a tour of the Royal RoadCity Hall, the Cathedral, the Royal Park. Then go to Edinburgh Princes Street shopping and leisure.Day 8: Edinburgh InvernessAfter a rest for a night in Edinburgh, we will aftertaste this ancient city again, then rushed to go to visit Inverness, the northern city of Scotland.Day 9: Inverness GlasgowAfter exploring Inverness, we will go to the largest city of Scotland, Glasgow in the afternoon.Day 10: Glasgow Blackpool ManchesterAfter breakfast, we will continue to have a brief visit in Glasgow, and go to the seaside resort of city Blackpool at noon. We are going to splash about in the water at the beach or take a seaside stroll, then went to Manchester overnight.Day 11: Manchester After enjoying the British breakfast in the hotel, we will take a tour of the Manchester United home in the Manchester, then watch an exciting football game by the way.Day12: Manchester Birmingham LondonWe will go to the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry, Then go to Englands second largest city - Birmingham tour. In Birmingham, we can enjoy the scenery with the canal boat sail down the river, and then return to London.Day 13: London GuangzhouThe last day in the UK, we will walking on e streets of London, to feel the culture exotic and the flavor of life. Then take a break in the middle of the street park, chat with the local. In the afternoon, we will find a rich unique shops and enjoy the British high tea, and then embark on return flight in the evening and return China.
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