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成员: 许如学1340920001 王登权1340920009,Biological terrorism,1,Introduction to biological terrorism,The kinds of biological terrorism agents,History and present situation,The characteristics of the attack,Measures to prevent,2,Introduction to biological terrorism,The so-called biological terrorism is based on some political purpose .They use pathogenic microorganisms or biological toxin as agents to do some terrorist attacks, resulting in the outbreak of infectious diseases among plants and animals. poisoning, causing large casualties, economic losses and social instability.,3,The target of biological terrorism mainly includes: large public places, politically sensitive places, military targets, economic center, large bodies of water or the source of water and packinghouse.,4,The biological terrorism usually has three types: Firstly ,public biological terrorism . They have obvious attacks. Second , hidden biological terrorism. The third is the threat warning or information about biological terrorism, but have not yet happened.,5,Real development and the use of microbes as weapons, began in the first world war. Japaneses 731 troops. Since 1935, the Japanese troop stayed in northeast area of China to produce of yersinia pestis(鼠疫杆菌), vibrio cholera(霍乱弧菌), typhoid and paratyphoid salmonella(伤寒和副伤寒沙门氏菌), shigella(痢疾杆菌) and use chinese body as an instrument of experiment. After the successful development, they sprinkle it to the water, marsh area and residential area to make these areas break out horrible illness and caused military and civilian deaths.,History and present situation,6,The USA made an evaluation that if some one releases 100 kilograms of bacillus anthracis(炭疽) aerosols (气溶胶) by the wind cast in the Washington . These action may lead to 1 to 3 million people been killed. The consequences are similar to a hydrogen bomb explosion. Nowadays, there are different forms of terrorism. Biological terrorism is not exception too. therefore perfect the biological defense is a strategic issue of national health security. It is important to Chinese sustainable development and national security,7,the kinds of biological terrorism agents,1、 Bacteria,Bacterial agents are the main biological attacks. Mainly includes: Bacillus anthracis, yersinia pestis, brucella(布鲁氏菌), soil Frances bacteria(土拉弗郎西丝菌), druze pseudomonas(鼻疽假单胞菌)and so on.,8,2、The virus Such as HIV, avian flu virus,9,3、biotoxin(生物毒素) The wide range of biological toxins include almost all types of compounds. its biological activity are complex and also make an effect on human physiological function. Agents which can be used as biotoxin are:tetanus toxin(破伤风毒素),cyanobacterial toxins(蓝藻毒素) west poison(西加毒素), tetrodotoxin (河豚毒素), single-ended spore fungus toxin(单端孢真菌毒素), acacia bean toxin(相思豆毒素)and so on.,10,4、rickettsia(立克次体) Patients is a kind of obligate parasitic prokaryotes(原核生物) in eukaryotic cells. It is between bacteria and viruses and close to the category of prokaryotes bacteria. The rickettsia which can be biological agents are states rickettsia and platts rickettsia. They can spread via the respiratory tract, the digestive tract, skin, mosquitoes infect . Its infectivity is strong.,11,The characteristics of biological terrorism,1.Wide range of infectious and long-term harmfulness. In the 1970 s, the world health organization (WHO) has estimated:50 kilograms of bacillus sprinkle by aircraft over a city with a population of 5 million. If they do not be treated, there will be 100 000 people die.,12,2、Easy production, low cost Things used in the production of pathogenic microorganisms nutrients mainly are various types of culture medium and small experimental animals. Their sources are wide and need few money. The production technology is easy and can be make in any place When microorganisms stay in full nutrition and appropriate temperature, they can make offspring every ten minutes. they can produce generation over and over as geometric growth. The monthly production is considerable,13,3、Strong elusive, facilitate a surprise attack Generally, Biological agents do not need special casting equipment. There are varies casting methods. so it is possible to do it secret. Practitioners can escape the scene unnotice. Especially, The biological preparation aerosol are colourless, odourless, invisible and intangible. People stay in the environment which full of agents aerosol can not realize. And those attacks may occur at any time, any place. It is almost impossible to do some preparations.,14,4、Lack of effective means of treatment and control Today, we do not have specific medicine to cure human diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Such as HIV caused by virus, After more than 30 years of research, people still cant find effective treatment and control methods.,15,Measures to prevent,1.Perfect the policies ,regulations and defense system 2.Increase human resources 3.To strengthen the necessary technology and material reserves 4.To strengthen diseas
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