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小学英语五年级上册小学英语五年级上册 PagePage 3030 ReadRead andand WriteWrite GroupGroup workwork 教案与教学反教案与教学反 思思教材分析:小学英语五年级上册 Page 30Read and WriteGroup work 的内容。本单元让学生能够简单地询问别人或介绍自己爱吃的食物,简单说明喜好食物的原因。能够正确书写句子:What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.能够完成饮食情况调查。学情分析:学生学了两年多的英语,了解了许多知识,本节课是让学生用英语介绍自己喜爱的食物和询问别人爱吃的食物。老师要引导学生说说常见的食物的名称。学生在完成饮食情况调查有一点难度。教学目标:1、能听、说、读、写四会句子:What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes、tofu and fish. 并使用该句型完成 Group work 中的问卷调查。2、能理解 Read and Write 部分对话的含义并完成句子填空。教学重点:掌握句子 What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes、tofu and fish.教学难点:理解 Here is our school menu.与 That sounds good.的含义教具准备:PPT 课件、单词卡片、录音教学过程一、WARM-UP1、Sing a song: “What do you have for lunch?”2、日常口语对话(指名回答)(1) What would you like for lunch?(2)What do you have for lunch?(3)What day is it today?(4) What do you have on Mondays?二、复习、引入演示“补全对话” (指名根据答句问)A: Hi, mom. I am happy today.B:_?A: I have fish and noodles for lunch today.B:_?A: Id like some tomatoes for dinner._?B: Id like some potatoes and meat.三、解决重难点1、引出重点句型,板书A: What do you have for lunch on Mondays?B: I have2、利用 Group work,操练句型(1)师示范(2)小组活动3、演示“学校菜谱” ,解决难点Here is our school menu.That sounds good.四、Read and Write1、简介课文背景:向 Amy 询问了解学校星期一午餐吃什么?Amy 拿出学校菜谱告诉妈妈,妈妈挺满意。后来,妈妈又问 Amy 晚餐想吃什么?2、听课文录音,判断对错( )(1)Amy eats lunch at school.( )(2)Amy has tofu、fish and potatoes for lunch on Mondays.( )(3)Amy is hungry now.( )(4)Amy likes potatoes、beef and green beans for dinner.、分组分角色对话,同桌对话、自由读课文,完成填空五、巩固扩展1、补全对话.2、做同步P18 二。六、小结、作业1、熟读、背诵课文,抄写重点句子2、做同步P18三、四。板书设计:Unit 3 ( A) Read and writeA: What do you have for lunch on s?B:We haveHere is our school menu.That sounds good.
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