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基础英语语法,英语语法框架,词法,句法,名词、代词、数词、量词,冠词,动词,形容词、副词,介词,简单句,并列句,主从句,特殊句型,一、名词,1.专有名词,2.普通名词,名词分类,:人名、地名、组织机构名称,之词法,基础英语语法,普通名词,可数名词,不可数名词,练习:能够区分可数名词以及不可数名词,物质名词:食物、液体、自然物质,抽象名词:情感、概念、学科,可数名词,可数名词,单数可数名词与冠词,可数名词变复数,合成名词变复数,集合名词,不可数名词,不可数名词,不可数名词与冠词,不可数名词与量词、不定代词,既是可数又是不可数名词,但意思不同,名词所有格,名词所有格,1.在词尾加s用于有生命的名词后,比如 my fathers coat, the foxs tail, peoples china, Joans and Janes rooms.用于时间、距离、价值等或者国家、城市等名词之后,比如 todays papers, ten minutes rest, 3 days holiday, a miles walk, a dollars worth of stamps名词所有格所修饰的词省略的情况,比如 the tailors (shop) 服装店 the butchers 肉店2.of 结构 用于无生命的名词,比如 a map of the world,名词在句子中的作用,名词在句中的作用,eg. i got a very good seat.The play was very interesting.She is a good teacher. .A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.I have just received the letter from my brother, TOM.,宾语,主语,表语,主语,介词宾语,同位语,具有名词性质的其他形式,He is my best friend. Five plus one is six. Fishing is my favorite sport. To get to the top is my goal. what he says sounds right.,区分可数与不可数名词,A.book B.milk C.rice D.bun E.soup F.water G.tea H.hamburger I.bread J.money K.paper L.desk M.toy N.baby O.season P.egg Q.coffee R.computer S.tree T.meat U.pork V.tooth W.room X.pen Y.beef Z.chair,区分可数与不可数名词练习,可数名词与冠词,可数名词单数形式前面必须加冠词,定冠词或者不定冠词,Last week, I went to the theatre. I got a very good seat. The play was very interesting. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. This is a private conversation. There are a pen, a book and a computer on the desk.,名词变复数,1.绝大多数的可数名词的复数形式,是在该词末尾加上后辍-s。,2.凡是以s、z、x、ch、sh结尾的词,在该词末尾加上后辍-es构成复数。,3.以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,将y改变为i,再加-es。,4.以-o结尾的名词,黑人和英雄喜欢吃土豆、西红柿和芒果,6.以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-fe改变为-ves,5.以-us结尾的名词(多为外来词),通常将-us改变为-i构成复数。,7.以-us结尾的名词(多为外来词),通常将-us改变为-i构成复数。 读音变化:尾音Es改读ai,其中kEs要改读为sai,gEs要改读为dVai。 例:fungusfungi; abacusabaci; focusfoci; cactuscacti; cestuscesti 8、以-is结尾的名词,通常将-is改变为-es。 读音变化:尾音is改读i:z。 例:axisaxes; basisbases; narisnares; hypothesishypotheses; restisrestes 9.以-ix结尾的名词,通常将-ix改变为-ices,但有例外。 读音变化:尾音iks改读isi:z。 例:matrixmatrices; directrixdirectrices; calixcalices; appendixappendices 反例:affixaffixes,10.以-um结尾的名词,将-um改变为-a。 读音变化:去掉鼻尾音。 例:forumfora; stadiumstadia; aquariumaquaria; datumdata; vacuumvacua 11.以-a结尾的名词,在该词末尾加上后辍-e。 读音变化:尾音E改读i:。 例:larvalarvae; formulaformulae; alaalae; mediamediae; hydrahydrae,合成词变复数,合成名词变复数,1、合成名词的复数形式通常将主题名词变为复数形式,如: daughters-in-law; lookers-on;passers-by; hand-guns fire-engines, editors-in-chief runners-up letter-boxes,2.如果没有主体名词,则在最后一个词的后面加复数形式,如: grow-ups go-betweens stand-bys,集合名词,第一类 形单可单复 family (家庭),team (队),class (班),audience (听众) 形式为单数,但意义可以用为单数或复数,His family is large. 他的家是个大家庭。,His family are all waiting for him. 他的一家人都在等他。,This class consists of 45 pupils. 这个班由45个学生组成。,This class are reading English now. 这个班的学生在读英语。,用法特点:若视为整体,表示单数意义;若考虑其个体成员,表示复数意义。,第二类 形单意义复cattle(牛,牲畜),people(人),police(警察),sheep(羊),用法特点为:只有单数形式, 但却表示复数意义,用作主语时谓语用复数; 不与 a(n) 连用,但可与the连用(表示总括意义和特指)。,People will laugh at you. 人们会笑你的。,The police are looking for him. 警察在找他。,Many cattle were killed for this. 就因为这个原因宰了不少牲畜。,注:表示牲畜的头数,用单位词 head(单复数同形)。如: five head of cattle 5头牛,fifty (head of ) cattle 50头牛,第三类 形复意义复goods(货物), clothes(衣服),用法特点:只有复数形式(当然也表示复数意义,用作主语时谓语也用复数),Clothes dry slowly in the rainy season. 衣服在雨季不易干。,Such clothes are very expensive. 那样的衣服很贵,If goods are not well made you should complain to the manufacturer. 如果货物质量不好,则理应向制造商提出控诉。,第四类 形单意义单 baggage / luggage(行李), clothing(衣服), furniture(家具), machinery(机器), poetry(诗), scenery(风景), jewelry(珠宝), equipment(设备),用法特点:是不可数名词,只用单数形式,不用不定冠词(当然更不能用数词), 没有复数形式。,Our clothing protects us from against the cold. 我们的衣服可以御寒。,Have you checked all your baggage? 你所有的行李都托运了吗?,The thief stole all her jewelry. 小偷把她所有的首饰都偷走了。,The hospital has no decent equipment. 这家医院没有像样的设备。,The Tang Dynasty is thought of as the high summer of Chinese poetry. 人们认为唐朝是中国诗歌的全盛时期。,注:machinery, poetry, jewelry, scenery等相应的个体可数名词是 machine, poem, jewel, scene等。如: a poem / a piece of poetry 一首诗 many machines / much machinery / many pieces of machinery 许多机器,不可数名词的量,不可数名词和量词以及不定代词,1.不可数名词的量可以借助于量词来表达,2.不定代词可以修饰不可数名词,如some,any,a little, little,a piece of paper a piece of news a piece of bread a glass/cup/bottle/tin of a bar of chocalate,既可又不可且意义不同的名词,既可作可数名词,又可做不可数名词,但意义不同,还有一些词和名词性质相似,属于名词类的词,比如代词,数词, 动名词,动词不定式和从句。,二、代词,分 类,人称代词,物主代词,指示代词,不定代词,主格,宾格,名词性物主代词,形容词性物主代词,反身代词,疑问代词,人称代词,不定代词,不定代词 是不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的词,some:someone, somebody, something,somewhere any: anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere. no: no one, nobody, nothing, nowhere. evey: everyone, everybody, everthing, everywehere. one: none many,much, a few, a little all ,both, either, neither,each other, another,eg. there are three students talking in the classroom. I know all of them.all students were present at the meeting.,eg. Both of my sister and I like the song very much.he likes both his sons.,all: 三者或以上全都,既可做形容词又可做代词,both:两者全都,既可做形容词又可做代词。,
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