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双元音,The Diphthongs,合口双元音与集中双元音,双元音是由两个音合二为一,发音时由第一个音向第二个音滑动过程中没有任何停顿。 双元音发音饱满、圆润。第一个音长而响亮,第二个音短而模糊. 前重后轻,前长后短 避免把双元音单音化,合口双元音 The Closing Diphthongs,/e/ / /a/ /a/ /,/e/,发音要点: 1.由第一个音/e/的舌位向第二个音/的舌位滑动,但不到/音的舌位,即告发音结束; 2.舌位由低到高; 3.牙床介于半开半合之间向半合接近,由大到小; 4.唇形扁平。,e 发这个音的字母和字母组合a ai ay a: cake make name game snake gate lazyai: rain train wait ay: day May play today way 根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中发音不一样的单词。1.face wave sheep tail 2.grape plane name coat3.time tape train snake 4.rain soap cake train,Dialogues,1) A: What a beautiful cake!B: Yes, its Kates birthday cake.A: How old is she?B: She is eighteen today.A: Happy birthday to Kate.,2) A: Mrs. Taylors a good dressmaker, isnt she?B: Yes. The new dress she made is great.A: Maybe I need her to make one for me.A: Wait a second, Jane. Its time to bake the bread.,A: Hey, Rachel. Did you take the test? B: No, I couldnt make it. I went to see a Broadway Play. What a shame! When will you take the makeup test? Maybe in April or May?,Speak out,1) No pain, no gain.不吃苦中苦,没有甜上甜2) Call a spade a spade. 实话实说3) A penny saved is a penny gained.省下的既是赚的,4) Haste makes waste.欲速则不达5) I hate to trouble you, but我不想麻烦你,但是6) Theres no way I can get out of it.我无能为力,单词训练,/e/ /e/age edgelate letpain pensail sellfail fellhail helljail jellwane when,/ /,发音要点: 1.由第一个音/的舌位向第二个音/的舌位滑动;但合口双元音/ /中第一个音/的舌位略高于单元音/的舌位,接近第十一号元音:的舌位,而第二个音不到后元音/的舌位即告发音结束; 2.舌位由低到高; 3.牙床由接近半合到略小于半合,由大到小; 4.唇形由扁平偏圆到略圆。,/ /发这个音的字母和字母组合o oa owo: nose rose no over oa: boat coat soap goat ow: show window snow bowl 根据发音规则,圈出每组中发/ /的2个单词。1. coat goat tree river 2. make window knife road3. your white row coat 4. boat hen nose lamp,Dialogue,A: What will you do tomorrow? B: lets go to the Summer Palace to row a boat, shall we? A: Oh, Ive listened to the radio. The broadcast says tomorrow it will rain. A: In that case, we could just stay at home.,A: Im going to the grocery store. Would you like to go with me? B: Sorry. I have to write a letter. A: Anything I can do for you? B: Can you get some tomatoes for me? A: Ok. How many do you want? B: One kilo. Thanks.,Speak out,1) Dont go home alone, Joan.2) Little stroke fell great oaks.水滴石穿3) As you sow, you shall mow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,,4) A straw will show which way the wind blows.草动知风向。5) Id like to propose a toast.我提议干杯6) I know what you know. 我知道你知道什么,单词训练,/ / /:/coal callloan lawnpose pausetoll tallbowl ballhold haltnote naught,/ a /,发音要点: 1.第一个音/a/是前元音,舌前部抬高,舌位最高点介于舌前和舌中,由/a/音向/音滑动,不到/ 音,即告发音完成; 2.舌位由低到高; 3.牙床由全开到半合; 4.唇形扁平,由大到小。,/ a /发这个音的字母和字母组合i y ie uyi: kite bike nice tiger write knifey: by cry fly my sky try whyie: tie pie uy: buy 根据发音规则,找出每组中发/ a /的2个单词.1.rice good jam right 2.ship mine ice-cream mouse3.cloud sit tie eye 4.write small tennis kite,Dialogues,A: You bought a new motorcycle, didnt you? B: Yes. How do you like it? A: Its really stylish. Did you ride it? B: Sure. Ive tried it.,A: Try the French fries. B: Well, the smell is so nice. Mm, they are fried really well. A: Lets have ice-creams for dessert. B: How many ice-creams are there in the fridge? A: Let me see. Nice. Three of them are pineapple flavor. B: Well, I prefer pineapple flavor ice-creams.,Speak out,1) Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁 2) Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人。 3) A stitch in time saves nine.及时处理,事半功倍。,4) Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同5)The moon and the stars come out at night.,Tongue twister,No need to light a night light on a light night like tonight.,Ten tiny tigers tied ten tiny ties on their tiny tails.,A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail,Ripe white wheat(麦子) reapers reap(收割) ripe white wheat right.,A writer named Wright was instructing(指导) his little son how to write Wright right. He said:“ It is not right to write Wright as ritetry to write Wright aright(正确地)!,/ a / /bike backheight hatmine manpile palsight satdime damkite catlime lamb,/a/,发音要点: 1.第一个音/a/由于受到后元音/的影响,其舌位最高点略后于双元音a中的第一个音/a/。舌身/a/向后元音滑动,略低于/的舌位,即告发音完成; 2.舌位由低到高; 3.牙床由全开到半合; 4.唇形由扁平到圆形,由大到小。,/a/发这个音的字母和字母组合ou ow ou: house mouse mouth trousers ow: flower cow how now down 根据发音规则,选出不发/a/的单词。1. mouse cloud arm clown 2. teacher trousers cow mouth3. town dance flower house 4. tower blouse now baby,Dialogues,1) A: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Brown.B: Nice to meet you, too. Mr. Howard.A: Listen. Whos shouting?B: Thats my son singing. But he sounds like hes shouting.,A: I need someone to help me with the housework.B: What do you want me to do?A: Well, milk the cow, kill the mouse, wash the towel, and clean the house.B: How could you find someone like that?A: Thats what I am worried about.,
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