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毕业实习总结毕业实习总结 实习心得 时光飞速,11 个月的实习生涯已经结束了,在这将近 一年的实习中我严格遵守医院及各科室的规章制度,学习 态度端正,学习动机明确,工作主观能动性强,在老师和 学姐的带领下,严格“三查七对”你及无菌操作。现在我 为我的辛勤付出写下在医院实习的心得。因为实习的医院 实行的是全责制的护理模式,与以往的功能制护理不同, 在这里我们学到了以“我的病人,我的护士”为原则,尽 心尽力的为病人提供优质护理服务理念。 记得去年的 5 月份,刚走出校园的我带着紧张、兴奋、 渴望的心情到医院实习,第一个科室就是急诊,从没见过 那么紧急的场面,我一下子慌了,虽然才刚实习,但我已 经懂得:我如今所面对的将不再是学校的理论知识和初步 的实验课,我要面对的是真正脆弱的病人,是不可以出一 丁点差错的。急诊是一个综合科室,对护理人员的能力要 求也是比较严格,因此我学到的知识也是很多,了解到了 急诊预检分诊和院前急救的流程,掌握了心电监护仪、心 电图机等的操作方法,掌握并加强心肺复苏等专业技术和 急诊仪器(洗胃机、除颤仪)的操作和维护,熟悉了急诊 常见疾病的护理。 在各科室的实习工作中,根据学校和医院的要求我积 极主动地完成了病历的书写、读书会、病例讨论,而且能 规范书写各类护理文书,做好病人出入院评估护理,能做 好各科室常见病的处理和护理工作,认真执行无菌操作规 程,能熟练进行内、外、妇、儿及重症监护等各项操作能 力,严格执行三查七对等等,这些都培养了我书写、组织、 表达等各方面的能力。 根据医院制定出来的教学活动计划,让我从简单到复 杂,从看到做,从依赖变独立,从临床具体实例循序渐进 的学习。通过下临床,我也意识到理论知识的重要性,因 为在各个科室中,最重要的就是给患者和家属卫教,在卫 教当中,会由于理论知识不够扎实,而卫教得不全面, 因而在各科室的学习中和老师学姐的指导下,我学会 了如何根据患者住院期间的护理评估和照护重点来扩展对 疾病的认识,从而学习更多的理论知识,为病人更好的卫 教。当自己的卫教得到患者及家属的认可和表扬时,心底 不由而衷的涌上自豪感。 通过将近一年的实习,我的理论水平和实践水平都有 所提高,在今后的工作中,我将继续努力,牢记护士职责, 不断加强学习与操作技能学习,全面提高自身综合水平, 为患者提供优质服务,并在工作过程中克服急躁情绪,积 极、热情、细致地对待每一项工作,做一名合格的护理人 员。 第二篇:毕业实习总结 9300 字 UNIT THREE Operations Research 运筹学 Brief history Operations research is relatively young discipline, being organized as a separate professional field of study only since the end of World War II. The Operational Research Society of the Untied Kingdom (ORS), Operations Research Society of America (ORSA), and the Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS) were found in 1948, 1952 and 1953, respectively. However, the methods and practices of operations research were being applied just prior to the war by British scientists working for the Air Ministry. In fact, two of these scientists are credited with first coining the phrase “operational research”. 简单的历史回顾 运筹学是一门相对比较新的学科。它是从二战以后才 开始作为专业学科而被研究的。 英国运筹学会,美国运筹 学会和管理学会分别成立于 1948,1952 和 1953。然而,早 在二战之前,英国的科学家就将运筹学的理论和实践应用 于空军。事实上,正是这些科学家中的两位首次提出了“运 筹学”这一名词。 The earliest application of operations research involved improving the early warning system of the RAFs Fighter Command. This system was quickly put to the test during the Battle of Britain. Throughout the remainder of the war, the methods of operations research were used by all branches of the British military to improve the results of their operations. As might be expected, the armed forces of the United States began to apply similar techniques soon after Pearl Harbor. 运筹学最早应用是在提高英国皇家空军司令部的预警 系统上。这个系统在英国的战争中很快被测试。在整个余 下的战争中,运筹学的方法被英国的分支部队用于提高他 们的控制结果。正如期望的那样,在珍珠港事件后,美国 军方也开始应用类似的技术。 After WWII, the use of operations research continued in the military and was greatly expanded. In addition, businesses on both sides of the Atlantic began to apply operations research to a broad range of management problems, such as accident prevention, production planning, inventory control, and personnel planning. 二战后,运筹学继续运用在军事方面,并且有极大的 拓展,另外,大西洋两岸的商业活动开始将运筹学应用到 管理问题的广阔的领域,例如,事故预防,生产计划编制, 存货控制和人事计划编制。 The first formal university courses and curricula also began to be developed during the immediate postwar period. MIT, Case Institute of Technology (now Case Western Reserve University), and the University of Pennsylvania were among the first universities to offer formal degree programs in the United States in the early fifties. It is interesting to note that similar academic programs did not develop in the United Kingdom until latter, although lectures and courses were offered at a few universities. University programs in operations research in the United States and Canada are located in a wide variety of colleges, schools, and departments, reflecting the fields highly interdisciplinary nature. Programs are found in departments of mathematical science, decision sciences, statistics, industrial engineering, computer science, management science, engineering management, mechanical engineering, and operations research. These departments are located in school or colleges of engineering, business, management, industrial engineering, and applied science. 战后,第一批正规大学课程也开始涌现,并迅速得到 发展。xx 年代早期,麻省理工学院,卡斯技术学院(现在 的卡斯西方储备学院)和宾夕法尼亚大学是他们之中第一 批提供正规的学位课程的大学。尽管这些课在少数的大学 被设立,有趣的是,在英国尽管有零星的大学也进行了一 些有关运筹学的演讲和课程,但是直到后来类似的学术课 程才在英国得到发展。在美国和加拿大,运筹学方面的课 程在各种学校、学院和院系中被广泛设置,反映出这个领 域高度融合的性质。这些课程被设立在材料科学,决策科 学,统计学,工业工程,计算机科学,管理科学,工程管 理,机械工程和运筹学等院系中。这些院系隶属工程、商 业、管理、工业工程和应用科学等学校或学院。 Operations research as defined by the Operations Research Society of America, “is concerned with scientifically deciding how to best design and operate man-machine systems, usually under conditions requiring the allocation of scarce resources.” Important to the field is the development, testing, and use of models to predict various outcomes under differing conditions or to optimize the outcome for a given condition. This gives decision makers the ability either to choose the “best” outcome or to enhance the likelihood of a given set of desired outcomes. The application of quantitative methods is also very important. 美国运筹学学会将运筹学定义为:在需要对紧缺资源 进行分配的前提下决定如何最好的设计和运作人-机系统的 决策科学。这个领域的重点是发展,检测和应用模型去预 测在不同条件下的各种结果,或者优化给定条件下的结果。 决策者应有的能力是:要么选择最优结果,要么增大一系 列给定结果中的好的结果的可能性。定
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