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高考必备词汇选择题汇编By:Gaven语法专项第二节 语法结构训练题1. In the middle of the room stands a _ table.A. beautiful wooden round B. round wooden beautiful C. wooden round beautiful D. beautiful round wooden2. _ she was invited to the ball made her very happy.A. If B. That C. When D. Because3. Some of the suspects _ refused to answer and kept their mouths shut.A. questioning B. being questioned C. questioned D. to be questioned4. It was not until dark _ he found _ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.A. that; what B. that; that C. when; what D. when; that5. He had little idea that it was getting so late, _?A. didnt he B. wasnt it C. did he D. was it?6. He regretted the day _ he wasted in the woods and _ he should have studied.A. when; when B. that; when C. when; that D. that; that7. Johns record was not so good as _ on the team.A. all the players B. any other players C. other players D. any players 8. - Are you angry?- Yes. He should at least answer when _.A. speaking B. spoken C. spoken to D. speaking to 9. _ full preparations, we decided to put off the meeting till next week.A. We did not make B. Having not made C. We had not made D. Not having made10. Beijing government put more than 700 million yuan to increase its green space this year, _ doubles the money provided last year.A. as B. while C. that D. which11. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just _ worries the public.A. why B. which C. that D. what12. In Switzerland, six miles west of Geneva, _ a collection of laboratory buildings.A. lie B. are lying C. lies D. lays13. _ good, the food was soon sold out.A. Tasted B. Being tasted C. Tasting D. Having tasted14. It was said _ that was _ the prisoner escaped from the prison.A. that; what B. /; that C. /; how D. that; how15. There was less food for birds and also for the Prairie dog, _ lives in holes in the ground. A. a kind of animal B. an animal that C. which of a kind of animal D. a kind of animal of which 16. Mr. Smith returned from China last week. He bought _ vase.A. a Chinese old interesting earthenware B. an old interesting earthenware Chinese.C. an earthenware old interesting Chinese D. an interesting old Chinese earthenware17. They stood at the window, _ they could see _ was happening in the street.A. from which; that B. from where; what C. where; all D. where; that18. Mary likes music, but she dislikes dancing, _?A. doesnt she B. does she C. will she D. wont she?19. There is no greater love than _ who lays down his life for his country.A. that of a man B. a man C. that of a mans D. a mans love 20. _ people have visited the _ stone bridge.A. Two millions of; 500-footlong B. Several millions of; 500-feet-longC. Two million; 500-feet- long D. Millions of; 500-foot-long21. Swimming in the lake, _.A. a rock cut Sues foot B. Sues foot was cutC. Sue cut her foot on a rock D. a rock cut Sue by the foot22. _, we like it better.A. Our house having painted white B. Having painted white C. To painted white D. our house painted white23. Take care! Dont get the ink on your white shirt, for it _ easily.A. wont wash out B. wont be washed out C. isnt washed out D. isnt washing out24. It was not _ she took off the dark glasses _ I realized she was a famous film star.A. when, that B. until, that C. until, when D. when , when25. All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those _ in the forest.A. once they grew. B. they grew once C. that once grew D. once grew26. _ the window, my finger was cut unexpectedly.A. Clean B. To clean C. While cleaning D. While I was cleaning27. If I correct someone, Ill do it with as much good humor and self- restrain as if I were the one _. A. to correct B. correcting C. having corrected D. being corrected28. Up to Tuesdays attack, the worst school shooting in the U.S. was in March 1998 in Jonesbora, _ two boys, aged 11 and 13, shot and killed a teacher and four girls.A. while B. where C. when D. then29. Throughout the world _ advance has been made in science and technology is due to education which brings forth knowledge, creation and inventions.A. whoever B. whatever C. what D. that30. _ as Edison was, he knew a lot about science, especially electricity.A. Child B. The child C. A child D. such a child 31. Spend your time just on the things you find _.A. to be worth doing B. worth being done C. being worth your while D. them worth doing 32. If one never studied, he would have nothing _.A. succeeding to do B. succeeded C. to succeed to D. to succeed in 33. If this dictionary is not yours, _ can it be?A. what else B. who else
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