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小学英语教研组集体备课教案小学英语教研组集体备课教案 itsits bigbig andand lightlight 教案教案Unit1Its big and light.教材分析:本模块引导学生学会选择适合自己的物品,并会用英语说明理由。这一课(Unit1)让学生学会比较事物之间的不同,能够根据描述指出说的是哪一个东西。一、教学目标(一)知识目标1、会说单词 light , broken , heavy , pocket2、会说句型:Its big and light.Its got two pockets.(二)交际目标比较两种事物,发现其优点及缺点选择适合自己的物品并说明理由;描述物品的特征,根据描述找出物品。二、教学重点述描物品的特征,发现其优点及缺点选择适合自己的物品。三、教学难点Its got two pockets.四、教具准备本课的挂图、单词卡片、课文磁带、录音机。五、教学步骤Step 1、GreetingHello! Boys and girls, how are you ?(活动意图:此项活动让学生感觉到教师的亲切,同时培养学生讲文明有礼貌的习惯。 )Step 2、Games游戏:“五彩缤纷”复习颜色词:red , yellow, blue, green, orange .快速抢答反义词:oldnew, bigsmall, tallshort, fatthin .longshort(活动意图:此项活动是通过运用一些学过的词做游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性,把他们带入英语学习的氛围,同时为新的内容作铺垫。 )Step 3、Free talkT: Whats your name ?S1: My name is Tom.T: Whats your name ?S1: My name is Jim.T: Please stand up, Tom and Jim. Lets compare them.T: Jim is tall, and Tom is short. Tom is fat, and Jim is thin.Tom and Jim show us your bags, please.T: Hello ,boys and girls , What color is Toms bag ? And what color is Jims bag?Ss: Toms bag is black, and Jims bag is yellow.T: Lets compare their bags.Toms bag is small and light. And Jims bag is big and heavyRead the new words: light and heavy.Let me see you bags.(Let the students compare their bags with neighbors)T: Look, I have two bags. The red one is old and broken. (一支笔从袋子里漏出)Read the new word “broken”.The yellow one is new and nice. It has two pockets.Read the new word “pocket” and new sentence “It has two pockets”.T: Can you describe your bag in English? Like colors, size, etc.(Let four students talk about their bags.)T: So many bags, Which one do you prefer? Why?Say it in group then tell me.(Let four or five students answer)(活动意图:此项活动在一定知识铺垫的基础上进行,用前面复习的形容词去联系新单词和新句型任务,达到了认知向能力的有效过渡。活动内容材料实际是来源于学生生活,实际用意义很大,另外新学的新词和新句 pocketbroken light heavyIts big and light. Its got two pockets.在这里出现并没有显得唐突。 )Let the students look and say Part3.Step 4 resent the dialogueT: Do you want to know hows Linglings bag ? Lets listen to the tape.What color does Lingling like ?Ss: Black.T: Yes ,I have some questions.Please, listen to the tape again then answer them.T: (Show the picture ) Look at the pictures. Answer my questions, please.T: What is wrong with Linglings bag?S1: Its old/ broken.T: Where are they?S2: They are at a department store.T: There are two bags. How is the black one?S3: Its big and heavy.T: How is the green one?S4: Its small and lightS5: And it has two pockets.T: Which one is better?S6: I think the green one is better.T: Does Lingling likes the green one?S7: No, she likes the black one.T: Oh, its a problem. How to solve? You can speak in Chinese.S8: 售货员拿来了一个蓝色的带轮子的包。T: The problem is solved.(活动意图:此活动在于培养学生的问题意识,指导学生在学习中发现问题、分析问题、解决问题。 )Read after the teacher.Act the dialogue.(请 12 组学生上台表演对话,并同时给予鼓励和表扬。)(活动意图:此项活动在于检查学生是否学会本课所学知识。做到及时反馈,及时改正。 )Act the dialogue out. (请 12 组学生上台模仿课文自编对话表演,并同时给予鼓励和表扬。)(活动意图:在孩子基本掌握本课句型之后,鼓励他们自编、自导、自演对话,让学生所学知识得到升华,并把升华后的知识转变成真实交际的能力。 )统计成绩,表扬表现好的同学。小结本课所学知识,加深印象。Step 5、HomeworkDraw a bag you like and write down the sentences describing it.(活动意图:此项活动在于巩固所学知识,培养学生写的能力。 )Step6、板书设计Module 5 DecisionsUnit 1light - heavyIts big and light.pocketbrokenIts got two pockets.(活动意图:板书内容简单扼要的记录这堂课的主要内容,而且内容清晰,直观效果好,突破重、难点。 )
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