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Advance with English 10 Unit 3 Protecting ourselvesProject,take/abuse drugs 吸毒,drug user 吸毒者,(over 50 million ),smoke,台湾女星萧淑慎 , 因3度吸食用heroin 入狱442天,heroin,downer镇静剂,欧阳鲲鹏,中国目前最好的男子仰泳选手,被终身禁赛,uppers 兴奋剂,UN Days,26 June is observed as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking,Say NO to drugs!,Dangerous!,Making a poster about the dangers of drugs,M10U3 Project,Just say NO,The structure of the expository essay,Part 1(Para_),beginning,body,Skimming,Part 2(Para _),1,2-8,Part 3 (Para _),9,concluding,Read the first and last paragraph and answer.,What will be discussed in this article? (no more than 5w)Whats the best way to avoid problems caused by illegal drugs according to Para 9? (no more than 4w),Dangers of taking drugs.,Saying no to drugs.,Skimming,Read Part 2 for the topic word of each paragraph.,1. Why do people take drugs?,2. What happens when people take drugs?,3.What does the law say about taking drugs?,4.How can drug users seek help?,subtitles,The_ for taking drugs,The _ of taking drugs,The _ for carrying drugs,The _drug users need,reasons,effects/results,punishments,assistance/ help,Skimming,Part 1,1. Reasons,2. Effects/ results,3. Punishment of the law,4. Help/ assistance drug users need,Beginning,Body,Concluding,Part 2,Part 3,Saying NO to drugs,Structure,Dangers of taking drugs,The reasons for taking drugs,Q: How many reasons for peoples taking drugs arementioned in Para 2? What are they?,Three.,Scanning,Some people try them because of 1._, others take drugs 2._ their families or society and still others try drugs because they feel like 3. _by their friends who are drug users.,being curious/ curiosity,to rebel against,being accepted,信息源:Because they are curious,信息源: Because they want to be accepted byfeel like doing sth,The effects/ result of taking drugs,Examples,Side effects,Downers,decreased heart rate,see / hear unreal things,death,caffeine,Scanning,killing users,The punishment for carrying drugs,Which of the following is NOT true according to Para 7?,A. All the drugs are not legal. B. Drugs can be given by nobody but a doctor. C. The punishment is determined by the kind and quantity of illegal drugs carried. D. You may be fined or imprisoned or even sentenced to death for carrying illegal drugs.,Scanning,信息源:Para 7, L40 Most drugs are illegal unless they are given to you by a doctor.,The assistances/ help drug users need,Q: How can drug users break drug addiction?,By admitting their problems and seeking help from a hospital or drug clinic.,Scanning,信息源:Para 8,L46-47 They should first admit their problem with drugs, and then they should seek help from a hospital or drug clinic.,Discussion,In China, Nearly 80% of the drug users are teenagers.,Why are so many teenagers addicted to drugs?What would happen if a teenager like you took drugs?What can we do to keep away from drugs?,Opinions and suggestion,Reasons,Bad effects,1. being curious 2. rebelling against society. 3. feeling like being accepted by friends using drugs. ,1. having much physical pain eg. 2. costing money, career, fame and even life 3. harming the family and friends, 4. ending up in prison ,As for us teenagers, we ought to Government should,Situation,In China, nearly 80% of the drug users are teenagers,Stay away from drugs,目前,在中国吸毒者中,青少年比例高达80%, 学校为加强禁毒教育,现安排我班准备一份禁毒宣传海报张贴在“知识长廊”橱窗内,要求配有图片及禁毒倡议书,并设计一条宣传标语作为倡议书标题。(图片已准备好了)Slogan:eg. Drugs ruin your life.Fight against drugs, fight for life.Cherish your life, stay away from drugs. 倡议书应从青少年角度出发,包括青少年吸毒的现状、原因及危害,并就我们该如何远离毒品,保护自我谈谈你的看法。,Poster-designing,Opinions and suggestion,Reasons,Bad effects,1. being curious 2. rebelling against society. 3. feeling like being accepted by friends using drugs.,1. having much physical pain e.g. 2. costing money, career, fame and even life 3. harming the family and friends, 4. ending up in prison ,1. As for us teenagers, we ought to 2. Government should,Situation,In China, nearly 80% of the drug users are teenagers,Stay away from drugs,Language Points,Useful expression,以告终 (L1) 反抗 (L5) 在一些情况下(L15/L24) 降低食欲 (L17) 对上瘾(L19) 被称为 (L21) 被归类为(L29) 大量 (L30) 从到(L33) 重新开始(L45) 消除 (L45) 继续前进 (L46) 向寻求帮助(L47) 首先(L53),end in rebel against in some cases/ situations reduce the appetite become addicted to be referred to as be classified as in large quantities rang fromto start over again wipe away move forward seek help from in the first place,Sentence bank,As smokers may tell you, people can become easilyaddicted to nicotine, which is why they have trouble quitting smoking. 2. Alcohol is also classified as a downer, and althoughit is legal, it can damage the liver and do great harm if consumed in large quantities. 3. While in the beginning some people may even enjoyabusing drugs, in the end drug users find themselvestrapped in a prison from which they cannot escape. 4. An example of this type of drugs is LSD, which produces reactions ranging from increased heart rate and acute anxiety. 5.Punishments rang from a small fine and a few daysin prison to a large fine and even the death sentence.,
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