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专题训练短文填空专题训练短文填空第一单元用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空(每次只能用一次) 。will think because exercise friend but healthy different bad too Amy and betty are good .They are in the same class and sit together .After school , they go home together. However(尽管如此), they have many habits. On weekends, Amy likes to stay at home , watch TV or , but Betty often goes out to play basketball . Amy eats candy every day , she knows it is for her health. Betty likes candy , She only eats it once a week , she thinks eating less candy can help her to keep good .Today is Amys birthday . Amy betty will buy a bag of candy for her . But in fact, Betty buys her a book . Its easy to form habits .第二单元health help run time away much relax keep become active Do you like running? Running is one of the most popular activities these days. Many of us run for our . Doctors say many of the health problems come from such bad habits as eating too , drinking too much , smoking , staying up late and not having enough exercise . Doctors tell us, “ Eat less , dont smoke , have enough sleep and exercise more .” Running is a good exercise because it build a strong body. It also helps many people lose weight. One 25-year-old woman teacher runs for half an hour in the morning five a week. She runs to lose weight. “I feel comfortable and Im not fat any more ,” she says.Running is good for health in other ways, too. Many say running makes some small health problems go . “Running is my doctor ,” says the man .Running can also help people to . “After school , I like to run for ten minutes . Then I feel and energetic,” says Yang Min , a middle school student . So today men and woman of all ages enjoy Running.Do you want to fit ? Come on ! Lets join in the running !第三单元sorry at letter be cry it polite she if hurry Ann studied in a city far from her hometown . One day , she went to buy a blue umbrella for her mother as a birthday present , because was old and broken .On her way back to school , Ann felt thirsty and went into a tea house for a drink . There so many people in it . She found a seat and sat a table . She put the umbrella behind the chair . After she finished her cup of tea, she looked at her watch . was nearly the time for classes in the afternoon. She out and back to school . Suddenly , she found that she had left her umbrella in the tea house . She ran back to the tea house . But the umbrella was no longer there.She couldnt stop herself from , and she told the people around about the blue umbrella , which was a birthday present for her mother. The people all felt for her . Then the owner of the tea house came and asked for her mothers address . He said someone took it away by mistake and came to return the umbrella , he would send it to her mother . The girl told him her mothers address , thanked him and then left .A few days after her mothers birthday , Ann got a from her mother which said , “ Dear Ann , thank you for your good presents . But could you tell me why you send me so many blue umbrellas from different places?”阶段测评一Parent foreign face hard old different right book easy alone Most international students are between the ages of 16 and 20 or even 41These are the 42_.ages for young people to look after themselves. International students will 43_two problems: independence(独立) and study.Firstly. it is very important for international students to have independence. If they always ask for help from their44_.They will be 45._. most of the time when they study abroad.Secondly, international students study46._.than they do at home. They not only study more47._.subjects but also have to study a 48._language to understand their teachers and the 49._which they use. So it is not 50._to study abroad. They must overcome(克服)the two problems if they study abroad.第四单元go foot have run school late get hour take by Jenny Brown is a _girl. Her school is far from her home. Everyday it _her a lot of time to get there . The road is not flat, so the girl can not _to school_ bike. She often goes there by bus or on _.It takes her 30 minutes to get there by bus and an _on foot. She must _up early every morning. She _-no time for breakfast at home, she often has something for breakfast on the way to school. She does not want to be _for school, so sometimes she _to school.第五单元how it always only but hundred meal ask what aboutIt was Mr Brown birthday. He was one _years old and many young people came to his birthday party. A reporter(记者)came to the part
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