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1笔试部分笔试部分 (50 分)分)一、 按照书写规范 ,正确抄写下列句子。 do you have any bananas yang ling no I dont I have some grapes_ _ 二、 判断单词中划线字母读音是否一致,相同用“S”表示,不相同用 “D”表示 (6 分) ( )1. look lovely ( )2. mango orange ( )3. his Helen ( )4. this these ( )5.make pineapple ( )6.dog grape三、英汉互译词组(8分) .喜欢马 _ .十五只熊猫 _ 3. 打篮球_ _ _ 4. play well . _ 5.多少只老虎_ 6.many nice stickers _ 7.会溜冰和游泳 _ 8.make a fruit salad _四、单项选择。 (15分) ( ) 1. I cant swim. I cant swim _. A. too B. two C. either ( )2. You can see many pears_the tree. A.at B.in C.on ( ) 3. -How many_do you have? -Nineteen. A.banana B.grapes C.mangos ( ) 4. Can you skate?.Yes, _ . A. I cant B. I can C. he can( )5. This is_.I like_. A. a dog; dogsB. dog; dogs C. a dog; a dog( ) 6. Do you have _grapes? Yes. I have_._grapes. A. any, some B. some, any C. some, some ( ) 7. What do you _? I like_ A. have; toy buses B. like; toy buses C. like; toy bus( )8. Im hungry. Id like some _ . A.cakes B. juice C. milk ( ) 9. Look at _ toy cars in the box. A. they B. that C. the( ) 10.I can play table tennis. - I _swim too. A. can B. cant C. dont 七、阅读理解。 (正确的写 T, 错误的写 F.) Im a student . I have a new classroom. There is a computer in my classroom . Its white and black. The wall is blue and the window is green. My friend Amy is a girl. Her desk is near my desk . She is tall. She has long hair and big eyes . She likes music and painting. We are happy in school. ( ) 1 There is a computer in my bedroom. ( ) 2 Amy has long hair and big eye.2( ) 3 I like music and painting. ( ) 4 Amy is a boy.五、请将右栏中相应的序号填入左栏的括号内。 (分) ( ) 1. What do you have? A. How nice! ( )2. Look at my cap B. Yes, I can. ( )3. Can you play football? C.Yes, I do. ( ) 4. I dont like tigers. D. I have some balls. ( ) 5.Do you like babanas? E.I dont like either 六、根据所给图片选择合适的回答,把序号写在横线上。( 5 分)A. I like purple grapes. B. Yes, she can. C. No, I like grapes.D. Oh, his mouth is so big! E. No, it isnt. Its on the chair.1. 2. 3. A: Can she do this? A: Come and look at my robot. A: Do you like pineapples?4. 5.3A: Is it behind the sofa? A: What do you like?B: B: B: B: B: 八、将下列句子重新排列成一段完整的对话。 (分)A. What about this blue one? B. Thank you.C. Can I help you? D. Here you are.E. Yes. Id like a jacket.F. Its too(太) big. Id like that yellow one.六、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (9 分) 1. The _ (mango) are on the tree. 2. Do you have _ pies ? (some)No , but I have _ hot dogs. (some) 3. I dont like _(grape). 4. Please let _ (our) make a fruit salad. 5. Dont run with _ (I). 6. _(do) you like stickers ? No, I_.(do)7.How many _(sticker) do you have ?I have ten .九阅读理解判断,正确的写 T,错误的写 F。(10 分)4Helen: Look, I have a new doll and some toy pandas.Liu Tao: Oh, theyre very lovely. How many pandas do you have?Helen: I have sixteen.Liu Tao: Do you have any toy pandas, Mike?Mike: No, I dont like pandas.Liu Tao: What do you have?Mike: I have some toy lions. What about you, Liu Tao? Liu Tao: I have many stickers, theyre in my bag.Helen: Great! I like stickers. Can I have one?Liu Tao: Sure. Here you are.Helen: Thanks.( ) 1. Helen has a new doll and seventeen toy pandas.( ) 2. Mike has some toy lions.( ) 3. Mike dont like pandas.( ) 4. The stickers are in Liu Taos bag.( ) 5. Helen gives(给) Liu Tao a sticker.
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