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1. Where does the Mekong River begin and end? 2. Which countries does the Mekong River flow through?,China,Laos,Thailand,Cambodia,Vietnam,South China Sea,Myanmar,The Mekong River flows through,3. What is the river called in China?,the Lancang River 澜沧江,In China it is called,In other countries, it is called,the Mekong River,4. Do you want to travel along the Mekong River? And why?,1. I can let more people realize the importance of keeping the balance of nature(保持生态平衡). 2. I can better understand the history and culture of our country. 3. I can know something about other countries along the river.,Our country is great. We are proud that we are Chinese, so we should learn more about the history and culture of our country. At the same time, we should accept something good of other countries so that we can broaden our international horizons(开阔国际视野).,Journey down the Mekong,(Part I: the dream and the plan),Learning goals(学习目标): 1. Learn something about travel and the Mekong River and know some new words about it. 2. Use some reading skills(技巧)to finish the tasks about the passage. 3. Enrich(丰富) your knowledge about travel and the Mekong River in order to broaden your horizons(开阔眼界).,Skimming(略读) for main idea,Find out the main idea of each paragraph段落and the whole passage: Paragraph 1: _ Paragraph 2:_ Paragraph 3:_ The whole passage:_ The preparations(准备) before the trip and details about the Mekong River. B. Dream and plan. C. Different attitudes(态度) between Wang Kun and Wang Wei. D. Wang Kun and his sisters dream and their preparations for it.,B,C,A,D,Scanning(查读)for information you need,1. Answer the questions What was Wang Kun and Wang Weis dream? Who planned the trip to the Mekong? Where is the source of the Mekong River and which sea does it enter?,To take a great bike trip,Wang Wei,Qinghai Province the South China Sea,T or F (correct the wrong ones), Dao Wei and Yu Hang belong to the Han nationality(民族). Some of the Dai live in Western Yunnan Province. The Mekong River is in China and it includes(包括)the Lancang River. Although it is not easy to travel along the Mekong River, Wang Wei insisted on(坚持) doing so. The Tibetan Mountain where the Mekong River begins is 5,000 meters high.,F,T,F,T,F,Careful reading Paragraph 1,Wang Wei, Wang Kun, their cousins,after graduating from college,by bike,along the entire Mekong River,have dreamed about a great bike trip.,We finally got the chance to ,She bought . Then she persuaded ,She visited our cousins,planning our schedule for ,Paragraph 2: Different attitudes,Wang Kun: _ Wang Wei:_ 1 not care about details 2 suggest looking at a map before a trip 3 not change her mind 4 worry about the cold weather and the high altitude 5 be excited about adventures (冒险) 6 give in,2. 4. 6,1. 3. 5,Group work,Wang Wei believes 1. They must _ _ _ where the river begins in order to see all of the Mekong. 2. They dont need to _ much. Wang Kun believes 1. It is too _ _ _ to start in Qinghai. 2. _ _ _ _ is very important. Your attitude _,Wang Wei believes 1.They must _ _ _ where the river begins in order to see all of the Mekong. 2. They dont need to _ much.,start in Qinghai,prepare,cold and high,Looking at a map,Wang Kun believes. 1. It is too _ _ _ to start in Qinghai. 2. _ _ _ _ is very important.,your attitude?,It sounds a wonderful trip and I would like to be able to do a trip like that myself some day. Because it can build up my body and character(增强体质,磨练意志).,my attitude:,Nature is beautiful. Explore it, and we can benefit from it. 大自然是美好的;探索它,我们就能从中受益,Sort out(分类) the adjectives (形容词)to describe(描述)Wang Weis and Wang Kuns characters(性格). determined有决心的 stubborn 顽固的 cautious 谨慎的 prepared有准备的 brave careless serious 严肃认真的 adventurous冒险的,Wang Wei Wang Kun determined determined brave brave stubborn prepared careless cautious adventurous serious,Their characters,When we face difficulties, what should we be?,1.What did Wang Wei and Wang Kun refer to (查阅) before the journey ? 2. What did they find?,Paragraph 3: The preparations before the trip and details about the Mekong River.,a large atlas,It begins in a _ on a _ _.,glacier,Tibetan,mountain,Then it _ quickly. It becomes as it passes through deep , traveling across western _ _.,moves,rapids,valleys,Yunnan Province,Sometimes, the river becomes a _ and enters _ _ .,wide valleys,waterfall,After it leaves China and high altitude and enters Southeast Asia, it makes wide _ and _ through _ _ to the _where rice grows.,valleys,plains,meanders,bends,low,At last, the river enters the South China Sea.,delta,Words
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