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Leon: The Professional,(这个杀手不太冷),This is a story about the love between a girl and a killer,这是关于一个女孩和一个杀手之间的爱情故事,Mathilda is a little girl ,but miserable experience makes her beyond the age of maturity. 玛蒂达是个小女孩,但悲惨的经历使她有着超乎年龄的成熟。,Leon is a lonely occupation killer. His best friend is a potted plant. 里昂是名孤独的职业杀手,他最好的朋友是一株盆栽。,One day, Mathildas family was killed. 一天,玛蒂达的家人被杀害。,When Mathilda knocked at the door, Leon opened the door and saved her life. 当玛蒂达敲门时,里昂打开了门救了她的生命。,At the same time ,the girl walked into his life. 与此同时,这个女孩走进他的生活。,Mathilda asked Leon to teach her to be a killer, revenged for his brother, then Leon took her. From then on, Leons life became more colorful. 玛蒂达要求里昂教她成为一个杀手,为她的弟弟报仇,里昂收留了她。从此,里昂的生活多了一些色彩。,Gradually, Mathilda fell in love with Leon, Leon protected her from harm. Leon also fell in love with Mathilda, because Mathilda let him review the pleasures of life and feel the sweet of love. 渐渐地,玛蒂达爱上了里昂,里昂保护她不受到伤害。里昂也爱上了玛蒂达,因为玛蒂达让他重温了生活的乐趣,感受到了爱情的甜美。,Mathilda to revenge but was caught, Leon arrived in time to save her. But later attracted more police, Leon in order to complete the wish of Mathilda, detonated the grenades and ended up with Stansfield.,玛蒂达贸然报仇反而被抓,里昂及时赶到将她救回去。但是后来招来了更多警察,里昂为了完成玛蒂达的愿望,引爆了身上的手榴弹和和史丹菲尔同归于尽。,The plant finally has roots,just like Leon. 植物终于有根,就像里昂.,Thank you for your watching.,
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