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1 / 136英语三级笔译词汇小集英语三级笔译词汇小集旅游旅游旅游黄金周 golden week for tourism世界旅游日 World Tourism Day标准/豪华游 normal/luxury tour(travel)黄金线路/景点 hot travel route/spot出境游/国内游 outbound/inbound tourism自助游 independent/do-it-yourself travel随团旅游 group travel外滩(上海) the Bund斜拉索桥 stayed-cable bridge新干线 “the Shinkansen, bullet train”磁悬浮列车 Maglev(train); magnetically levitated train; magnetic suspension train轻轨 light rail train旱地滑雪场 mock skiing park风景区 scenic areas宁静环境 peaceful environment美丽景色 beautiful views如画的风景 picturesque landscape水乡泽国 the water resort独特的人文景观 unique human landscape物华天宝 a land of plenty人杰地灵 rich land fostering more talents人文山水 a unique culture in a nice natural surrounding优美的高山高原自然风光 beautiful plateau natural scenery布达拉宫 the Potala Palace出土文物 unearthed cultural relics古建筑群 ancient architectural comples2 / 136古文化遗址 sites of primitive cultures北京故宫博物馆 the Palace Museum秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of the Terra-cotta Warriors四川三星堆博物馆 the Sanxingdui Museum in Sichuan陵墓 emperors mausoleum/tomb古墓 ancient tomb皇城 imperial city行宫 temporary imperial palace for brief stays御花园 imperial garden颐和园 the Summer Palace蒙古包 (Mongolian) yurt佛教建筑 the Buddhist architecture历史古迹 historical sites土特产品 local specialties星级饭店 star-rated hotel文明风景旅游示范点 model civilized scenic site国际旅游局 China National Tourism Adminiatration入境游客 international tourist arrivals旅游服务需方 business second party of tourist service顾客 customer旅游者 tourist旅游散客 independent traveler旅游团队 tour group旅游服务供方 service supplier in tourism旅游服务组织 service organization in tourism旅游服务企业 enterprise of service in tourism旅游定点企业 designated tourism enterprises3 / 136旅游服务特性 characteristics of service in tourism旅游服务提供 service delivery in tourism旅游服务等级 service grade in tourism星级 star星级评定 star-rating旅游服务产品 product of service in tourism观光旅游 sightseeing tour度假旅游 vacation tour专项旅游 specific tour会议旅游 convention tour奖励旅游 incentive travel特种旅游 special interest tour旅行社 travel service;travel agency导游人员 tour guide海外领队 overseas escort旅游交通 tourist communications旅游汽车 tourist automobile旅游船 cruise ship游览船 sightseeing boat;sightseeing ship星级游船 star-rated cruise ship旅游住宿 tourist lodging旅游涉外饭店 hotels catering to overseas tourists星级饭店 star-rated hotel涉外公寓 apartment for aliens星级公寓 star-rated apartment涉外写字楼 office buiding for aliens旅游餐饮 tourist catering旅游定点餐馆 designated tourist restaurant4 / 136旅游团队餐 meals for tour group游览地 place of sightseeing游览区 sightseeing district度假区 holiday resort游览点 sightseeing spot参观点 visiting spot旅游购物 tourist shopping旅游定点商店 designated tourist shop旅游娱乐 tourist recreation文化类旅游娱乐场所 tourist recreational spot of cultural kind康乐类旅游娱乐场所 tourist recreational spot of health and pleasure kind 服务 service旅游服务质量 service quality in tourism旅游服务规范 service specification in tourism旅游服务质量标准 standards of service quality in tourism旅游服务质量评定 evaluation of service quality in tourism旅游服务质量认证 validation of service quality in tourism旅游安全管理 management of tourist safety旅游投诉管理 handling of tourist complaint旅游投诉 tourist complaint旅游投诉理赔 settlement of tourist complaint 英语三级笔译词汇小集英语三级笔译词汇小集生态旅游生态旅游世界自然遗产地 World Natural Heritages site5 / 136国际生态旅游协会 the International Ecotourism Society可持续观光 sustainable tourism野生生物旅游 wildlife tourism绿色观光 green tourism适宜的旅游 appropriate tourism负责的旅游 responsible tourism自然旅游 nature tourism荒野旅游 wilderness tourism探险旅游 adventure tourism替代性旅游 alternative tourism自然假日 nature vacations研修旅游 study tourism科考旅游 scientific tourism文化旅游 cultural tourism农业旅游 agro-tourism乡村旅游 rural tourism背包游 package tourism自助游 DIY tourism团体游 group/organized tourism医疗旅游 medical tourism生态城市 eco city生态农业 eco-farming海洋生态系统 marine ecosystems沿海生态系统 coastal ecosystems河口生态系统 estuarine ecosystems岛屿生态系统 island ecosystems加强生态农业建设 Promoting the construction of ecological agriculture6 / 136经济发展与生态平衡 economic development and ecological equilibrium生态系统的系统分析 system analysis of ecosystem生态环境保护专项规划 Sub-plan for Environmental Protection 旖旎神奇的热带、亚热带自然景观 rare tropic rain forest, special semi-tropical vies依山傍海 at the foot of hills and beside the sea山清水秀 beautiful mountains and clear waters海上仙境 a fairyland on the sea世界文化遗产与自然遗产 the World Cultural and Natural Heritage人文历史悠久 a long cultural tradition“天下第一山”the “most beautiful mountain under heaven”山清、水秀、洞奇、石美 fantastic hills, crystal-clear water, spectacular caves and picturesque rocks龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes上有天堂,下有苏杭。 In heaven there is the paradise, and on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.桂林山水甲天下。 Gullin scenery tops/belittles those elsewhere./Guilin scenery stands out as the worlds best.泰山之美、华山之雄、桂林之秀、黄山至多变 the grandeur of Mount Tai, the steepness of Mount Hua, the elegance of Guilin, and the variety of Mount Huangshan7 / 136英语三级笔译词汇小集英语三级笔译词汇小集经济经济 国民生产总值 GNP(Gross National Product)人均国民生产总值 per capita GNP产值 output value宏观控制 exercise macro-control优化经济结构 optimize the economic structure保持经济适度快速增长 maintain an appropriate rapid economic growth改善经济环境 improve economic environment整顿经济秩序 rectify economic order非公有成分 non-public sectors发挥市场的调节作用 give play to the regulatory role of the market经济和法律的杠杆 economic and legal leve
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