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课 题 Unit 1 There is a big Chinatown in New York.教学目标 知识目标: Where did you go? I went to/ What did you see? I saw/What did you eat? I ate 能力目标: 能用英语介绍交流过去发生的事情。教学重点 用英语介绍过去发生的事情教学难点 正确使用动词过去式教学准备 卡片,课件教学过程 教学内容 设计意图Step 1 warming up1. Write some verbs in the past tense on the board. Tell the students, “Here are some verbs in the past tense. Im going to call out a verb from the board, in the present tense. Lookat the board and respond with the same verb in the past tense. I want two students to come to the board and point to the right word.”2Play a game. Find your friends. Give out several cards to the students. Half ofthe cards are verbs in the present tense. Half of them are verbs in the past tense. One minute for them to find their friends and then stand in front of the classroom with their cards. TheTeacher will speak out a verb in the present orpast tense. The rest students should respond with the same verb in the past or the present tense. The student who holds the right card shouldturn around.这是一个学生非常喜欢玩又能很好地复习不规则动词过去式的游戏,学生也能全班参与,台上找好朋友的学生既要听老师的词语,但又要根据台下学生的词语转圈,锻炼了他们的应变和反应能力。)(老师请全体学生从黑板上所写词语中找到并读出所给动词的过去式,这既是一个热身活动,帮助学生复习所学过的不规则动词过去式,请两名同学上台指出相应词语可以帮助部分后进生更加熟悉这些词语,加强他们的认读能力。)Step 2 Lead in1. Ask the students to look at the screen. Tell them, “Yesterday was Sunday. I didnt go to (通过看图片提示猜出老师昨天的活work. I was tired. But I was very happy. Look at the screen. Think it over and guess. Where did I go? What did I see? What did I eat? Lets talk and finish the positions of this pet.” (课件出示三组图片:商场、鞋子;电影院,功夫熊猫剧照;餐馆,食物。并出示一张“小宠物”图片)2.Have the students to guess where I went and what I did. Finish drawing the feet (I went to), the mouth (I ate), the eyes (I saw) and the hands (I bought) of the pet. (谈论去过的地方,完成“小宠物”的脚,吃的东西,完成“小宠物”的嘴巴,看到的完成“小宠物”的眼睛,最后买的东西完成“小宠物”的手。)动创设语境,将学生的思维迅速地引向教学目标,使学生的思维与想象在教师限定的范围内展开,自然而然形成教学所需的相关语境。激发学生学习新知识的兴趣。)Step 3 practicePractice. Ask the students, “How about you? Where did you go yesterday? What did you do? What did you see? What did you eat?” Have them to ask and answer in pairs. 这部分属于口语表达的训练,老师要给学生足够的时间去准备,这样才能在对话展示中有好的效果。(让学生两人一组用英语简单交流昨天的经历,让学生回忆与阅读主题相关的经验,既培养了学生运用语言的能力,引发学生的能动思维,又复习了以前学过本课又出现了的句型。 )Step 5. ExtensionLets talk about our summer holiday.1. Show the students some photos of the places I went and the things I did on my summer vocation on the screen. Ask them to keep the pictures in mind. Give them one minute to watch the photos. Then have the students say something about the teachers summer vocation. (课件将老师的暑期生活组成一组照片从屏幕上闪过,让学生在限定的时间里记住并复述出来)2. Tell the students, “Lets talk about our (模拟情景是此时学生自主学习课堂教学的最直接方法,能帮助学生准确、容易地推断语境,从而收到较好的理解与记忆效果。在此我创设模拟情景,使学生有一种身临其境的感觉,使学summer vocation. Make a dialogue with your friends. Talk about where you went and what you did in your summer vocation.” Ask them to practice their dialogue in groups and then act it out. (学生分组谈论暑期生活,表演对话)(设计拓展任务时,要贴近社会实际和学生生活,活化课文等材料内容,进行开放性延伸,增强课堂交际活动的真实感和实用性,使学生进一步体会英语作为交际工具的实用价值,获得用英语解决实际问题的成功体验。我结合学生的年龄特点和生活实际,创设让学生交流暑期生活交际活动情境,使学生在交际互动的教学活动中,提高综合运用英语的能力。学生进行对话、表演就是语言输出。学生在语言输出的同时强化了所学内容,巩固了认知成果,发展了认知水平。)生对所学内容记忆深刻,让学生在轻松、愉快的氛围中发展用英语思维的习惯和在特定的语境中得体交际的能力。创设这些情景也能更好的培养学生的观察力、想象力和创造力作业 1. 熟读课文2. 完成第 3 题中的 3 个问题。3. 预习第 2 课,查出新单词。板书设计 Unit 1 There is a big Chinatown in New York.Where did you go last Sunday?What did you see?What did you eat?
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