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小学英语优质课小学英语优质课 PEPPEP 五上五上 UnitUnit 5 5 ReadRead andand writewrite 任务型阅读教案任务型阅读教案公开课教学设计 教学内容与分析:本单元重点学习家具陈设等物品的名称、表示位置的介词和 There be 句型的用法。重点是使学生正确使用There be 句式的单复数形式及其长句的表达法,而本课的重点就是 There be 句型的运用及书写,即能够听、说、读、写句子:There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.难点是 There be 句型在实际情景中的熟练运用,同时以及引导学生能够说更长的句子。学情分析:本节课是本单元第三课时的阅读课,在一二课时一些重点单词已经教授,there be 句型学生稍有了解。在教授本节课时,单词主要以复习的形式或句子的形式出现。重要的是要让学生在阅读中掌握主要句型,理解文章大意,并能用大量的功能句描述为自己梦想房间。教学目标:1、知识目标:(1)能听、说、读、写词汇和句子:There are two bedrooms, a kitchen ,a bathroom and a living room .There is a mirror ,a bed and a big closet.(2)能听、说、认读 Part A Read and write 的内容并理解。(3)能用学过的句子描述房间。2、能力目标:能用 There be 的句型简单描述房间物品的名称、特征。3、情感目标:通过学习,能正确描述房间的样貌,大概了解楼层的知识,学会生活常识的英文表达。本课要完成的任务是 帮助喜羊羊家族把她们的房间介绍给 mother rabbit 和设计并用英文描述自己的梦想房间.教学重难点灵活运用重点句 There is . / There are.进行描述表达,能够整体理解短文,并能进行简要的复述。课前准备制作头饰、手工教具、评价工具、学生学习材料多媒体课件教学过程课前两分钟师播放喜羊羊动画的主题曲。Step1. Greetings and revision.T: Good morning / afternoon everyone!Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Miss Liu.T: Sit down, please.师向生渗透,如果有表现得很棒的同学或小组,我们要集体说:Cool, cool, youre cool! (师设计集体评价语也与本课内容有关)奖励机制:将空调,衣橱,窗帘,床头柜等制作成卡片作为本节课的奖励,既调动了学生的积极性,又可以作为描述梦想房间的学具,同时又与本节课的内容紧紧相关。T: If you do well, you can get cards. Are you ready?Ss: Ready!T: Boys and girls, do you like the song?Ss: Yes.T: Me too. This class youre the goats. (师分组)You are 喜羊羊。 You are 美羊羊(师将学生分成 6组). There is a new friend coming to 青青草原。 (师呈现 rabbit 图像)Ss: Rabbit.T: Yes. The rabbit wants to visit the goats village. Lets help her. (师呈现任务: 帮助喜羊羊们把她们的房间介绍给 rabbit)T: (师呈现自己的照片) Oh, its me. This class Im the mother rabbit.(师将 mother rabbit 卡片贴在身上,为本课创设情境)Look! I have a new flat. Do you know flat? (师教读并用图片展示,生学习并理解 flat)T: Ok! Please watch a video and answer:How many rooms are there?Watch again and answer:What are they?师检查核对生的答案,并展示最佳答案,给予奖励。Get the answer: 5 rooms. 教师板书:There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room.(设计意图:学生通过观看 video 进入文本,并带着问题听,培养他们迅速获取信息的能力。 )2. Lets read it again.T: Good job! Lets visit the flat and room again and finish the sentences. (1) There are two _, a _, a _ and a _ in the rabbits new flat.(2) Whats in the rabbits room?There is a _, a _ and a _ in his room. And there are two _.生第二遍细读课文,完成 P26 Finish the sentences. 师检查核对生的答案,并展示最佳答案,给予奖励。(设计意图:第二遍生自己阅读文本,获取更多信息并完成任务,这里锻炼了学生写的能力。 )师适时板书:There is a mirror , a bed and a big closet.There are green curtains and two end tables.师适当渗透 There be 句型的语法知识。学生观察教师板书的两个句型,体会 is/ are 的用法。
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