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小学英语优秀课例小学英语优秀课例 PEPPEP Book1Book1 HappyHappy BirthdayBBirthdayB LetsLets talktalk 教案教案Unit6 Happy Birthday Part B Lets talk. Teaching Objectives 教学目标1.知识目标:能理解、会说、会认读句型:How many balloons/? 及其回答的方式。2.技能目标:能运用本课主要句型来进行对数量的提问。3.情感目标:增强与人为善、和谐相处的意识。. Importance 教学重点理解并运用新语言项目 How many balloons/? 来进行对数量的提问。. Teaching difficulty 教学难点正确使用 This is for you 来送礼物。. Teaching aids:教学辅助课件,学生自带图画礼物,录音机,词句卡。. Teaching Methods:教学方法情景教学法,故事教学法。. Teaching Procedure:教学流程Step 1 Warm-up1. Lets do ( follow the tape)2. Lets readball, balls ; doll, dolls; car, cars; balloon, balloons; plane, planes;cake, cakes3. T: One cake, two cakes , three cakes . Can you try?Ss: Four cakes /.Step 2Presentation教学重点语言项目 How many balloons/?1T: I like cakes . 麦兜 likes cakes ,too.( 课件呈现卡通人物麦兜)麦兜:Hello!My names MaiDdou. Nice to meet you. How are you? I like cakes. This is my friend, 多啦 A 梦。(课件呈现多啦 A 梦)2.多:MaiDou, Come to my birthday party.麦:OK! I want to buy(买) a gift.3.T: Look! This is a gift.(课件呈现一个礼物)T: Look!Two ? (课件呈现 2 个礼物)Ss: gifts.T: Look! How many gifts?Ss: Two.T: Look! How many gifts?(出现 3 个礼物)Ss: Three.T: Look! How many gifts?(剩下 1 个礼物)Ss: One.(板书 How many?并带读)2) LetschantGifs, gifts, how many gifts? Four, four./ Six, six.Step 3. Practice1.麦兜选礼物.课件呈现 6 件礼物(gift 1gift 6)礼物 1,2,4 链接:How many balloons/ dolls/ cakes?礼物 3,5,6 链接:How many ?(A.ball B.balls)How many ?(A.bags B.bag)How many ?(A.pencil B.pencils)T: Look! Which one is 麦兜s gift?Its Gift 3.2.麦兜出发了。(Im leaving, from Hong kong to Japan.香港日本)1)第一站 T:麦兜 needs a car. Look!How many cars?(出现后快速消失) Ss:Six/Seven.(将 6 辆车拆开一步步呈现) How many cars?Two, one ,three.2)第二站 T: 麦兜 needs a plane .Look!How many planes?(出现后快速消失) Ss:Eight/Seven.3)第三站 T: 麦兜 needs a boat .3.麦兜到达多:MaiDou, welcome to my birthday party.T:Now ,Lets go to the party.Ss:OK!4.麦兜提问1) T: What a nice party. Lets say Happy birthday to 多啦 A 梦。Ss: Happy birthday.(板书并带读)2) Ask and answer(课件呈现气球,礼物和蛋糕的具体数量, Ss pair work)麦:How many ?多:.(对于表演的好的学生,奖励星星.T: This is for you .)5.麦兜送礼物1) T: Look at the gifts, theyre nice. But wheres 麦兜s gift?(动作) Haha! Its here.麦兜要送礼物了.麦:Happy birthday!This is for you.多: Wow! Thank you.2) T: Guess! Whats the meaning of “This is for you”?(课件呈现 2 张图片供学生选择)Ss:A/B.(板书并带读句子 This is for you .)3)T:麦兜 has a gift for 多啦 A 梦. And I know you have gifts for him too,right?(学生事先准备的自画图) Now, Im 多啦 A 梦, youre 麦兜. Give me gifts.Ss: Happy birthday! This is for you.T: Wow! Thank you.4) T: Wow! I have many gifts. A car, a boat, a doll, 3 balloons.Im very happy, thank you.Step 4 Consolidation1.Listen and chooseToday is MaiDous birthday, and its Zips birthday too. Lets go to Zips birthday party , listen and choose.Questions:1) How many balloons?2) How many gifts?3) How many cakes?2. listen and repeat3. Fill in the blank ( 课文句子挖空)Step 5 Homework1、听读课文 P63 15 分钟,家长签名。2、找你的伙伴一起演一演课文内容。Blackboard designBook 1 Unit 6 Happy BirthdayHow many gifts?balloonscakesHappy birthday!This is for you.Wow! Thank you.
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