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IMMUNIZATION,免疫接种免疫学预防,1.基因免疫的概念和优势。,3.基因免疫中目的基因的来源,2.疫苗的主要类型,Mortality g High g Moderate g None or low,HIV / AIDS,Tuberculosis,Mortality g High g Moderate g None or low,Risk Significant g Low g None,Measles,Number of casesg More than 100 g 11 - 100 g 1 - 10 g 0 g No surveillance,Influenza,g Widespread g Regional g Local g Sporadic g Negligibal or no surveillance,Diarrhea Diseases,Cholera Cases g More than 1,500 g 1,001 -1,500 g 501 - 1,000 g 1- 500 g Negligibal or no surveillance,Each helper T cell expresses the CD4 antigen. HIV enters the cell by binding to CD4 and other cell surface molecules. A helper T cell is known colloquially as a CD4 cell.,Macrophages and a subset of T lymphocytes (T cells), known as helper T cells, express CD4 and so are vulnerable to HIV infection.,Edward Jenner,Louis Pasteur,Jenner and Pasteur are recognized as the immunologists who pioneered vaccination, or induction of active immunity.,脊髓灰质炎 Polio,狂犬病 Rabies,风疹 Rubella,Hepatitis A,Hepatitis B,流感Influenza,白喉diphtheria,天花 Smallpox virus,轮状病毒Rotavirus,Pertussis 百日咳,Comparison of maximum and current morbidityfor vaccine-preventable diseases,Disease,Maximum cases,Year,1992,Percentage change,白喉 Diphtheria 麻疹 Measles 腮腺炎 Mumps 百日咳 pertussis 脊髓灰质炎Polio (paralytic) 风疹 Rubella CRS 破伤风 Tetanus 乙型流感 Heamophilus influenzae type B 乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B,206,939 694,134 152,209 265,26921,26957,68620,0001,56020,00026,611,1921 1941 1968 19341952 1969 1964, 65 19231984 1985,42,2372,5724,083416011451,412 16,126,99.99 99.75 98.31 98.4699.98 99.72 99.95 97.1292.94 39.40,患天花的小儿 (Infant with smallpox),1979年WHO宣布在全球范围内消灭了天花病毒。,The last known person in the world to have smallpox of any kind. Variola minor in 23-year-old Ali Maow Maalin, Merka, Somalia,The last case of natural smallpox in U.K. occurred in the 1930s; the last in U.S.A. was in the 1940s. The last natural case in the world was in Somalia and occurred in October 1977.,患脊髓灰质炎的儿童 (Child with polio sequelae WHO),WHO 宣称将在2003年在全球消灭脊髓灰质炎,In western countries polio is no longer a problem but it is still a major problem in less developed countries though some have had very major successes e.g. Cuba, Nicaragua . The wild type (non-vaccine) strain of polio has recently been declared to be wiped out from the Western Hemisphere.,Polio Virus,Polio Statistics,Wild poliovirus 1988,Know poliovirus transmission,Polio Statistics,Wild poliovirus 1998,Know poliovirus transmission,Victims of polio WHO,The control of a number of the diseases that cause significant mortality and morbidity has make outstanding progress, but there remains a crying need for vaccines against others. Every year, millions of deaths throughout the world are caused by malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS, diseases for which there are no effective vaccines.Forty million deaths from AIDS area projected by the end of the 1990s, leaving more than 9 million orphans.,Mycobacterium tuberculosis.,HIV,Four Plasmodium species are responsible for human malaria, P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae,IMMUNIZATION,Immunization is the means of providing specific protection against most common and damaging pathogens.,Immunity,Innate,Acquired,Passive,Active,Artificial,Natural,Artificial,Natural,Modes of immunization,Active Immunity,机体接受抗原,产生抗体和致敏淋巴细胞Antibody or sensitive lymphocyte produced by the body following exposure to antigens.,Naturally artificially,Active Immunity 主动免疫,抗原 (Ag),与T细胞结合,激活T细胞,记忆T细胞,活化的T杀伤细胞,与B细胞结合,诱导B细胞释放抗体,记忆B细胞,活化的B细胞,抗体,免疫记忆 Immunologic memory,A B 白喉vaccine D E,Anti-白喉antibody,白喉Bm cell,Anti-白喉antibody against白喉,白喉 Bm cell,days,First response to antigen白喉,白喉 vaccine immunity,白喉 Antigen B,immunity,Antibody concentration,First response to antigen B,Secondary response to antigen白喉,多价抗原,Surface antigen Toxic antigen ,多价抗原,Surface antigen Toxic antigen ,Surface antigen,vaccine,多价抗原,Common currently used anti-viral vaccines,Polio,Inactivated,Attenuated,Rabies,first attenuatedinactivated,Rubella Attenuated,Hepatitis A Inactivated,Hepatitis B Subunit,VaricellaAttenuated,Rotavirus Attenuated,Influenza Inactivated,embryonated eggs,culturecells,many mutant viruses,primary monkey kidney cells,attenuation,Sabin polio vaccine,overgrown with a less virulent strain (for humans) that could grow well in non-nervous (kidney) tissue but not in the CNS,passage of the virus in foreign host,Attenuated Vaccines,high inocula and rapid passage,Mycobacterium bovis,On a meduim containing increasing concentration of bile,After 13 years,Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BBC),Adapted to growth with bile and become sufficiently attenuatedand suitable as a vaccine for tuberculosis,attenuated nasal vaccine,cold-adapted vaccine,culturecells,progressively lower temperatures,dozen or more of these passages,grows well only at around 25,restricted to the upper respiratory tract.,
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