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学生会的老师就像这个大家庭里的家长,他(她)们慈爱而又严厉,老师们教会我们做人,教会我们学习,教会我们工作。老师对我们的关心与疼爱我们始终看在眼里,记在心里秘书面试英语口语大全1、What sort of responsibilities does this secretarys job involve?贵公司的秘书工作有哪些职责? job is handling routine tasks,such as typing letters and documents,receiving visitors,answering phone calls and so on.这项工作要处理日常常规工作,如打印信件和文件、接待来客、接电话等等。 think Ill get familiar in no time.我想我很快会熟悉的。,how is your English ability?Do you think you could handle telephone calls in English?此外,你英语水平如何?你能用英语打电话吗? think IEnglish scores were always on the top three of my class of 40 at school.我想我能,我的英语成绩在我班40名同学中一直是前三名。 am afraid you cant file in English.恐怕你不会用英语处理文件。 Id be glad to learn,sir.但我很愿学,先生。 see in your application that youve several years experience in secretarialkind of work were you doing at your previous employers company?从你的申请材料中看出你有多年秘书经历,你在以前的公司做什么工作? was in charge of the office in a generalsupervised three other girls and also took care of the companys correspondence.我负责一般日常工作。我督导其他三位女职员,我还负责处理公司的函件。 you take shorthand and do all the typing?你工作中用速记吗?是否承担所有打字任务? typed all the letters that went out of thewas the only one there who could take shorthand.办公室发出的函件都由我打。我是办公室中惟一会速记的人。 is your shorthand?你的速记速度如何? can take dictation at ordinary speed.我能听写记录正常速度的口授。 courses have you taken in English Secretarial Studies?你在英文秘书方面修了哪些课程?ve taken such courses as secretarial principles,office ad-ministration,business English,public relations,etiquette study,psychology,computer programming,typing,stenography,and file-keeping.我修了秘书原理、办公管理、商务英语、公共关系学、礼仪学、心理学、计算机编程、打字、速记和档案管理。 you operate any office machines?你能操作办公设备吗? can type 60 words per minute,and take dictation in English at 100 words per minute.我每分钟能打60个字,每分钟可用英文记录口授100字。 can operate a facsimile machine and a photostat.我会操作传真机和复印机。时间如白驹过隙,弹指间,我已在学生会工作了一年。这其中有酸有甜有苦也有辣,然而这就是生活,过于平淡倒显得无味,酸甜苦辣俱全方能体现出人生的多彩,方能值得回味,方能使人进步!
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