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Unit 3 Look at me,school,go to school!,去,去上学,Lets-,让我们-,Lets go to school!,让我们去上学吧!,Lets go to school!,让我们去上学吧!,OK!,好的!,回 答,1.Hello! 2.How are you? 3.Good morning. 4.Nice to meet you. 5.Lets go to school.J.OK!K.Hello!L.Im fine,thank you.M.Good morning.N.Nice to meet you,too.,K,L,M,N,J,把句子和对应的答语连起来,How are you?,你好吗?,如何来应答?,Im fine,thank you.,我很好,谢谢。,Very well,thank you.很好谢谢。,介绍身体部位用:,This is-,Hello!,小朋友们,来认识一下我的五官吧!,Look at me! This is my eye.,eye,nose,Look at me! This is my mouth.,mouth,Look at me! This is my ear.,ear,Look at me! This is my face.,face,Haha!Hello! Im Xi Yangyang! How are you!,a,ear,eye,nose,mouth,face,What is missing?,face,ear,nose,eye,mouth,What is missing?,eye,ear,mouth,nose,face,Close your eyes.,Open your mouth.,Touch your nose.,Touch your ear.,Touch your face.,Ee,/e/,Ff,/f/,face,foot,Gg,/g/,green,gift,Hh,/h/,hand,hi,Ii,/ai/,ice,ice cream,Chant,Ee Ee / e / / e/ / e / egg elephantFf Ff / f / / f / / f / face foot Gg Gg / g / / g / / g / green gift Ii Ii / ai/ / ai/ / ai / ice ice-cream,Lets review,eye,ear,nose,mouth,face,head,mouth,eye,ear,face,nose,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,How are you?,你好吗?,如何来应答?,1,Im fine,thank you.,我很好,谢谢。,2,Very well,thanks. 很好谢谢。,Lets go to school!,让我们去上学吧!,OK!,好的!,Great!/Good idea!,太好了!,make a puppet!,制作个木偶吧!,hand,a,arm,an,leg,a,head,a,Big Head Son,Small Head Father,head,foot,a,body,Clap your hands.,拍,Touch your head.,摸摸,Wave your arms.,挥动,Shake your legs/body.,抖抖,摇动,Stamp your legs/body.,跺跺,1.A:Good morning.B: A.Goodbye B.Good morning 2. A: _ your name? B: My name is Ben. A. Who B. What C.Whats 3. A: _is your name? B: My name is Ben. A. Whos B.Whats C. What,C,B,C,1. _ me. 2.This _ a leg. 3. Wave your _. 4._ go to school. 5.Lets _ a puppet.A.arms B.Lets C.Look at D.make E.is,C,E,A,B,D,从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出最恰当的一项,1.Sarah: Nice to meet you, Wu Yifan. Wu Yifan: A. Good bye, Sarah B. See you, Sarah. C.My name is Wu Yifan. D. Nice to meet you,too. 2.Mrs White: Whats your name? Mike: A. My name is Mike B. Nice to meet you,too C. See you. D.This is Chen jie. 3.Sarah: Good morning, Mr. Black! Mr. Black: A. Hello, Sarah B. Good morning, Sarah. C. Im Mr. Black D.Good afternoon, Sarah.,1.Look _ me! A. / B. is C.at 2._ to meet you . A. Good B. Nice 3.This _ my mouth. A. am B. is 4.Nice to meet you , _. A. too B.to,单项选择,B,B,B,A,I have a crayon . My names Sarah . Carry your bag . Whats your name ? I m going to school .,背上你的书包 你叫什么名字? 我有一只蜡笔。 我要去上学。 我的名字是萨拉。,Touch your mouth 摸你的头Touch your head 看我Look at me 这是我的耳朵This is my ear 摸你的嘴,读一读,选择正确的答案 ( )(1)当吴一凡向别人介绍自己时,他说:A. Hello! Im Wu Yifan. B. Hi! Im Sarah. ( )(2)当你和怀特老师告别时,你会说:A. Hello! Miss White. B.Goodbye! Miss White. ( )(3)当你想知道别人的名字时,你会说: A. My name is Chen Jie. B.Whats your name? ( )(4)当你和别人告别时,你会说:A. Hello! B. See you.,A,B,B,B,读一读,选择正确的答案。,( )(1)当你想让别人拍手鼓掌时,应说:A. Cross your leg. B. Clap your hands ( )(2)当你想让别人摸摸他的手时,应说:A. Touch your hand.B. Touch your head ( )(3)当你想向别人介绍Sarah时,你会说:A. This is Sarah. B. Hello! Sarah ( )(4)当你想让别人摇摇他的身体时,你会 说:A. Look at me! B. Shake your body.,B,A,A,B,读一读,选择正确的答案。,( )(1)当你想让别人摸摸他的眼时,应说:A. Touch your ear. B. Touch your eye ( )(2)当你想与别人问好时,你会说:A. welcom.! B.Nice to meet you. ( )(3)当你想向别人介绍zoom时,你会说:A. This is Zoom. B.My name is Zoom ( )(4)当你想让别人看自己时,你会说:A. Look at me! B. Lets play.,A,A,B,B,情景对话 ( )(1)上课时,老师来了,班长会喊:A. Hello! B. Sit down. C. Stand up ( )(2)当你上午见到格林老师时,你会说:A. Hello! Mr Green. B.Good morning! Miss Green.( )(3)当你把琼斯老师介绍给妈妈时,说:A. Hello!Mr Jones B. This is Jones.,C,B,B,Thank you !,
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