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冀教版小学六年级第一学期期中英语英语测试卷班级_ 姓名_一. 填入所缺的字母bathr m (浴室) cl n(干净的) w sh (洗) t let (厕所) st ve(火炉) k tchen (厨房) umb_lla(雨伞) w t(湿的) sh pe (图形) tr_ngle (三角形)二.Match.匹配。(20分)1.What time is it? A . Five2. Where is it? B. Its rainy.3. What would you like for breakfast? C. Its twenty degrees.4. What are you doing? D. No,I usually go to school by bike.5. Do you usually go to school by bus? E. Im from China.6. Where are you from? F. Yes.7. Do you like Canada? G .Im washing thedirty dishes.8.How is the weather today? H. I dont know.9 .Whats the temperature outside? I. Its eight oclock.10. How many pencils? J. I would like cereal, please.三、Fill in the blanks.完成句子。(20分) Word list: cook bathroom wash dirty clean make stove your yours dry1. Its 7:00. Time for breakfast. My mum _s breakfast.2. My hands are _. I want to _my hands.3. This is a towel. _your hands. Now your hands are _.4. Lets go to the kitchen.Mum is _ing your eggs on the_ .5. The red toothbrush is _. This is _ toothbrush .6. You can wash hands in the _.四、Choose the best answers.选择最佳答案。(10分)( )1. Is this his book? No,its_A. my B. mine C .your( )2. These are _. A. man B. girl C. women ( )3. What you like for breakfast ? A.would B.can C.are( )4. Steven _wears dresses. A. always B. usually C. never ( )5. How many _are there? A. dress B. dresses C .dish ( )6. Lets put a circle _usually. A.on B.to C.in D.for ( )7.I am going to play _guitar. A.the B.a C.an D./ ( )8. Is your father a teacher _a driver? A.and B.or C.of D.to 五.用所给词的适当形式填空1. Li Ming always (wash) his hands before lunch.2. This is (my) coat ,that one is (your).3. This toothbrush is (my).4. My mother is (cook) meat on the stove.5. We are (sit) on the couch.6. Li Ming likes to (wash) his hands.七、Reading.阅读短文,完成下表。(10分) Li Ming and Jenny always do their(他们的)homework at home. Li Ming always helps his mother dry the dishes. Jenny,Steven and Danny usually help their mother. Steven usually does (做)his homework at home. Steven sometimes walk to school. Danny sometimes does his homework at home. Danny always walks(走)to school, but Jenny never walks to school. Jenny sometimes wears dresses. Li Ming, Steven and Danny never wear dresses. namedo your homework?help your mother?walk to school?wear dresses?Li MingJenny15Steven3Danny24 Always susually sometimes never-3-小学资源网投稿邮箱: xj5u163.com -
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