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美联英语提供:英语语法层次关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里http:/m.meten.com/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0Chapter two Introduction-Grammatical Hierarchy语言(Language )是社会交际的工具,是音义结合的词汇和语法的体系。语法(Grammar)是语言的组织规律 Grammar is the structural system of a language.,它赋予语言以结构系统, 而词汇(vocabulary)则是语言的建筑材料,它通过语法而赋予语言以意义内容。The grammar of English is organized into five ranks: 1.the sentence(句子) , the clause(分句), the phrase(词组), the word(词) and the morpheme(词素). 英语的语法结构具有层次性,分为五个不同的层次。2. Each rank is composed of one or more than one grammatical unit of the immediate lower unit. 每一层由一个或一个以上的低层次的语法结构组成。3.A full sentence can generally be segmented rank by rank down to its smallest constituents-the morphemes.句子能够一层一层地切分到它的最小组成单位-词素。 词素 MorphemeThe morpheme is the minimum or smallest grammatical unit, also the smallest meaningful element of speech. 词素是最小的语法单位,也是最小的语义单位。Morphemes fall into two categories: free morphemes (自由词素) and bound morphemes (粘附词素).1、 Free morphemes(自由词素): a free morpheme has a complete meaning and can stand by itself as a simple word. 自由词素指本身具有完整意义并能作为“简单词”而单独使用的词素。e.g. kind father boy girl desk teacher自由词素可以充当词根(root)加上词缀(Affix)构成派生词(Derivative) 。Kind : Kindness, unkind, kindlyFriend: friendly, friendship, friendless, unfriendliness2、 Bound morphemes(粘附词素)bound morphemes are mostly affixes. They are also meaningful, but the meaning is not complete in itself unless it is attached to some other form. Therefore, a bound morpheme cannot stand by itself: it only exists as an inflectional(曲折变化的) or derivational(派生的) affix. 粘附词素指本身没有完整意义,不能单独使用,而必须粘附在自由词素或其他形式上才能表示出意义的词素。粘附词素的主要功能是在构词上充当词缀(Affix),即曲折词缀(Inflectional Affix)和派生词缀(Derivational Affix).曲折词缀包括名词复数标记-s/-es ,名词属格标记-s;第三人称动词单数现在时标记-s/-es,动词过去时标记-ed;动词-ed 分词和-ing 分词的标记-ed,-ing; 形容词和副词比较级和最高级的标记-er,-est 等。派生词缀分为前缀(Prefix)和后缀(Suffix) 。 词(word )词是比词素高一级的语法单位,要一个或一个以上的词素构成。分类:根据构词法分类:简单词、派生词、复合词简单词(Simple word),又叫“单词素词” (Morpheme Word), 由单一自由词素构成,多半是一些短小的词。Eg: at by in far near make desk 等。派生词(Derivative)是由词根加派生词缀构成。词根是派生词的基础,同一词根加不同词缀可表示不同的意义或不同的词性。复合词(Compound word)通常由两个或两个以上自由词素构成,主要有复合名词(deadline, handbook) ;复合形容词 (world-famous, bloodthirsty, bitter-sweet) ;复合动词(nickname, outline, mass-produce);复合副词 (nevertheless, moreover) ;复合代词(another, something, anybody) ;复合连词(whenever, wherever);复合介词(alongside, outside, throughout.根据语法功能,分为封闭词类(closed class)和开放词类(Open Class)封闭词类指所有的功能词(Function Word) 。没有完整的词汇意义,但有语法意义,数目有限,比较稳定。包括:介词(Preposition) 、代词(Pronoun ) 、限定词(Determiner) 、连词(Conjunction ) 、助动词(Auxiliary)开放词类指各种实义词(Content Word) 。这一类词是随着社会、经济、文化的发展而不断丰富和发展的。包括: 名词(Noun) 、形容词(Adjective) 、副词(Adverb) 、主动词(Main Verb),还有基数词(Cardinal Numeral),序数词(Ordinal Numeral), 感叹词(Interjection)是介乎“封闭”与“开放”之间的词类。 词组(Phrase)词组(Phrase )是由一个或一个以上的词构成的语法单位。词组是按照一定语法规则围绕一定中心词(Head 或 Headword)结合起来的一组词。中心词所属词类决定着词组内部的结合方式,也决定着词组的类别。如名词词组(Noun Phrase) ,动词词组(Verb Phrase), 形容词词组(Adjective Phrase) ,副词词组( Adverb Phrase) ,介词词组(Prepositional Phrase )1. 名词词组名词词组是以名词为中心词构成,也可能带有限定词及其他修饰语。结构形式如下:(限定词)+ (前置修饰语)+ 名词+(后置修饰语)Eg. All the college studentsHis new book on GrammarThe athors new novel that will soon come out2. 动词词组动词词组是以主动词(Main Verb)为中心词的词组。动词词组可能只包括一个主动词或者主动词修饰语,这叫做“简单动词词组” (simple Verb Phrase)E.g. Tom arrived last night.They finally made it.动词词组也可以由一个或一个以上的助动词加主动词构成,这叫做“复杂动词词组” (Complex Verb Phrase) 。复杂动词词组也可以带有修饰语。It is getting dark.You must keep your promise.The children might have been playing in the garden.动词词组按照动词形式又可分为“限定动词词组” (Finite Verb Phrase)和“非限定动词词组”(Non-finite Verb Phrase).动词词组的第一个词如果在形式上带有“时” (tense)的标记(有时还受主语的“人称”(person)和“数” (number)的制约) ,这便是限定动词词组。动词词组的第一个如果是一种不变的动词形式,即没有“时”的标记(也不受主语的“人称”和“数”的制约) ,这便是非限定动词词组。We went there to see a film.Having seen the film, we had a discussion.Painted by a famous artist, the portrait is invaluable.3. 形容词词组形容词词组是以形容词为中心词的词组。形容词词组可以只包括一个形容词,也可以是“修饰语+形容词”或者是“形容词+补足成分” ,这种结构如下:(修饰语)+ 形容词 +(后置修饰语 /补足成分)It is fine today.You are not careful enough.That work is too difficult for that child.The weather is too hot to be enjoyable.4. 副词词组副词词组是以副词为中心词的词组。副词词组的结构如下:(修饰语)+ 副词 +(后置修饰语)He spoke loudly and clearly.Be a man, Dont act so lowly.He lives farthest from the station.5. 介词词组介词词组是以介词为中心词的词组。介词词组不可能只包括一个中心词,介词之后必须跟有补足成分(又加“介词宾语” ) 。介词词组之前有时还可带有修饰语。结构如下:(修饰语)+ 介词 +补足成分Do you think you can borrow some money from your friend?We are collecting money for the benefit of some orphans.That short story is based upon an incident in the authors life. 分句分句是建立在一个或一个以上词组基础上的语法单位。从逻辑意义上看,分句又是“主语+谓语”的语法构造,因而具有一种描述性。 “分句是词组的序列” ,即一个或一个以上的词组在一定上下文中构成一种带有描述性的“主语+谓语”的语法构造。1. 独立分句和从属分句独立分句(independent clause)指不依附于其他结构而独立存在的分句。从属分句(Dependent/ Subordinate Clause)指从属于其他结构的分句。He knows everything about it. (独立分句)I dont think he knows everything about it. (从属分句)His new book will soon come out. It is on grammar. (独立分句)His new book that will soon come out is on grammar. (从属分句)2. 简单分句和复杂分句简单分句(simple clause)指仅包括一个主谓结构的分句。单独出现的简单分句也就是 “简单句” 。复杂分句(complex clause )指带有其他主谓结构作为分句成分的分句;一个单独出现的复杂分句也就是“复杂句” (complex sentence)It is not tru
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