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制作跨职能流程图 Cross Functional Process Mapping (为流程再造制作流程图) (Process Mapping for Re-design),六西格玛过程设计 Six Sigma Process Design,制作再设计流程图的目的 Re-Design Process Mapping Objectives,了解流程的基本情况和价值链各环节的相关方Given a project charter and understanding of process basics and the value chain stakeholders介绍制作跨职能流程图,也称为“泳道图“ Introduce Cross functional/Deployment Mapping, also known as a “Swim Lane” 制作基准图 (跨职能流程图或泳道图)Create Baseline Map (Cross-functional/Swim Lane Process Map),项目跟踪表,过程再设计路线图 Process Redesign Roadmap,价值链,翻译,试的过程过渡计划实施,收集客户之声 /商业之声,分析要求,再设计过程,解决办法的 设计/开发,利益相关方 选择表,利益相关方面谈,Kano,制作精益流程图,Pugh 概念产生,Pugh 概念选择,讨论指南,从图片和声音提炼要求,要求 KJ,图片 KJ,抽样调查,区分优先次序 QFD C&E,跨职能流程图,经历利益相关方 的世界,总结要求并区分优先次序,产生和选择概念,试解决办法,跨职能流程图 Cross-Functional Process Map,价值链 Value Chain,流程图步骤 Process Map Process Steps,Manufacturer,Dealer -Sales -Finance -Customer Service,Buyer,价值链环节相关方Stakeholders,Process Step 1,Offer Financing Options,Process Step 2,Process Step 3,Process Step 4,制作跨职能流程图 Cross Functional or Deployment Mapping,记载 Documents: 各个职能,部门和参与流程环节活动的人之间的关系 Inter-relationships among functions, departments, people who are involved in sequential process deployment activities. (who does it) Also known as Swim lane 揭示 Reveals: 障碍,返工渠道,延迟,未用空间,需要和产生的信息以及弯路Barriers, rework paths, delays, blank spaces, information needed and created, and detours 步骤 Steps: 选择范围 Chose Scope 明确过程步骤 Identify Process Steps 确定顺序 Determine Sequence 确定关系 Determine Relationships 画图 Draw the Map 添加有关时间,费用,质量,详细输入和输出的数据 Add data on time, cost, quality, detailed inputs & outputs,准备,确认团队 Identify the Team 流程图的输入 Inputs to Mapping 头脑风暴 Brainstorming 操作手册 Operator manuals 规范 Specifications 操作员经验 Operator experience 六要素 6Ms 人,机器,方法,测量,材料,环境Man, Machine (Equipment), Method (Procedures), Measurement, Materials, Mother Nature (Environment) 利益相关方的输入 Input from Stakeholders,制作跨职能流程图的步骤 Cross Functional Mapping Steps,开始于过程的流程图 Start with Flow Chart of process 识别过程所涉及的功能部门(价值链)并记录在纸的左侧 Identify Functional groups (Value Chain) that process crosses and record on left side of page 画泳道线把不同的职能部门分开 Draw lines to represent the lanes between functional groups 从图的左侧开始,把流程图的第一步放在合适的泳道里 Start on left side of map, place first step from flow chart in appropriate lane 继续把流程的步骤按以下的规则放在泳道里 Continue to place process steps according to following guidelines 时间从左到右上升 Time increases from left to right across map 同时发生的步骤应上下叠在一起 Steps that occur simultaneously should be stacked on top of each other 箭头总是左进右出 Arrows always exit on right and enter on left sides of process symbols 互相连接的但至少相隔一个泳道的步骤应用虚线连接 Processes that are connected, but are more than one lane apart should be connected with dotted lines,增加流程描述细节 Increasing Process Description Detail,流程图 (也称方块图) Flow Chart (aka Block Diagram) 显示过程步骤,而不是细节 Shows process steps, without worrying about details 是了解过程步骤的有用一步 Useful as a first pass to understand process steps 跨职能图 (也称”泳道图”) Cross Functional Map (aka “Swim lane”) 把流程图过程步骤重安排到职能泳道里Rearranges flow chart process steps into lanes of functions 清楚地显示连接关系 Clearly shows hand-offs 过程步骤从左到右按时间前进 Process steps move left to right as time progresses 跨资源图 Cross Resource Map 在职能中更进一步, 显示实际资源和资源之间的连接关系 Further drill down into functions, showing actual resource to resource hand offs,制作流程图 Process Flow Charting,这是什么工具? What is the tool? 过程的图像描述 Graphical illustration of the process 工具要描述的是什么? What will the tool identify? 所有增值和不增值的过程步骤 All value-added and non-value-added process steps 识别系统设计和再设计的机会Identify opportunities for System Design/ redesign 关键输入 Key Process Inputs (xs) 关键输出 Key Process Outputs (Ys) 数据采集点 Data Collection Points 输入FMEA的第一批输入参数 First Key process input variables to put in FMEA,什么时候制作过程流程图? When do you apply process mapping? 一直 Always 制作过程流程图的结果是什么? What are results of Process Mapping? 看建议的新的设计或再设计是不是比现有系统好 Identify whether proposed new system design/ redesign is better then current system 识别需要测量系统研究的系统Identify systems needing Measurement Studies 识别需要能力性研究的关键输出 Identify Key process outputs for Capability Studies 识别控制计划中缺的项 Identify missing elements in the Control Plan 识别过程中不增值的步骤 Identify possible non-value-added process steps,案例分析:制作流程图 Case Study: Flow Charting,Fulfill Order,跨职能流程图(泳道图) Cross Functional Map (Swim Lane),是一种描述不同职能或部门之间的连接关系 A map that conveys process hand offs between functions or departments 把流程图中的步骤重编排成按职能排的泳道 Rearranges flow chart process steps into lanes of functions 行或列代表职能 Rows or columns represent functions 不同活动归属不同的职能带 Activities fall in appropriate “bands” of functions 同时发生的活动从上到下归组 Concurrent activities grouped “top to bottom” 有时也被称为职能图或泳道图 Sometimes called “Functional” or “Swim Lane” flowchart or map,过程步骤按时间顺序从左到右 Process steps move left to right as time progresses 明确显示部门之间的交接 Clearly shows hand-offs between departments or groups 也称为泳道图或职能图 Also known as a “Swim Lane” or sometimes “Functional Map”,案例分析:制作跨职能流程图 Case Study: Cross Functional Mapping (cont.),Fulfill Order,跨资源图 Cross Resource Map,是一种描述系统或组织内资源传递的图 A map that conveys process hand offs between individual resources in a system or organization 行或列表示各个资源 Rows or columns represent individual resources 各项活动归属不同的资源带 Activities fall in appropriate “bands” of resources 同时发生的活动从上到下归组 Concurrent activities grouped “top to bottom” 显示资源传递 Shows handoffs, resources involved,
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