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,Unit 3 Favourite toys,ball,doll,car,computer,bike,train,toys,computer,ball,bike,train,car,doll,Whats your favourite toy?,My favourite toy is,6,3,1,2,4,5,black,grey,white,brown,Black, brown, white and grey,Look, listen , point and say.(+2),brown,grey,white,black,in,on,under,next to,Is your ball on the toy box?,No, it isnt.,Where is your ball?,Its next to your chair.,train,table,toys,two,Where is the pencil? Is it on the chair?,No, it isnt.,-Whats Maries favourite toy?,-What colours Maskmans car?,-Is the car next to the toy box?,-Where is the car?,-Computer.,-Blue and black.,-No, it isnt.,-It is in the bag.,Class is over! thank you! See you next week.,
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