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新版仁爱英语八年级上册 期中复习,Unit 1,Topic1知识点,打算做某事 看见-做- 看见-正在做- 在暑假期间 为某人加油 两者都 常常,相当经常 更喜欢 更喜欢做- 与-相比更喜欢- 最喜欢,一、重点短语,be going to do- /plan to do- see - do- see -doing- during the summer holidays cheer- on both- and- /both of- quite a bit/quite a lot/very often prefer /like - better prefer doing- /prefer to do- prefer A to B favorite /like -best,为(球队)效力 和(某队)比赛 和-一起玩 成长,长大 花(时间/钱)做某事做骑车运动 做登山运动 跳高 跳远 擅长-,精通- 对-有益 对-有害,play for( the ball team) play against (the team) play with- grow up spend-(in) doing - / spend - on - go cycling go mountain climbing the high jump the long jump be good at- be good for- be bad for-,每一次 参加(活动) 参加校划船运动队 校运动会 在将来 今天下午 明天早晨 后天 前天 晚饭后 放学后 遍及全世界,each time /every time take part in(活动)join in(党派、组织、活动) join the school rowing team a school sports meet in the future this afternoon tomorrow morning the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday after supper after school all over the world,使某人强壮 保持健康 帮助(某人)做某事 做-得好方法 到达 长时间,长期 近二十年来 中国国家队 足球迷 动身去某地 离开A地去B地,make - strong /keep -strong keep fit /keep healthy help (sb.) (to) do- a good way to do - arrive in/at-, get to- for a long time /for long for the last 20 years Chinas national team soccer fans leave for- leave A for B,头疼 牙疼 背疼 眼疼 发烧 患感冒 咳嗽 患流感 嗓子疼,have a headache have a toothache have a backache have sore eyes have a fever have a cold have the flu have a sore throat,Unit 1,Topic2知识点 一、重点短语,我的一个队友 最受欢迎的运动之一 患病,病倒 介意做某事 把-踢给- 把-递给- 没关系 当然不 过得愉快,one of my teammates one of the most popular sports fall ill /be ill /become ill mind doing- kick-to - /kick sb. sth. pass-to- /pass sb. sth. Never mind! /Its nothing! /Not at all! Of course not! /Certainly not! /Not at all! enjoy oneself /have a good time/ have fun,享受做某事的乐趣 练习做某事 完成做某事 坚持做某事 继续努力 使某人坚持做某事 保证安全 帮助某人 擅长,在-方面做得好 到处乱扔 其他某个地方,enjoy doing- practice doing- finish doing- keep doing- Keep trying! keep sb. doing- keep safe help sb. /give sb. a hand be good at- /do well in- throw- around /throw- about somewhere else,对某人大声喊叫,斥责某人 比赛获胜 输了比赛 输给某人 学会合作 在坏天气条件下 与某人生气 为-感到抱歉/遗憾/后悔 向-说道歉 有一百多年的历史,shout at- win the game lose the game lose to sb. learn teamwork in bad weather be angry with- be sorry for- say sorry to- have a history of over a century /with a history of over a century,在世界其他地区 一项室内运动 形成,产生 阻止某人做某事 遵守规则 例如,比如 作为一个队 作为一个学生 肯定要做某事 确信某事,对某事有把握 得分,in other parts of the world an indoor game come into being /be born stop-(from) doing- follow the rules /obey the rules such as / for example as a team as a student be sure to do- be sure of- /be sure about- score points,Unit 1,Topic3知识点,参加(活动) 男子800米赛跑 女子接力赛 教师接力赛 跳高 跳远 为-加油 做某事很有趣 为-做准备 尽力做某事,take part in /join in /be in the boys 800-meter race the girls /womens relay race the teachers relay race the high jump the long jump cheer-on have(great /a lot of /lots of ) fun doing- prepare for- do ones best to do- /try ones best to do-,做运动 做眼保健操 做早操 做英语练习 一双跑鞋 一双运动鞋 运动服 校运会 一个女老师 两个男医生 一个男学生 三个女学生 四棵苹果树,do exercises /do sports do eye exercises do morning exercises do English exercises a pair of running shoes a pair of sports shoes sports clothes the school sports meet a woman teacher two men doctors a boy student three girl students four apple trees,与-交朋友 成为朋友 一起去 去野餐 在剧院 在公共汽车站 赶上 肩并肩 留口信 捎口信,make friends with- become friends go together go for a picnic at the theater at the bus stop catch up with neck and neck leave a message take a message,奥运会 冬奥会 2008年北京奥运会 奥运五环 -的象征 代表 至少,the Olympics /the Olympic Games the Winter Olympics /the Winter Olympic Games the 2008 Beijing Olympics the Olympic rings a symbol of- stand for at least,每四年,每隔三年 轮流 越来越流行 有机会做某事 写日记 举办运动会 感到激动 赢得第一名 在-方面做得不好 某一天 冲过终点线 能够,有能力,every four years in turn more and more popular have a chance to do- keep a diary hold a sports meet /have a sports meet /host a sports meet feel excited be first /win first place do badly in- some day cross the finish line be able to,Mr.lee is ill today,so I will give you the lesson _ _(代替)him. The teacher _ _ _(对生气)him because he was late for school again. Youd better _ _(放弃)smoking. 4.He_ _(动身前往)Beijing yesterday. 5.I try to_ _(保持健康) by running every day. 6.My sister is going to be a doctor when she _ _(长大).,instead of,was angry with,give up,left for,keep fit/healthy,grows up,I can do it!,6. Tom _ _ _(发烧)yesterday. 7.Conditions are changing _ _ _(一直). 8.I rang you several times but _ _(没人接). 9.You must _ _ _ _(好好照顾)yourself . 10.She didnt come to school because she _ _(生病了) .,had a fever,all the time,nobody answered,take good care of,fell ill,I can do it!,arrive in/arrive at/reach/get to 1)What time did he arrive_the bus station? 2)At last we _the village? 3) You can get _the city from here. 4) They will arrive _Tokyo in 2 days.,
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