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学生会的老师就像这个大家庭里的家长,他(她)们慈爱而又严厉,老师们教会我们做人,教会我们学习,教会我们工作。老师对我们的关心与疼爱我们始终看在眼里,记在心里神秘岛英文读后感神秘岛是法国著名的科幻小说,以下是它的英语读后感,一起来阅读吧。神秘岛英文读后感1Confucianism, vernes works are always set wide and rich knowledge and thrilling plot and integration, the mysterious island is no exception. As a sea trilogy, three mysterious island left a deep impression on me. The mysterious island the American civil war, the troops stranded in the five southerners opportunists balloon escape route, and the south Pacific wind to a desert island. They didnt despair, from Lincoln island to wave island, from the tower of the far west river, compassion, from the fireplace to forest, unity and granite palace by wisdom and mutual help, hard-working, from nothing, became the refugees in this land of happiness. Glass, tobacco, guns, food, they can rely on their hands. The island is never easy, times of crisis, but whenever there is always a mysterious character in aid.He is the seabed 20,000 miles of captain nemo. At the end of the story, in a volcanic eruption, captain nemo at the last minute, Duncan command to save their yachts. After returning to the United States, these people belong to oneself on the land, rebuild Lincoln island, let the spirit of island. Lincoln, Read, let me have two special admire.The first is the spirit of the people. Among them are engineers, sailors, cook. Although each are not identical, professional have different personality, but they all have a passion life, risk-taking spirit. It is the spirit that, let them have the courage to live on the island of confidence; overcome all difficulties It is the spirit, and encouraging those hands to change this land, Lincoln island into a park. Secondly, it is these people, no, vernes knowledge.This book is still inherited type novels of unreal, but not too from reality, Wisdom, but not boring. Gunpowder, guns, battery and sailing, verne with concise language, their characteristics and even making method. Read the mystical island , you can understand the oceans, physics, chemical, biology etc. Various disciplines of knowledge. Such knowledge, dont you admire? Say so many, I this book has not a common love, but admire. I love science to all who love novels, also recommended the mysterious island .神秘岛英文读后感2Recently, I read a book called the mysterious island, feeling quite a lot.This book is about the five characters in a balloon has been attacked by the storm, was forced to land on a desert island. When I first got to the desert island, the island is nothing, five characters on their own wisdom, diligence and hands, and finally created a unique island.Reading the story, look at the actual life, in real life, we dont lack anything, but why we didnt create the miracle? Is it we dont have the characters in the book smart? I dont think so, it should be as hard because we dont have them, they did not afraid of hard, so we didnt create a miracle. Although five character in the story with others to help in case of difficulty, like people walking in the night also need lighting lamp, it can not cover up their effort is fundamental to success.Five characters in the story, is in trouble again and again, the five characters by their own hands and wisdom, time and time again out of the dilemma. Look at the actual life, we have a time and again in trouble, we have again and again out of the dilemma? My guess is that most people are not out of trouble, but chose to give up. Why the same but have different ending? There is only one answer, that is, we dont have the characters of determination.My friends, let us from now on, begin from myself, like five characters in the book, by his own wisdom, diligence and hands, to overcome the difficulties one by one, in life to create miracles!神秘岛英文读后感3Today, I began to read one of the famous writer Jules verne long stories: the mysterious island.The first chapter of this book: landing on a desert island, using the flashback sequence. Say first five passengers carrying a hot air balloon fell on a deserted island, but a passenger and his dog was missing. In the second chapter is the identity of the five people. It turns out that they are engineers Cyrus, his servant naboo, journalists he lai, sailors and rove and his assistant, Herbert. Engineers have captured life and journalists can not stand, and the other three together on the balloon.The third and fourth chapter is about the engineer and his dog fell out from the eyes of the net heat and four other passengers landed safely. So, they have found a hiding place and decided to find an engineer.The fifth chapter is about they didnt find Cyrus, dont fire is a problem. In the end, they use rich knowledge and superhuman wisdom lighted the fire. The sixth chapter mainly write how do they get food.In the beginning of this book, I developed an interest in it, because in some places in the book is very interesting, for exampl
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