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Hello!,Hi!,Say hello to our friends. ( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 ),Hello,Harry!,Harry,Say hello to our friends. ( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 ),Hi!,Tom!,Say hello to our friends. ( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 ),Hello,Jerry!,Say hello to our friends. ( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 ),Hi, Michael Jordan !,Lets learn: three time sections,morning,afternoon,evening,morning,afternoon,evening,Guess:,evening,afternoon,evening,morning,7:00 am,19:00,15:00,Good morning!,Good afternoon!,Good evening!,When you meet your friend in, you can say,Good morning,Good afternoon,Good evening,正式客气的场合打招呼语 / 问候语.,用原句回答,也可用Hello/Hi.,熟人问候时,其后可接 “ ,人名”,hello / hi,非正式场合,语气比较随便打招呼语.,用原句回答,有时可用hi代替hello.,打电话时都可说hello,Note:,9:00,14:30,20:00,Exercises :,1.- _, Eric! -Hello, Helen!2.- Good morning, Bob. - Good _, Helen.3. -_ , Frank. - Good evening,Dale.4. -Good afternoon, Eric. -_, Grace.,Hello,morning,Good evening,Good afternoon,ei ,/ b i: /,/ s i: /,/ d i: /,i:,/ e f /,/ d i: /,/ ei t/,The writing of the letters (字母的书写) (注意笔画和笔顺),Hh,Cc,Ff,Ee,Gg,Dd,Aa,Bb,BC,BA,BEC,AD,CBA,CAAC,GOOD,CBC,BAG,BED,EGG,BBC,Game,Cc,Ff,Ee,Gg,Dd,Aa,Bb,Hh,BC,BA,AD,BBC,CBA,BCB,BAG,BED,BBC,EGG,GOOD,CAAC,0.08秒的挑战说出字母,Aa,ei,ei,我们发现:,cake grape name snake face baby,ei,have apple bag cat hat fat,发音要诀:双唇向两旁平伸,成扁平形,舌尖抵下齿,上下齿之间可容纳食指和中指。发音时舌位低,不与上齿接触,发出的音悦耳动听。,Ee,i:,e,i:,我们发现:,we me she tree sheep Chinese,i:, i:,发音要诀:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,上下唇以及齿靠近但不接触。舌头与唇肌拉紧将这个音发出并且拉长。嘴唇向两边张开成微笑状。,e,leg desk seven yes eleven,e,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍微抬起,嘴不要张太大,上下齿间距宁可偏小。,
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