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Animal rights protectionStudent:曹志威 tutor:熊惠民计算机科学与工程学院2013060104012IntroductionToday I will talk about the animal rights protection, the reasons and methods of protecting animal rights. Millions of years ago, both human beings animals were evolved from cells. Now, the advanced technology makes humans powerful, while animals began to be treated unfairly and great numbers of animals get killed unreasonable. How can people benefit themselves from making animals suffering? Animal rights is a idea that volunteers fight for protecting animals both on physical and psychology. In this essay, I will focus on the animal rights protection from definition, reasons, and methods. abstractAnimal rights are being violated, such as many animals are ill-treated and an amount of species are disappearing every moment.The World Conservation Conference announces the Red List each year. The list contains almost forty five thousand animals and plants. Of those, almost seventeen thousand, or about thirty eight percent, are threatened with extinction.It is necessary and urgent for people to pay attention to protect animal rights.In this essay, I will focus on the animal rights protection from definition, reasons, and methods.Keywords:animal protectionBodyA. What are animal rights?Animals have the right to enjoy peaceful lives and not to be abused. However, there are many factories, laboratories and farms forcing animals to put fixtures into the bodies of animals or eat chemical medicine. Bear bile is a kind of expensive medicine. Experts revealed that the bile-extraction technology, which was used in China years ago, made bears felt pain because of the metal tubes. According to Some information, the owners also killed the some young bears in order to get better bile. Such things also happen during animal experiments. People do cruel things in the name of science without considering the feelings of animals.“The World Conservation Conference announces the Red List each year. The list contains almost forty five thousand animals and plants. Of those, almost seventeen thousand, or about thirty eight percent, are threatened with extinction.” (http:/zhidao.baidu.com/question/76214934.html?fr=qrl&cid=951&index=1)B. Why should people protect animal rights?Why should people protect animal rights?Animal has moral rights; even they cannot claim them by themselves.Although they cannot claim that they have rights to be well protected, people will spontaneously consider protecting them.Animal has moral rights; even they cannot claim them by themselves.“Moral rights in other words, things we can rightly claim even if the law does not give its support to the claim.” (From http:/baike.baidu.com/view/2634767.htm)Animals lives are harmed because of animal luxury goods. Many animals are killed to be made into clothes and ornaments. People reported that 200 to 400 mink coats can be sold by Connecting World Trade each year. It is bad news for animals that things like fur clothes, shark fin and ivory are used to show the social status and satisfy vanity. Volunteers claimed that more than 70 million sharks were killed a year, which was wasteful and unsustainable. Usually, fishermen only cut the shark fin off, and then throw the sharks back to sea, but sharks without fin can only wait to die in the sea. Lives on the earth should be respected and no one has rights to attack other lives.C. How can people protect animal rights?How can people protect animal rights? Firstly,People can found organizations to protect animal rights.And in addition,People should really realize the importance of protecting animal rights.People should realize that it is wrong to cause unnecessary suffering to an animal, “If we hold not only that we ought to treat animals humanely but also that we should do so for the animals own sake, that such treatment is something we owe animals as their due, something that can be claim for them, something the withholding of which would be an injustice and a wrong, and not merely a harm, then it follows that we do ascribe rights to animals.”(From http:/baike.baidu.com/link?url=JYr0zYtUozk7lDXo2N7uWn1gw8X2350xV9lReNb3sOxjzSVJ00cLej8ukRtrqGlcLcvRmH173E8kGv5HQanVr_)In conclusion, animal rights should be protected by everyone. Animals can have better lives if humans consider more about the issues on abusing animal, luxury goods made from animals and animal captivity. With the effect of protecting animal rights, every life will live equally on the earth. Reference 1.http:/zhidao.baidu.com/question/76214934.html?fr=qrl&cid=951&index=12.From http:/baike.baidu.com/view/2634767.htm3.From http:/baike.baidu.com/link?url=JYr0zYtUozk7lDXo2N7uWn1gw8X2350xV9lReNb3sOxjzSVJ00cLej8ukRtrqGlcLcvRmH173E8kGv5HQanVr_
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