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学生会的老师就像这个大家庭里的家长,他(她)们慈爱而又严厉,老师们教会我们做人,教会我们学习,教会我们工作。老师对我们的关心与疼爱我们始终看在眼里,记在心里有关简爱英文读后感1000字导语:假如你避免不了,就得去忍受。不能忍受生命中注定要忍受的事情,就是软弱和愚蠢的表现。以下小编为大家介绍有关简爱英文读后感1000字文章,欢迎大家阅读参考!有关简爱英文读后感1000字1简爱讲述了一个名叫简爱的女孩的故事,她没有爹也没不娘,过着贫苦的生活。可她坚信:虽然我不可以选择财富,但我可以选择 人生!她努力的学习工作,努力地生活最终拥有独立的财产和心爱的人。一幕幕的情节都催人泪下,使人更加坚强。我开始懂得了人生的真谛。我试着勇敢坚强地生活,尽管很辛苦很忙碌,也有时很拼命,却充实美好。简爱的朋友海伦因传染病而将要死去,简爱毫不畏惧地陪她度过了人生最后的一个晚上,她们率真的话语,生离死别的友谊深深地打动了我,是啊,简爱从小被寄养在狠心的里德夫人家,里德夫人由于嫉妒便虐待她,周围的人也欺负他,她只有海伦,她们一起走过了风风雨雨,在共同的志趣下生活,可上天却又那么残忍地夺走了海伦 久经磨难的简爱最终回到了罗切斯特先生身边,可他却又瞎又节肢。简爱用她会说话的眼睛默默地看着罗切斯特。也就在那一刻,罗切斯特感到了简爱他的小仙女回来了,他们紧握着手讲着身边发生的事情,发誓永远不分离。我被深深地感动着,我明白了越是围难越让真的喜欢的人更刻骨铭心! 两年前,生活无情地选择了我。我不能上大学了,而对着残忍的现实我让步了。爸妈没能力支付我那么昂贵的学费,我只能注定被选择。最后,我选择了师范,在这里我度过了自己最孤独最难忘的一段日子,简爱弥补了我空虚无味的生活,我觉得我已拥有了简爱,拥有了她,虽然我不可以选择财富,但我可以选择乐观的生活态度。我试着振作起来,试着勇敢努力地生活在。在学习上,我尽自己最大的努力去学好,也积极地参加学校的其他活动,这一路上,有鲜花有掌声也有泪水,我的学习很快赶上来了,在学校的征文大赛、冬季越野赛、运动会中我都多次获奖。我重新找回了自己。原来每个人都是在夹逢中求生存,在逆境中求发展的。人生需要挫折的挑战,那才是完美亮丽的人生!人生是多变的,也许它犹如瞬间吹过的风却给了人们从未有过的爽快。也许它如挂在天空的彩虹,却创造了世界上最美的奇迹! 怀抱着简爱它给我的不止是这些。我深深地明白:我应该坚强地活着,努力地活着。虽然天空没有我的足迹,但是我飞过!虽然我不可以选择财富,但我可以选择人生!Jane Eyre tells the story of a girl named Jane Eyre who lived a poor life without a father or a mother. But she firmly believed that although I could not choose wealth, I could choose life. She worked hard, worked hard, and finally had independent property and loved ones. Scenes of the plot are copy from rolia make people stronger. I began to understand the true meaning of life. I try to live bravely and sturdily, although it is very hard, very busy, sometimes very hard, but full of beauty.Friends facing the infectious disease of Jane Eyre and will die, Jane fearlessly accompany her to spend a night at the end of the life, they are straightforward words, Shenglisibie friendship deeply touched me, yes, Jane grew up in foster care in the cruel Lidefu people, Lidefu people because of jealousy abuse her around people who bully him, she only Helen, they passed the groundless talk together, living in the common interest, but God can be so cruel killed Helen. The hardened Jane eventually returned to Mr. Rochester, but he was blind and arthropod.Jane eyed Rochester silently with her speaking eyes. At that moment, Rochester felt Jane Eyre. His little fairy came back. They clasped hands and talked about what happened around them, and vowed never to part. I was deeply moved, and I understood that the more difficult it was, the more I was engraved with the people I really liked! Two years ago, life was a merciless choice for me. I couldnt go to college, and I gave in to the ruthless reality. My parents were not able to pay for my expensive tuition, and I was doomed to be chosen. Finally, I chose the teachers here, I spent my most lonely the most memorable period of time, Jane Eyre fill the emptiness in my boring life, I think I have a Jane with her, although I can not choose wealth, but I can choose the optimistic attitude towards life.I tried to cheer up and try to live bravely and hard. In the study, I try my best to learn, other activities also actively participate in school, this way, there are flowers and applause and tears, I learn very quickly catching up, in a school essay contest, winter cross-country games, I have won many awards. I rediscovered myself. It turns out that everyone is seeking survival in the pinch and developing in adversity. Life needs the challenge of setbacks, thats the bright and beautiful life. Life is changeable. Maybe it is just like the wind blowing in a moment, but it has never been refreshed for people. Maybe it is like a rainbow hanging in the sky, but it creates the most beautiful miracle in the world! With Jane Eyre it gives me more than these. I understand deeply: I should be strong and live hard. Although the sky is not my footprints, but I fly! Although I can not choose wealth, but I can choose life!有关简爱英文读后感1000字2难道就因为我一贫如洗,默默无闻,长相平庸,个子瘦小,就没有灵魂,没有心肠了你想错了,我的心灵跟你一样丰富,我的心胸一样充实!简爱夏洛蒂简爱是英国文学史上的一部经典传世之作,它成功地塑造了英国文学史中第一个对爱情、生活、社会以及宗教都采取了独立自主的积极进取态度和敢于斗争、敢于争取自由平等地位的女性形象。大凡喜爱外国文学作品的女性,都喜欢读夏洛蒂的简爱。如果我们认为夏洛蒂仅仅只为写这段缠绵的爱情而写简爱。我想,错了。作者也是一位女性,生活在波动变化着的英国19世纪中叶,那时思想有着一个崭新的开始。而在简爱里渗透最多的也就是这种思想女性的独立意识。让我们试想一下,如果简爱的独立,早已被扼杀在寄人篱下的童年生活里;如果她没有那份独立,她早已和有妻女的罗切斯特生活在一起,开始有金钱,有地位的新生活;如果她没有那份纯洁,我们现在手中的简爱也不再是令人感动的流泪的经典。所以,我开始去想,为什么简爱让我们感动,爱不释手就是她独立的性格,令人心动的人格魅力。然而,我们不禁要问,仅这一步就能独立吗?我认为,不会的。毕竟女性的独立是一个长期的过程,不是一蹴而就的。它需要一种彻底的勇气,就像简爱当年毅然离开罗切斯特一样,需要“风潇潇兮易水寒,壮土一去兮不复返”的豪迈和胆量。我想,这应该才是最关键的一步,也应该是走向独立的决定性的一步。而夏洛蒂笔下的简爱却把她倔强的性格,独立的个性留给我们一个感动。所以她是成功的,幸福的女性。简爱已作为独立女性的经典,我希望阳光下,鲜花里有更多的简爱走出来,不管是贫穷,还是富有;不管是美貌,还是相貌平庸,都有美好的心灵和充实的心胸,都能以独立的人格和坚强的个性生活。Is it because Im plain, unknown to the public, as pour as a church mouse, tall and thin, with no soul, no heart, you are wrong, I have as much soul as you, Im full as much heart! - Jane Eyre CharlotteJane Eyre is the history of British literature as a classic masterpieces, it successfully portrays the history of British literature
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