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Chapter 7 Terms of Payment,支付方式汇付托收信用证,1.汇付(Remittance) 通过进出口商双方所在地银行的汇兑业务进行结算,即由汇款人将货款交所在地银行,由该银行委托收款人所在地银行转交给收款人。信汇: M/T (Mail Transfer )-由进口人将货款交给所在地银行,由该行用信件委托出口人所在地银行把货款付给出口人。电汇: T/T (Telegraphic Transfer ) -由进口地银行发电通知出口地银行付款给出口人。票汇: D/D (Demand Draft )- 进口人向当地银行购买即期汇票,然后寄给出口人,出口人持票向汇票上指定的付款行取货款。,无论哪种汇付方式,货运单据都是由出口人自行寄给进口人,银行并不经手.在国际贸易中,汇付的方式常用于以下几种业务中:1.预付货款 payment in advance2.随订单付现 cash with order3.交货付现 cash on delivery4.记账交易 open account trade,2.托收(Collection) 出口方根据外贸合同规定将货物装运出口后,开立以进口人为付款人的商业汇票并附上有关单据,委托当地银行通过进口方所在地银行向进口方代收货款后汇回出口方的一种结算方式。 (1)光票托收 Clean Collection:不附带任何货运单据的汇票) (2)跟单托收 Documentary Collection a.付款交单:D/P (Documents against Payment )代收行在收到进口方货款后,将汇票及所附的货运单据交付给进口方。按时间不同又分为: 即期付款交单: D/P at sight, sight D/P 远期付款交单: D/P after sight,b. 承兑交单:D/A (Documents against Acceptance) 出口方在货物付运后,开具进口方为付款人的远期汇票,连同各种货运单据一并交委托行寄往进口方代收行;代收行在进口方承兑汇票后,将跟单汇票交给付款人,进口方于汇票到期日付清货款。 装运单据shipping documents,如:商业发票、装箱单、提单等。,3.信用证(L/C) 国际贸易最常用的支付方法是L/C,这是一种可靠又安全的支付方式便于卖方与陌生的买方进行交易,并对买卖双方都有保障。,信用证的支付程序: 1.进口商要求其银行开立以出口商为受益人的信用证。 2.进口商银行开立信用证,并将其寄给出口商国家的往来银行。因进口商银行开立信用证,故被称为开证行。 3.出口商银行收到开证行的信用证后将其递交给出口商。由于该银行把信用证递交给了出口商,故被称为通知行。,4.出口商完成装运并准备即期汇票及所有的装运单据,然后把汇票和装运单据递交通知行要求议付,即要求付款。通知行帮助出口商取得货款。5.通知行把汇票及装运单据寄给开证行要求支付。6.开证行收到汇票及装运单据后把它们递交给进口商。7.开证行,此时被称为付款行把货款汇给通知行8.通知行收到货款后交给出口商。,开证人(进口人),受益人(出口人),开证行 付款行,通知行 议付行,合同,申请开征,开证、寄证,通知,审证、交单、议付,垫付货款,索偿,偿付,通知付款,付款赎单,信用证的支付流程及权责,例:不可撤销的即期议付信用证,在其他付款方式中,银行只能作托收和汇付的工作,对进口商不付货款不予负责;而在信用证的情况下,开证行以自己的信用为交易垫付货款。就卖方的利益来说,信用证(L/C)比付款交单(D/P)好,D/P at sight 比D/P after sight 好,而付款交单(D/P)又比承兑交单(D/A)好。在国际贸易中,只在进口商财务状况良好,或过去一系列业务中进口商付款可靠,从而取得出口商信任,才可以接受托收的支付方式。,Letter 1 Asking for payment by term L/C,Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you for your order for 5000 dozen shirts by your letter of 10 February. We have considered your proposal to pay a 30-day letter of credit. We do not usually accept time credit. However, in view of our long and mutually beneficial relationship, we are willing to make an exception this time. We must stress that this departure from our usual practice relates to this transaction only. We cannot regard it as setting a precedent for future transactions. We enclose our sales Contract No. TL120 covering the order. We would be grateful if you would follow the usual procedure.Yours faithfully, Enc.,Chinese version of the letter,执事先生: 感谢你方二月10日5000打衬衫的订单。 我们认真研究了你方提出的以见票后30天的信用证付款的建议。我们通常不接受远期信用证。但是,鉴于我们双方长期互惠的贸易关系,此次我们愿意破例接受你方的建议。 我们必须重申这次变更仅限于本次交易,决不能作为今后交易的先例。 随函附上有关上述订货的第TL120号销售合同。如能按常规办理将不胜感激。谨上,,Language Points,pay v. 付(款,费用);付款;(对)注意,to pay in advance 预付 to pay by installments 分期付款 to pay on delivery 货到付款 to pay by 30 days L/Cto pay by time L/C at 30 days 以见票后30天议付的信用证付款,Language Points,payment n. (不可数)支付;(可数)支付的款,payment terms 支付条件;付款条件 payment in advance 预付货款 deferred payment 延期付款 cash payment 现金付款 monthly payments of US$3,000 每月付款3000美元 in payment of 付某种费用的款,如发票、费用、佣金等 in payment for 付某种具体实物的款,如广告、商品、样品等,Language Points,随函附上3000美元支票一张,以支付截至目前所欠你方的全部佣金。,We enclose a check for US$3,000 in payment of all commissions due to you up to date.,收到你方300美元支票一纸,支付我方上个月寄给贵公司的样品。,We have received your check for US$300 in payment for the samples we sent you last month.,Language Points,letter of credit 信用证,信用证的种类:,Confirmed L/C 保兑的信用证 Unconfirmed L/C 未保兑的信用证 Sight L/C 即期信用证 Time/term L/C 远期信用证 Revocable L/C 可撤销的信用证 Irrevocable L/C 不可撤销的信用证,Language Points,Transferable L/C 可转让的 Non-transferable L/C 不可转让 Divisible L/C 可分割的 Indivisible L/C 不可分割的 Documentary L/C 跟单信用证,departure n. 背离;违背(后接介词from),这严重地违反了你方的诺言。,Language Points,It is a gross departure from promise.,我们能在起航前将货物备妥。,We can get the goods ready before the ships departure.,It is our usual practice to ask for sight L/C, no matter the order is large-sized or small-sized.,Language Points,不管订单大小,我们的通常做法是要求即期信用证。,international business practice 国际商务惯例 customary practice 习惯做法;惯例,usual practice 通常惯例;习惯做法,Language Points,precedent n. 创的先例,set a precedent 开创先例 take sth. as a precedent 将某事当作先例,我们在这方面的通融不能为以后交易开创先例。,Our accommodation in this respect should not set a precedent for future transactions.,Analyzing the Letter,Paragraph One: identifying the reference Paragraph Two: accepting the proposal, giving the reasons Paragraph Three: making it clear that the concession does not apply to future transactions Paragraph Four: stating the enclosures in detail,Comments:This letter is brief and to the point. It tells the recipient exactly that the concession is only for this deal, and cannot set precedent for future transactions.,Letter 2 (7) Asking for easier payment,Language Points,1. tie-up of funds 占压资金,
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