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精读Module2Developinganddevelopingcountries(9、10)1.To improve the students reading ability. 2.To train the students writing skills.How to improve the students comprehensive ability. Individual work, pair work to make everyone take part in the class.A blackboard New lessonModule 1Developing and developed countriesPeriod 9 and 10Answer the following questions.Q1. Does your hometown have a twin town?Q2. Do you think it is a good idea? Say why or why not.Q3. What happens when two towns have a town twinning agreement? Step Pre-reading第一种:Answer the following questions.Q1. Does your hometown have a twin town?Q2. Do you think it is a good idea? Say why or why not.Q3. What happens when two towns have a town twinning agreement?Suggested answers:Q3. Two similar towns exchange people for educational, cultural and sporting events.第二种: Think of a city in China, for example, Shanghai. Does it have a sister city either in China or in the world? Can you say something about it, such as the reasons why they become twin towns?Step. While-readingAsk the students to read the passage quickly and try to answer the following questions.1. How are Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France similar?a. _b. _c. _d. _2. What is town twinning?3. What kind of person will benefit from town twinning agreements most? Why?Suggested answers:1. a. medium-sized towns of between 100,000and 200,000 inhabitants.b. have universities and industriesc. tourism is important d. close to some of the most beautiful countryside2. Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age, and which have similar features. 3. The students and people who want to practice speaking another language.Because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language, and as a result you improve fast.Step. After-readingCareful-reading for some important language points.1. Phrases. Work in groups of 4 and underline the important phrases of each paragraph.2. Sentences.翻译下列句子: Town twinning is not a new idea, but it has become more popular in recent years because its now easier to find out about and visit other countries and towns. Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age, and which have similar features such as tourism, industry, culture, and entertainment. There are visits and exchanges between schools, theatre groups and sports teams.exchange(v & n):交换,互换,交流exchange A for B exchange sth with sbId like to exchange this dress for a smaller one.我想把这件衣服换一件小点尺寸的。 They exchanged experience at the meeting.他们在会上交流经验。Exchange ideasopinions 交换意见Exchange greetings 互相问候 Town twinning agreements are perhaps most useful for students and people who want to practice speaking another language.本句为主从复合句,_引导_定语从句,修饰students and people.practicedoing sth _ This is because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language, and as a result you improve fast.本句为 and连接的并列句。在第一个分句中又含有一个由because引导的_,且该从句中又含有_引导的宾语从句。as a result _ as a result of _Step TaskWriting an advertisement for your hometown. Work in pairs. Make notes of interesting features of your hometown. Choose the features that would be most attractive to visitors. Decide what the central message of your advertisement is. Decide what pictures you want to use and where you will put them in your advertisements. Write the advertisement and put the pictures in.Step Composition 写作指导如何写好对比类的文章本模块的写作文体是对比类说明文。在生活和学习中,对比已经是人们分析问题和解决问题的重要方法和手段。对比类文章的写作策略和写作特点:1. 对比类文章开头应该开门见山地指出被比较的对象。文章条理性很强,层次分明,语言简洁,用词准确。2. 在写作中运用好简单句是必要的,但也要尝试使用复杂句。因为复杂句的运用会使句子变得简洁明了、干净利落。常用时态:一般过去时、一般现在时、现在完成式。3. 在行文中,要注意连接词的过度词的运用,这样会使文章看起来紧凑、连贯、逻辑性强。常用的连接词和过渡词如 but, whats more, as a result 等4. 对比类写作一般有两种模式:集中比较或比较(集中说明一个对象的诸种特征)逐点比较或对比(一条一条的说明比较爱哦对象的迥异)高手原创习作要求根据下列提示,请以 twin towns 为题写一片字数为 120-150 的短文1. 我国的广州市与澳大利亚的悉尼市于 1986 年 5 月缔结为好城市。从那是起,两城市每年都有很多方面的交流。2. 他们都是国际著名的商贸中心及港口城市;斗殴属于亚热带气候,冬暖夏凉,植物四季常青,因此,旅游业十分发达;3. 悉尼位于赤道以南,因此两城市的季节正好相反;4. 广州市约有 725.19 万人口,占地面积是 7434 平方千米;悉尼约有 400 万人口。占地面积是 12000 万平方千米。参考词汇: 开花 bloom; 亚热带气候 subtropical climate; 赤道 equator例文: Twin Towns The city of Guangzhou and Sydney of Australia became twin towns in May, 1986. There have been exchanges in many ways ever sinceBoth cities share something in common. Both are the worlds famous trading centers as well as busy port cities and belong to the subtropical climate. It is cool in summer and warm in winter with an ever-green scenery and flowers blooming all the year round. So tourism is important to both of them. Every year they attract millions of tourists from both at home and abroad.However, Sydney lies to the south of the equator, so the season is just opposite to Guangzhou. When its summer in Guangzhou, its winter in Sydney. Guangzhou has
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