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1.复习单词(温故而知新) 2.阅读课文(理解生命发展过程),掌握阅读技巧(中心归纳题,细节考查题,排序题,回答问题等。 ) 3.情感教育( 学会做人、学会学习、学会合作 、学会生存) 3.练习作业(巩固提高),本课学习目标,Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.5,A_ about how the universe was formed,The_ of the earth,The importance of_ for life,The_ of plants and animals,The arrival of _ and their effects on the earth,theory,formation,water,development,humans,How life began on the earth,Before life appeared.,Different lives developed.,第二段落:Note taking: key words, a cloud of dust a solid globe fire and rock carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases atmosphere water,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6 .,small plants On surface of water,Early shellfish and all sorts of fish,green plants on land,land animals,insects (on land) amphibian (on land and in water),Mammals- clever animals,forestsreptiles (huge animal-dinosaurs),第四五段落发展过程:,According to the pictures, have a try to retell the development of life.,人类对环境的影响:,Suppose you were the earth, what would you advise humans to do? Write a letter to the human being.,讨论思考,任务三:总结与巩固:,Retell the evolution of life on the earth, using the following chart.(利用下图复述地球生命的演化),After the “Big Bang”, the earth being just a cloud of energetic dust.,the arrival of small plants in the water,green plants beginning to appear on land,Small clever animals appearing and spreading all over the earth,
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