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小学英语优秀教学设计小学英语优秀教学设计 UnitUnit 4 4 FunFun withwith shapesshapes教学目标:1、 认识各种图形的名称 Grasping the names of shapes.2、 能用所学句型谈论这些图形一、组织教学及复习1. 扮演机器人引入:Act a robot and say hello to the children.2. 看视频唱歌。演唱英文歌曲能很好地营造英语氛围,让同学们快速地把注意力集中到我们的英语课堂中来。二、新知识的呈现与归纳1. 教师拿机器人引入新内容: I have a good friend. Hes Mr. Sharp. His head is a circle. His body is a square. His arms are triangles. He has short legs. Theyre triangles, too.Look at his eyes. Theyre two stars. Can you see the ears? Theyre squares .Oh, his feet are two circles.好的开端能够使学生自然地进入学习新知识的状态,并能激发学生的学习情感,兴趣和求知欲望,使他们乐学、爱学。2. 得用各种图形学习新单词Show the pupils some shapes and require the pupils to read after me “shapesfun with shapes”.3. 教师:Do you like this robot?Do you want to draw the robot with me?P: Yes.教师:OK, this lesson, I will show you how to draw the robot with shapes.抓住小学生爱画画的特点,创设一个画图的大情景,使课堂教学的情境完整而真实,从而自然而然地导入到我们的学习内容,使孩子们在兴趣中学习知识。4. 用课件呈现圆形的屋顶并介绍:T: OK, first lets draw a circle. Repeat that for several times slowly. Then show the pupils a big circle and introduce “This is a circle.” After that require the pupils to answer “What shape is that?”After the pupils grasp the new word “circle”, require the pupils to describe how many circles there are in the picture.5. 学习单词 squares.教师:Now lets draw some squares. Lets count how many squares there are.数正方形 Ask the pupils to tell me how many squares there are.6. 学习单词 stars. Do the same way to lead out the new word “star” and learn it.(during this step, we will emphasize “Theres a _”.)7. 学习单词 “triangle”8. 教师呈现一张由各种形状组成图片用英语介绍:Show the pupils the big square to make a triangle and use the triangles to make a square. Then learn the new word “triangle” Then require the pupils to chant.(only listen at first, then lets chant together.)Im a triangle, Im a triangle. I can make a square.Im a square, Im a square. I can make a triangle.教师通过折叠,将正方形折叠成三角形,由此让学生通过观察教师的演示得到一个信息:不同的形状是相互联系的,是可以变化的,不是一成不变的。而利用 chant 一方面可以激发兴趣;另一方面还可以很好地进行巩固词汇。设计这个环节的目的在于重难点的突破9. 看图说话:Point to the picture and teach the new word “picture”. Then use the CAI to show four pictures and introduce the pictures. Ask the pupils to choose “Its picture1/2”10. 听录音模仿三、练习1. 听音表演,Use our body to make the shapes according to the teachers directions.同学们的成长往往就是在体验中获得的,这个游戏通过让同学们利用自己的手势去做出不同的形状,很好地将学习与体验进行了结合,可以更好地促进学生的成长。2. 玩游戏。根据学生年龄小,注意力集中时间短,所以我设计运用游戏将单词的机械操练生动化。3. 填空练习。四、小结看图整合各种形状。找规律的游戏,很好地将数学知识引入到了课堂,符合课程整合的理念,开发了学生的智力而且有趣的实现了拓展的目的。五、作业布置1. 完成抄写本 P13-14。2. 用各种形状组合一张图片并配上英语。
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