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dance,Can she dance ?,Yes , she can .,No , she cant .,dance,Can she dance ?,Yes , she can .,No , she cant .,Can they dance ?,Yes , they can .,No , they cant .,Can they dance ?,Yes , they can .,No , they cant .,Can they dance ?,Yes , they can .,No , they cant .,My name is Jennifer .,Can you play the guitar ?,Yes , I can .,No , I cant.,Can you play the guitar ?,Yes , I can .,No , I cant.,Can you play the guitar ?,Yes , I can .,No , I cant.,play the guitar,Can he play basketball ?,Yes , he can .,No , he cant .,play basketball,Can they play chess ?,Yes , they can .,No , they cant .,play chess,Can the dog play the violin ?,Yes , it can .,No , it cant .,play the piano,My name is Jennifer .,speak English swim paint play chess play the guitar play the piano,( ) A: Can you swim? B: No, I cant.( ) A: I want to join the art club.B: Can you paint?A: Yes, I can.( ) A: I want to join the music club.B: Oh, can you sing?A: Yes, I can.,1b listen and number the convercations1-3,2,3,1,Tell what they can and cant do.,Guess,- Can you ? - Yes , I can . / No , I cant .,a,a,a,a,What can I do ?,I can play basketball .,I can play the guitar .,I can speak English .,I can dance .,Show time,My name is Jennifer .,What club do you want to join? I want to join,Pairwork,2a listen to these two conversations and circle the clubs you hear.,English clubb. art clubc. music clubd. chess clube. swimming club,What club do you want to join ? I want to join the I can.,Art Club,艺术俱乐部,Music Club,音乐俱乐部,English Club,英语俱乐部,Chess Club,国际象棋俱乐部,Swimming Club,游泳俱乐部,paint,sing / dance,speak English,play chess,swim,篮球俱乐部,足球俱乐部,Basketball Club,Soccer Club,play basketball,play soccer,Groupwork,If you are the owner of the chess club . Find somebody who can play chess ?,; 上门按摩 http:/www.biyeyizhan.com/ 上门按摩 stb25rus常火爆起来。次日一早,耿正匆匆胡乱吃点儿早饭后,就带上银子赶去那里购买寿棺了,但直到近午了,寿棺铺的一个伙计才得以抽出手来,赶着一挂宽板骡车帮耿正把两口寿棺送到小院儿的门口。耿正和耿直拉几把凳子摆放在当院儿里,伙计帮着将两口薄皮寿棺并排摆放在凳子上。耿英出门儿来将哥哥买的其他东西也拿下来,那伙计就赶着骡车走了。然后,耿正兄妹三人在寿棺内铺上被褥,放上枕头,将两位老人安放到了里边,又将他们原本不多的衣物全部挤放在老人的遗体周围。兄妹三人对着两位老人的遗容默默地流了一会儿眼泪后,难过地盖上了棺盖,再用随带的大铁钉把寿棺钉了起来。耿英又将金纸和银纸剪成三角形状,再搅半盆儿浆糊,兄妹三个一起动手,把所有三角形状的金纸和银纸全部粘贴在寿棺上。安置好这些后,耿正亲手书写了一副挽联贴在院门儿两边。挽联上书:慈善夫妻一生辛劳天地见证;下书:双双辞世驾鹤西去鬼神同泣;横批:爷爷奶奶千古。最后,兄妹三个又从门面店铺内搬过来一张饭桌摆在两副寿棺的前面,将祭品全部摆放在桌子上,再在桌子前面焚烧一些纸钱什么的不提。下午,兄妹三个都很疲惫,就都和衣躺在床上歇息了。自从这场瘟疫袭来,“梁计小饭店”少有人来光顾,已经关门歇业好几天了。如今,善良的梁家老夫妇俩已经不幸而又无憾地双双故去了。遵照老梁头的临终遗嘱,耿正兄妹三人成了这个宅店的主人。然而,在眼下异常艰难的境况下,以后的路该怎么走,无疑将是非常难的耿英伤心地侧头看看两位老人那已经空荡荡的大通铺,然后又茫然地望着破旧的天花板,幽忧地对哥哥说:“明儿个就是三天了,我们怎么送爷爷和奶奶去安葬啊?”耿正长长叹息一声后轻轻地说:“没事,我今儿个上午已经和寿棺铺的老板说好了,明儿个一早就去借用他们的那挂宽板骡车。咱家里有一把铁锹,再从对门儿和隔壁借两把,咱们自己送爷爷和奶奶去那棵大榆树下安葬吧。好在那地方属于荒野地带,不会有谁来管的。”76第六十六回 瘟疫袭击景德镇|(瘟疫袭击景德镇,三成乡人被感染;梁老夫妇双染病,耿正购得板蓝根。)早春的江南,天气热得很快,人们不约而同早早就换上了春装准备迎接新一年的到来了。但非常不幸的是,一场突如其来的流行性热病,在人们毫无准备的情况下,犹如恶风一般席卷了这个美丽富饶的瓷都重镇及其周围数十里的县郡、乡镇和村庄。当疫病袭来时,在仅仅三天的时间内,镇子上三分之一以上的人都给病倒了。尤其是上了年纪的人,更是几乎无一幸免。凡是得了这个病的人,一开始都是发高烧干咳浑身无力,很快就喘不上气儿吃不下饭甚至昏迷不醒了。在这场劫难中,刚刚享受到孙娃儿绕膝融融亲情的老梁头夫妇俩几,
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