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三年级下册三年级下册 UnitUnit 4 4 PostmanPostman andand policemanpoliceman 优秀教案优秀教案 教学重点: 1、能正确使用祈使句:Follow me. Turn left. Turn right. 2、能正确掌握句型 He is a Is he a ? 3、能正确掌握职业类单词和形容词 tall short 。 4、能正确掌握表示再见的词组 goodbye 并会歌曲。 教学难点: 1、能正确使用祈使句:Follow me. Turn left. Turn right. 2、能正确掌握句型 He is a Is he a ? 3、能正确掌握职业类单词和形容词 tall short 。 本单元可在 5 课时内完成。 第一课时 教学目标: 能正确使用祈使句:Follow me. Turn left. Turn right. 教学重点、难点: 能正确使用祈使句:Follow me. Turn left. Turn right. 教学过程: Step1 Revision 1.Sing a song “rabbits” 2.Free talk T: Look, this is a rabbit. What colour is it? S: Its blue. T: What colour is it?(出示颜色卡片) S: Its T-S, S-S 3.Say a rhyme: kites. Step2 Presentation 1.play a game: Simaon says. T: Simon says “stand up, please.” Ss 做动作 T: Simon says “sit down, please.” Ss 做动作 T: Simon says “*, open your book.” S1 做动作 T-S S-S 2.T: Hello, follow me S: Hello. T: Follow me. S read after T T show the sentence: Follow me. Ss read it 3. T: OK. Now, follow me. (教师向左转) left S 跟说 left T: Left, left, turn left. 同学跟着一起做一起说。 T: Turn left. 同学做动作。教师指名几个同同学听指令做动作。 T:OK. Now, follow me. (教师向右转) right Ss 跟说 right T: Right, right, turn right. 同学跟着一起做一起说。 T: Turn right. Ss do the action. 4.教师运用肢体语言巩固 left, left, turn left. Right, right, turn right. 5.教师发出指令,全班一起做动作。 6.抽几名同学竞赛。 Step3 Consolidation 1. Listen to the tape and read it. 2.抽几名同学竞赛。 Step4 Homework Read the sentences fluently.
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