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,Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?第五课时 ”Section B(2a一2d)工. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1. Tony has a direct(直接的) way of speaking. If he wants something,he willask for it.2. Nelly made one or two mistakes, so most of her answers were correct(正确的).3. Bill invited Lucy to go to the cinema with him but Lucy refused politely(客气地).4. Frank asked for a leave,but Mr. Alien refused his redquest(请求).S. His uncle often goes to work by bus,but sometimes he goes byunderground(地铁).开. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. Please give me some advice on becoming a good English speaker(Cspeak).7. With whom(who) did you go to the movies last night? 8. How many courses(course) do you have this term?9. Visitors in all directions(direct) come to visit the Great Wall every year.10. It is impolite(Doiite) to roOw mubbishihere and;there 亚. 英汉互译。11. 成功取决于你工作有多努力。Success_ depends on how hard you work.12. 知道如何使用这人台电脑很重要 。It s very important to know how to use the compnuter. 13. Thats because he ddnt catch the first pus in the morning.那是因为他早上没有赶上第一班公共汽车。14. It s all right to say it to your best friend.向你最好的朋友说这件事是可以的。到. 短文填空。阅读下面短文,在空白处填人一个适当的词,或十人括号中所给单词的正确形式。When you are lost or have some problems in a strange place,you have toask _ 15 help. So it is very important to know how to ask for help “16(polite) and properly.Usually,people change the way they speak when they talk with 1718(difference) people. ft mainly _ fdependy on the Pecple you are speaking n. Sormetimesy when you know the to or 19 (you) relationshippeople very well, you may talk more directly to them. However, 20 ”you dont know them well,it might be better to speak in a polite way like“Excusemeycould you please?”Whats moreyin some _ 21 (situation), we might need to spend more time 22 (lead) into a question using such expressionsas“Excuse me,I wonder if you can help me”or“Tm sorry to trouble you,but”before asking for help.In a word, learning about etiquette is just as important as learning thelanguage 23 (it). Being more polite to others can help you 24 lotwhen you are in trouble.1S. for 16. Politely .17. different 18. depends 19. your 20.计21. situations 22.leading 23.itsell 24.
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