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高中英语阅读课 此ppt 必看独家特色简介,一,高中英语阅读课,在赛课中获得了一等奖,经过实战演练,课堂气氛非常活跃,阅读教学方法得到评委一致称赞二,此ppt 制作精美。A,用同学们喜欢的明星导入, B,细节制作创意,趣味十足, C,制作了有逻辑关系的表格来分解原文,让文章显得层次清晰,变得简单易懂三,拥有配套的高质量的教案,说课稿,阅读原文,让你把优秀阅读课信手拈来!教案题目:高中英语阅读课公开课教案 一等奖 说课稿题目:高中英语阅读课公开课说课稿 一等奖 阅读原文题目:An interview with Jackie Chan 高中英语阅读课公开课原文,An interview with Jackie Chan,Reading,Who am I ?,Task1: a small quiz,True or false? 1. People see Chan as a action hero. 2. Chan became successful as soon as he got into the film field . 3.Chan was eight when he began acting. 4 Chan was protagonist immediately he played roles and never played a Bit role. 5. Chan was badly injured over twenty years ago.,T,F,T,F,T,Heres a script of an interview with Jackie Chan. But the careless journalist has lost his question list. You are required to conclude five questions according to Jackie Chans answer.,Task1: skimming,Question list:1._2. _3. _4. _5. _,Group work:1. One group, six members, one question.2. Choose one member to be the reporter.3. Three minutes to discuss.,Question list:1._2. _3. _4. _5. _,When I was a young boy in the China Drama Academy (Peking Opera School), I didnt think much about fame and fortune. It was a struggle just to get through each day; to find enough to eat, to avoid being beaten by my masters, just to survive. That sounds dramatic, but its all true! As I got older and began working in films as a stunt man, my dreams began to focus on being famous and making lots of money. When I started to become famous, I was quite arrogant and thought only about myself and buying lots of watches and cars. I didnt think much about charity. Later, after the accident in Yugoslavia, I changed my thinking and realized that I should be thinking of others, not just about me. It was a natural progression to become a humanitarian and Im very proud of the work Ive done for charity. I am happy that my fame allows me to bring attention to the problems in the world.,When you were young did you ever think you would achieve such recognition in the film world, as a humanitarian ambassador and now as an advocate for world peace?,When I was a young boy in the China Drama Academy (Peking Opera School), I didnt think much about fame and fortune. It was a struggle just to get through each day; to find enough to eat, to avoid being beaten by my masters, just to survive. That sounds dramatic, but its all true! As I got older and began working in films as a stunt man, my dreams began to focus on being famous and making lots of money. When I started to become famous, I was quite arrogant and thought only about myself and buying lots of watches and cars. I didnt think much about charity. Later, after the accident in Yugoslavia, I changed my thinking and realized that I should be thinking of others, not just about me. It was a natural progression to become a humanitarian and Im very proud of the work Ive done for charity. I am happy that my fame allows me to bring attention to the problems in the world.,When you were young did you ever think you would achieve such recognition in the film world, as a humanitarian ambassador and now as an advocate for world peace?,Step 1: 根据意群划分段落,Step 2: 1句话总结出每个段落的中心思想,Step 3 :关键词概括,Step 4:根据关键词概括出题目,A few things led up to my setting up the JCCF. During the filming of Armor of God in Yugoslavia, I suffered a fractured skull while performing a stunt. I was very lucky to be alive. It really changed my outlook on a lot of things. One result from the brush with death was that I began a charity foundation to try and give back to society and all those who had supported me for so long. Another thing that comes to my mind happened many years ago. When I was a young and rising star, my manager arranged for me to visit to a childrens hospital at Christmas time. I remember that I showed up at the hospital and suddenly all these presents for the children appeared (my manager had bought and wrapped them). When the kids opened the presents their eyes lit up and they kept thanking me and telling me how much they loved me. I felt so awful! I felt like such a fake because I didnt know anything about the presents and the kids thought Id given them personally. From that day on I vowed never to repeat that kind of behavior. After that I always pick out the presents myself and make sure that I take care of those less fortunate, especially children.,What initially prompted you to set up the Jackie Chan Foundation in 1988?,What initially prompted you to set up the Jackie Chan Foundation in 1988?,Step 1: 根据意群划分段落,Step 2: 1句话总结出每个段落的中心思想,Step 3 :关键词概括,Step 4:根据关键词概括出题目,I am naturally a very energetic person, so I dont have a problem finding the energy to do all the things I do. I rest whenever there is an opportunity and then when Im needed, I wake up and am ready to go.,How do you find the energy to fulfill your multiple roles in life?,
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