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关于雾霾的英语演讲稿关于雾霾的英语演讲稿篇一:英文 上海雾霾演讲稿My speechAs we all know, a couple of days ago, a huge brownish haze covered Shanghai. Many people were forced to wear masks in order to protect themselves because the heavy haze can cause breathing problems as well diseases like headaches or even heart-attacks.Due to the bad effects from the air pollution, a green and clear environment is the apple of the whole worlds eye. To avoid most of the pollution and help make our environment better, I have some advices: Firstly, we should go out as few times as possible. This is truly a way, but not a good one. Secondly, the government should bring out laws which limit the pollution of cars and factories. The air pollution will decrease sharply if the cars and factories stop letting out harmful gases. Thirdly, we should enhance the awareness of environment protection and build up the thought of have a green lifestyle. For middle school students like us, we should sort the trash and try to walk on foot or use bikes as transportation as much as possible.Air pollution has become a serious problem here in China now. Considering health problems, some timely measures should be taken to overcome this problem.I dont have daydreams, wishing China will become a country with the best environment. I just hope we can breathe freely. All I want now is just a little fresh air. I think, perhaps most of you have the same thought.篇二:有关雾霾演讲稿雾霾的背后大家好,今天我要演讲的题目是雾霾的背后。对于雾霾,我想大家应该都不陌生,而且都亲身经历过吧。曾听我的室友陈哲一说有段时间,他们那里的雾霾竟然是黄色的,天知道里面有什么恶心的东西。跑步的时候连前面一个人都看不清。可想而知这雾霾有多严重。 雾霾天气是一种大气污染状态,在雾霾天气的背后是有很多原因的。有气候因素,如水平方向静风现象的增多,垂直方向出现逆温。这些自然现象似乎不可避免,但也有很多人为因素导致了雾霾天气的产生或加重了雾霾。比如汽车的尾气,工业排放的废气,建筑扬尘,垃圾焚烧等等。其中机动车的尾气是雾霾颗粒组成的最主要成分。在北京雾霾颗粒中,机动车尾气占%,燃煤占%,扬尘占%,工业排放废气占%。随着汽车技术的进步以及油品质量的上升。机动车尾气对雾霾天气的形成并不起决定性作用。但作为一些汽车拥有量较大的城市,管理者依旧需要控制机动车的尾气排放,控制机动车的数量。比如杭州,在节假日就有汽车单双号限行的规定以减少尾气的排放。雾霾天气现象出现的频率越来越高,容易引起呼吸系统疾病,心血管系统疾病,血液系统以及生殖系统的疾病。面对这么多的危害,我们应该如何避免呢。这里我给大家几点建议。1 雾霾天气少开窗 2 雾霾天气外出时戴口罩 3多喝清肺的茶饮 4 适量补充维生素 D 5 雾霾天气最好不要出门晨练。这些建议希望对大家有用。我的演讲完了,谢谢大家。篇三:Smog is harmful to our health-有关雾霾、环境污染危害身体的英语演讲Smog is harmful to our health Chris#Introduction Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! My topic today is “Smog is harmful to our health”. According to the American Lung Association, your lungs and heart can be permanently affected by air pollution and smog.If we inhale too much smoggy air, it may lead to different types of short-term health problems, here, I will cover 3 points: First of all, smog may lead to coughing and throat irritation.Then, smog may lead to chronic diseases.Lastly, smog may lead to lung damage.#Body I have talked about 3 types of health problems, then I am going to give you some proofs:Firstly, smog may lead to coughing and throat irritation. A study of 10 adult men exposed to .12 ppm ozone for hours , found that lung function decreased and coughing increased over the more than six hours of exposure.Secondly, smog may lead to chronic diseases. David Abbey, doctor of Loma Linda University, studied a group of 6,340 people. Results of the study suggest long term exposure to air smog may increase the risk of chronic diseases by about 33%. In addition, it may higher the risk of developing some form of cancer. Thirdly, smog may lead to lung damage. In a study done on rats, continuous exposure to smog caused restrictive lung disease. While removal of the smog can reverse the disease state back to normal. #Conclusion In conclusion, I have talked about 3 points.First of all, I talked about coughing and throat irritation. The more vigorous your activity level, the greater your chances of experiencing respiratory problems.Then, I spoke about chronic diseases. Please remember its necessary to limit your outdoor activities as ozone levels rise to unhealthy levels.Lastly, I told you about lung damage. Please remember to wear a mask while the air is smoggy.篇四:英语课前 presentationhaze(以雾霾为主题) 配套讲稿P1:Good moring every one. I appreciate to have this opportunity to give my m here to talk to you about hazy weather.P2:First,lets see some pictures to know the present situation. P3:Tianan men square in the haze.P4:Some people say,the longest distance in the world is that we couldnt see Chairman Mao even though we are right in front of the Tiananmen!P5: Where is this Oriental Pearl TV Tower.P6,7: How about this picture Do you know where is this P8:A journalist was reporting the serious haze in Hefei. P9:Lets learn some basic information about the haze.We usually talk about ,but Who can tell me what is PM PM is an abbreviation for Particulate matter.PM10 are inhalable particles, are particles that can be drawn into our lung, their particle size isless than P10:What cause the hazeP11:The burning of coal and oil.With the growing number of the cars,much more pollutant let out to the air.Second-hand pollution make by factories.P12: Second ,The low atmosphere .The air resting near theground make the particular matter(we usually call that PM) floating in the specific area.P13: Third,Multiply e
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