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1四年级姓名 成绩_ 一、英汉互译。一、英汉互译。(2*14)(2*14)1.一只熊猫 _ 2. Thats OK._2. 她的书_ 3. on the desk_5. 这支铅笔_ 6. Here you are._7. 他的钱包_ 8. over there_9.一个铅笔袋_ 10.come in_11.一只兔子_ 12.what is this?_13.我的故事书_ 14.let me see_二、选择填空二、选择填空(2*10)(2*10)。( )1.This ruler is for you. _ .A. All right B. Thank you C. sorry ( )2.May I have a tape for David? _ . A. Sure . Here you are . B Thank you . C No , it isnt. ( )3. This is my toy rabbit. A. How lovely! B. Its a rabbit. C. Sure. ( )4. Whats this in English? A. Its my dog. B. A dog. C. a dog ( )5. my lion.I like your lion, too.A. Id like B. I like C. I see. ( )6. This is your tiger , I think. _A Yes, it is. B. Yes, its Mikes. C. No. Its my tiger ( )7. Wheres Nancy? _A. Hes in the classroom. B. Shes in the classroom.C. Its on the desk. ( )8. _ , is this my pen? No, it isnt.A. sorry B. Im sorry C.Excuse me ( )9. Whats that _?2A. there B. here C. over there ( )10. Do you like dolls? _A. Yes, I like puppets. B. No, I like dolls.C. Yes, I do. 三、从三、从栏中选出栏中选出栏中的答句。栏中的答句。(2*8)(2*8)( )1. This pencil is for David. A Thank you.( )2. Im sorry. B I like your bear, too.( )3. May I have a book? C Thats OK.( )4. Happy Teachers Day! D All right.( )5. I like my bear. E Sure. Here you are.( )6. Is this your fan? F Its a dog.( )7. Whats this in English? G Yes, I do.( )8. Do you like this lion? H No, it isnt 四、根据中文提示完成下列对话。四、根据中文提示完成下列对话。(2*13)(2*13)1 A: May I have _(那支)_(钢笔)?B:Sure. And _(这支)_ _(圆珠笔)is _(给) Wang Bing.A: All right. 2. A: Whats that in English?B: Its a _(小猫). I like _(小猫)3. A: _(在哪里)_ (我的)umbrella?B: Is this _(你的) umbrella?A: _(不), it_(不是).五、阅读短文,并判断正误,用五、阅读短文,并判断正误,用“”“”或或“”“”表示。表示。 (10)Helen: Hi, Yang Ling. Whats that on the sofa?Yang Ling: Its my red school bag. Helen, is your school bag red?Helen: No, my school bag is yellow. Whats in your school bag?Yang Ling: Ive got some copybooks and a pencil case.( )1. Helens school bag is red.( )2. Yang Lings school bag is red.( )3. Helens school bag is on the sofa. ( )4. Yang Ling has (有)a pencil case and some copybooks in her school bag.( )5. Helens school bag is yellow.
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