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Macroeconomics Chapter 1,1,中级宏观经济学,沈凌 上海财经大学经济学院 http:/iclass.shufe.edu.cn/teacherweb/users/shenling/,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,2,中级宏观经济学,答疑时间: 周三下午2:005:00,如需其他时 间,请先预约。 答疑地点: 经济学院楼524室 电话: 65903483 Email: ling.shenmail.shufe.edu.cn 助教: 车大为 dwcheyahoo.com.cn,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,3,教科书:,Robert Barro: Macroeconomics - A Modern Approach Others: G. Mankiw: Macroeconomics,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,4,评分及进度,评分: 作业及平时课堂回答问题: 30% 期中考试 : 30% 期末考试 : 40% 进度: 基本每周一章。,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,5,C h a p t e r 1 Thinking About Macroeconomics,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,6,What can we learn from this course?,Macro,economics,Determining the aggregate economic variables,Nominal variables,Real variables,real GDP Consumption Investment Export & Import Unemployment Rate,General price level Money supply Interest rate Exchange rate,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,7,Output, Unemployment, and Prices in U.S. History,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,8,Output, Unemployment, and Prices in U.S. History,Growth rate of real GDP for year t Multiply by 100 to get the growth rate of real GDP in percent per year.,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,9,Output, Unemployment, and Prices in U.S. History,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,10,Output, Unemployment, and Prices in U.S. History,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,11,Output, Unemployment, and Prices in U.S. History,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,12,Output, Unemployment, and Prices in U.S. History,Inflation rate for year t,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,13,Output, Unemployment, and Prices in U.S. History,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,14,A Brief Introduction of Chinese Success (All data without special notes are from Chinese Statistical Yearbook),Nominal 1978: 2005: GDP 364.5 Billion RMB 18308 Billion RMB GDP p.c. 381 Yuan RMB 14040 Yuan RMB,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,15,Real GDP,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,16,Growth rate ( in RMB ),Macroeconomics Chapter 1,17,Who enjoys ?,Poverty level: 100 yuan p.c. in 1978 250 Million 625 yuan p.c. in 2000 32 Million,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,18,In general, Gini coefficient of the income increases since 1985.,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,19,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,20,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,21,如何去理解我们这个世界?,亚里士多德的观察: 鸡毛下落速度远慢于铁球 伽利略的实验: 两个铁球同时落地,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,22,如何去理解我们这个世界?,实验的条件是什么? 忽略空气浮力 模型与假设,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,23,Economic Models,Endogenous variables are the ones that we want the model to explain. Exogenous variables are the ones that a model takes as given and does not attempt to explain.,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,24,Economic Models,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,25,Economic Models The Coffee Market,目标 我们想去了解咖啡价格的决定因素。 什么因素促使咖啡价格上升? -买的人多了 -西方文化的流行 -咖啡对身体健康作用的发现,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,26,Economic Models The Coffee Market,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,27,Economic Models The Coffee Market,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,28,Economic Models The Coffee Market,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,29,Economic Models The Coffee Market,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,30,Economic Models The Coffee Market,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,31,Economic Models,Disequilibrium a discrepancy between the quantities of labor demanded and supplied. New Keynesian model, argues that some prices are sticky and move only slowly to equate the quantities of goods demanded and supplied.,Macroeconomics Chapter 1,32,Economic Models,Economic growth model,Equilibrium business-cycle model - basic market-clearing model of economic fluctuations,
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