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There be 句型专题,How many apples are there on the tree?,There are twenty apples on the tree.,How many apples are there on the tree now?,There are thirteen apples on the tree now.,There be 句型表示 “存在”“有”,其中be动词有时态和单复数变化。,There be+主语(人或物名词)+地点,单数is 复数are 不可数的 用is,看名词,There _ a doll in the toy box. A. is B. are,There _ some bread on the plate. A. is B. are,There _ a lot of green trees in the Park. A. is B. are,There is a cat under the tree.,There are two dogs under the tree.,There is a cat and two dogs under the tree.,There are two dogs and a cat under the tree.,there,there 是个近视眼。,There _ a desk and fifty-five chairs in the classroom. A. are B. is,There _ fifty-five chairs and a desk in the classroom. A. are B. is,就近原则,只要看到be动词后面的词是复数名词,就用are,否则就用is。 当然还要注意时态哦!,There _ some water in the bottle. A. is B. are C. have D. be,There is _. A. a pencil B. two books C. five apples D. a water,There _ a pencil-case and many pencils in Toms schoolbag. A. is B. are C. have D. be,There are a lot of _ in the fridge. A. meat B. chicken C. eggs D. milk,There is a radio on the desk.,There be- 的一般疑问句,Is there a radio on the desk ? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.,There are some shoes under the bed.,Are there any shoes under the bed? Yes, there are. / No, there arent.,规则: is/are要提前, some 变any,其他都不变,There be有特点,主语放在be后面, 单数主语用is ,复数主语要用are。 变否定很简单,be后要把not添。 变疑问也不难,把be提到there前。 否定疑问any换,就近原则多多练。,There be 口诀,There is an apple on the chair.,请使用There be- 描述下图,There is a ball in the basket.,There are two apples on the chair.,There is a pencil in the pencil-box.,There are three books on the desk.,用be动词is / are 填空:,1、There a pencil in the pencil box. 2、There some flowers on the desk. 3、There four people in my family. 4、There a picture and two maps on the wall. 5、A: there a cat under the tree? B: Yes,there,is,are,are,is,Is,is,1. There _ a clock on the table. A. is B. are 2. _ there a radio on your desk? A. are B. is 3. _ there a map on the wall? Yes, there _. A. are / is B. is / are C. is / is D. are /are 4. There _ some students in the classroom. A. are B. is 5. There _ a pencil, a book and two pens on the table. A.is B. are,语法大练兵,A,C,A,A,B,6. There _ two apples, one orange and one banana on the table. A. is B. are 7. Are there _ pictures on the wall? No, there arent _ . A. any / any B. some / any C. some / some D. any/some 8. There isnt a book in his hand. There is _ book in his hand. A. no B. not 9. There is a tree _ the playground. A. at B. near 10. - Are there _ shops near here? - No, there are _ shops near here. A. some, not B. some, any C. any, not D. any, no,语法大练兵,B,A,B,A,C,1. There is a mouse in the room. (改写为一般疑问句,并作肯定否定回答) Is there a mouse in the room? Yes, there is. / No, there is not. 2. There is a fish in the bowl. (改写成否定句) There is not a fish in the bowl. 3. There are some dolphins in the ocean. (改写为一般疑问句) Are there any dolphins in the ocean? 4. There are some books in his bag. (改写为否定句) There are not any books in his bag.,语法大练兵,教室里有很多桌子和凳子。 There are some desks and chairs in the classroom. 书架上有很多书。 There are some books on the shelf. 椅子下有个足球。 There is a football under the chair. 树上有两个风筝和一只鸟。 There are two kites and a bird on the tree. There is a bird and two kites on the tree. 房子附近有三棵树。 There are three trees near the house.,语法大练兵,翻译,在桌子上有3支钢笔。 There are three pens on the table. 在树上有一些苹果。 There are some apples on the tree. 在椅子上有一只兔子。 There is a rabbit on the chair. 在铅笔盒里有一块橡皮。 There is an eraser in the pencil-box.,Homework,There are three pens on the table. There are not three pens on the table. Are there three pens on the table? Yes,there are.No,there arent. There are some apples on the tree. There are not any apples on the tree. Are there any apples on the tree? Yes,there are.No,there arent. There is an eraser in the pencil-box. There is not an eraser in the pencil-box. Is There an eraser in the pencil-box? Yes,there is.No,there isnt.,变否定句和疑问句,并做回答。,goodbye!,
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