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闽教版闽教版小学英语小学英语第四册第四册 UnitUnit 4 4 LessonLesson 7 7 教学设计和反思教学设计和反思1.教材分析: 闽教版小学英语第四册 Unit 4Lesson 7 本单元的话题是 Activities after class 本课为单元的开篇课 (1)新授单词有:basketball ,football ,ping-pong pass ,shot (2)句型:What are they doing?They are doing. 本课主要让学生继续学习现在进行时的用法以及 5 个动词词组: play basketball ,play football ,play ping-pong, pass the ball 及 catch the ball 2学情分析: 本节课的授课对象是小学四年级的学生。他们的学习习惯较好、活泼好动、有较强的求知欲、极具学习潜力。他们已经学过一些表示活动的单词。如:boat,swim,run,ride,jump,sing,dance 等并能做一些相应的 TPR 活动。在第二册 Unit 9 中,学生已学习若干表示现在进行时的句子,同时,学生比较熟悉教师的指令语。这些都为本课的教学打下了基础。 3 教学理念 新课标指出:一堂成功的课要看学生在课堂学习中自主的程度、合作的效度和探究的深度。因此在设计本课教学时,教师围绕着教学目标,配合有效的课堂活动。 1.以兴趣为支持,使学生对课堂教学充满主动参与的热情 本课设计的说唱歌曲、游戏、朗读等课堂教学活动都富有情趣,目的是为了激发学生的兴趣,用课件的展播拓展教材的内容,培养学生的民族自豪感 2. 激发学生主动探究,进行学法指导的渗透 本课在引导学生感悟,体验与尝试中得出动词现在分词的构成规律,并在拆分旧单词,学习新单词的过程中进行学法指导的渗透,提高学生的课堂学习效果。 4、教学目标: (1) 、知识与技能目标: 能听懂、认读并记住单词:basketball , football ,ping-pong , pass , shot 能应用本课重点句型:What are they doing?Theyre .询问与描述现在进行时的句子 初步感知动词现在进行时的构成规律。 (2) 、技能与方法目标: 让学生通过看图、听音与拼读等方式学习新单词:basketball , football ,ping-pong , pass , shot。 在学习单词过程中引导学生学习和掌握根据读音记忆单词的方法及动词现在分词构成形式。 运用图片和课件提供的情景引导学生正确运用现在进行时询问别人正在做什么。 (3) 、情感与态度目标: 培养学生继续学习英语的兴趣。教育孩子养成喜爱运动的好习惯。通过申奥短片培养学生的爱国精神与民族自豪感。 5教学重难点: 掌握现在分词的构成形式。 对现在进行时的理解和运用。 附教具准备:单词卡片、录音机、课件(中国申奥短片等) 6. 教学过程: Step1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Sing and Chant. T: Now, class .lets do some exercises. Follow me, please. Running , running , Im running Singing , singing, Im singing Jumping, jumping, Im jumping (设计说明)考虑到学生容易把 Run,run, I can run与现在进行时句型混淆,所以用学生熟悉的动词边说边做动作,创造学习英语的氛围,直接切入本课的教学重点。 Step2. Presentation and Practice 1.Free Talk 引出课题 Unit4 Lesson7 T: We sing a song and chant together .Do you feel happy? Ss: Yes T: Why do you feel happy? Ss: Because its fun ,And we can have fun in class. T: Yes, we can have fun in class,We also can have fun after class,we can do some exercises after class,So today we are going to talk about “Activities after class” .Thata new unit and a new lesson . (师生互动的问答吸引了学生的注意力,同时引出了课题,教师揭题、板书并带读) 2Teach the new words:football, ping-pong, basketball 词组操练:play football , play basketball , play ping-pong (1)教师出示词卡:football, 升调、降调读单词 T: Can you spell this word? Ss: Yes ,f-o-o-t-b-a-l-lfootball (2)同法教单词 basketball T: Can you play basketball? S1: Yes, I can T: That great! Maybe youre a good player, youre so tall. (3)教学 Ping-pong T:(左手拿 basketball,右手拿一个乒乓球)look at these two balls,The basketball is big. T: Is this ball big? Ss: No, its small T: This is a small ball,we call it “ping-pong” Another way of this saying is table tennis, They are the same, Are you clear? Ss: Yes T: Now , read after me. 教师提醒学生注意 ping-pong 中间的连字符。Thats a Chinese ball,so pay attention to this “-”. (新单词的教法细节把握得当,学生印象深刻,课堂气氛活跃) 3. 谈论有关 sport 的词: T: Ive got a question for you: Do you like sports? Ss: Yes ,we do T: What can you think of when we talk about sports? S1: run ,jump, T: What else can you think of? S2: swim, boat T: What another sports name do you know? S3: play basketball,play football,play ping-pong,play volleyball,play badminton 通过师生的自由会话,鼓励学生说出有关运动的动词,学生既复习了以前学过的动词又提高了发散思维的能力,也为进行时的学习做好语言上的铺垫,侧重培养学生英语交际能力 (1)引出动词:singrunjumpboatstandsitdanceride. 教师用图片进行问答 T: Ive some pictures here. Whats this? Ss: Its a bird T: Where is the bird? Ss: The bird is in the tree T: Whats the bird doing? Ss: The bird is singing 师张贴单词 singing( Yes,the bird is singing in the tree) 通过师生问答学习其他动词的进行时. (2)用课件呈现动词及其 ing 形式 sing-singing jump-jumpingdance-dancing run-running ride-riding stand-standing sit-sitting play-playingswim-swimming (3)师带读上述动词及其现在分词,让学生仔细观察动词现在进行时是如何由动词原形演变而来的 T:Look at this words carefully ,what can you find? 教师示范归类一组 (A) (B) (C) playing dancing running T: Whats the difference of the 3 groups? Can you put these words in the correct place? Chinese,OK! 请学生说出:A 组动词后面直接加 ing B 组动词去词尾不发音的 e 加 ing C 组动词双写最后一个字母再加 ing (设计说明)教师在与学生进行问答的过程中,把相应动词的现在进行时写在黑板上,并有意识地把这些动词归类,以便让学生总结动词现在进行时的构成规律。小学生理解抽象的语法知识有一定难度,效果比让他们死记硬背语法规则要好得多,也顺利攻克了本课教学的那点之一。4.Practice: What are they doing? They are. 动画形象的多媒体课件,调动了学生参与活动的积极性,使本课重点句型得以巩固,促使学生在有意义的交际中应用所学语言。 5.播放课文 VCDPart2Ask and answer T: You are so smart! You really did a good job! (真诚的赞赏激发了学生的上进心,加深了学生对英语学习的情感) 6. Play a guessing game T: Boys and girls,Look whos this?(出示姚明图片) Ss:Its YaoMing T: Yes,He is very tall and very cool.Can he play football well? Ss: No,he cant ,He can play basketball well T: Thats right. Now lets piay a guessing game.Ill describe another young man and try your best to guess who he is. He can sing, He likes playing basketball abd he can play Chinese Gongfu. Now lets have a look. 播放周杰伦的“大灌篮”片段 T: What are they doing? Ss: They are playing basketball T: Yes,youre right. We can see 周杰伦 can play basketball well in the moving,He can pass the ball very quickly and he can always put the ball in the basket.Good shot! (本环节旨在有层次地向学生输入语言,导出新词的教学,媒介材料选择了学生喜闻乐见的人物,片中周杰伦高超的球技,震撼的
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