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小学英语优秀教案设计与教学反思小学英语优秀教案设计与教学反思 ModuleModule 5 5 TimeUnitTimeUnit 1 1 I I getget upup atat sevenseven oclock.oclock.一、教学目标:1、知识目标(1)能口头运用 I get up at seven oclock,并用这类语句描述自己的 23 种日常活动。(2)能听、说、读 get up 、go to school、have lunch、go home、watch TV、go to bed.2、技能目标:能用英语描述一天的主要活动及其活动时间3、情感态度目标:采用各种活动途径,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生积极地参与和主动学习,让学生爱上英语。二、教学对象分析:三年级的学生正处于活泼好动的最佳学习英语时期。因此,在教学中,本人以学生为主体,为了给孩子们创设一个真实的语言情景,贴近学生的日常生活和实际,在教学中设计了一些活动,从而培养了学生学习的积极性。三、教学重点:六个词组和句型 I.at.oclock四、教学难点:能够运用所学习的词汇和句型进行交流。五、教学过程:(一)Warming up1、Greetings: T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Dong.T: What day is it today?Ss: Today is .T: Are you happy?Ss: Yes, we are.2、Saying a chantOne, two, three, four.Come in please and close the door.Five, six, seven, eight.Go to school and dont be late.Nine, ten, nine, ten.Learn English again and again.3、Singing: Good morning Sam(通过简单的对话、欢快的歌曲等活跃课堂气氛,让学生的情绪进入到课堂中来。 )(二)New concept.1、T: Oh, you are so clever. Today, let us learn Module 5 Time Unit 1 I get up at seven Oclock. (板书并让学生跟读。)T: Hello, boys and girls. Whats this?(出示实物钟表。 )Ss:Its a clock.T: You are so clever.T: Do you know? Whats the time? (现在几点了?)Ss: 7:00T: How to say in English?Ss: T: Ok, I will tell you. Its7 oclock.T: When do you get up? (Explain in Chinese 并做出动作)T: I get up at 6 oclock. What about you?Ss: I get up at .Practice in pairs: I get up at .2、情景教学词组 go to schoolT: I go to school (背书包,做去学校的动作)教读 go to schoolS:I go to school at eight oclock.贴去学校的图片检查学生掌握情况,先集体后个人3、用同样的方法引出新词组:have lunch、go home、watch TV、go to bed.。4、Games:(1)看钟说时间。(2)看动作说内容。 (have lunch、go home、watch TV、go to bed.)(通过游戏巩固练习点钟和回家、看电视这些词组,为下面能说好整个句子打下基础。 )5、Do exercises:On the board write the following listI get up at I go home atI have lunch atDivide the Ss into many groups and practice. (教师巡视指导、纠正。并随机表扬。 )6、以一句和时间有关的谚语:Time flies!(时光飞逝,岁月如梭)小结。Homework:和朋友说说如何珍惜时间。板书设计:get up seven oclock.go to school eight oclock.I have lunch at twelve oclock.go home four oclock.watch TV six oclock.go to bed nine oclock.
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